Undergraduate qualifications

Agriculture and environmental sciences interest fields

How do my career interests link with this field?

Read the following statements and select the statements that apply to you. The more statements you choose that apply to you, the higher your interest in this career field.

Agriculture and environmental sciences
(main motivation: environmental care and working outdoors)

  • agriculture
  • caring for the environment
  • developing sustainable resources
  • fixing things
  • life sciences
  • physical activity
  • working with animals
  • working with clothing
  • working with my hands
  • working with plants

Career fields, possible job titles and work environments

The following is a list of career areas linked to agriculture and environmental sciences. Click on the career field to read more about the field, possible job titles and work environments. Occupations in high demand according to the National List of Occupations in High Demand: 2024 are marked with an *.

Remember that this information is a starting point for exploring options related to specific career fields. You will need to expand your research as you continue your studies. Download the Career research document to learn more about finding information related to your career decision. 

Agriculture and animal health

Agricultural studies focus on how to produce, finance, manage and market agricultural products, breed farm animals and promote the health and well-being of animals, and cultivate plants. Additionally, agricultural studies focus on knowledge of natural resource management and the environmental and community issues impacting agricultural production such as soil, forests, wildlife, plant pests/diseases, processing of food/value adding and socio-economic aspects.

Animal Health is a para-veterinary field focused on the detection, control, and prevention plus management of both controlled and non-controlled animal diseases. The field also focuses on veterinary public health which involves the understanding and application of veterinary medical science to enhance the complete physical, mental, and social well-being of humans. Graduates in animal health bridge the gap between rural communities, farmers and veterinarians.

Animal Welfare is also a para-veterinary field that focuses on ensuring that companion animals (horses, cats and dogs) are treated with respect, compassion and care and that their physical and mental well-being are protected and promoted.  

Animal and Plant Sciences are foundational to agricultural research, development and production. Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Management Sciences offer the pertinent tools for effective control and management within the agricultural sector.

Related job titles

Visit the National Career Advice Portal for more information about these occupations.

  • Agriculture advisor
  • Agricultural economist
  • Agricultural laboratory technician
  • Agriculture consultant  *
  • Agriculture development officer
  • Agriculture extension officer
  • Agriculture learning officer
  • Agriculture marketing specialist
  • Agricultural produce inspector
  • Agricultural research technician
  • Agricultural scientist *
  • Animal welfare assistant
  • Agricultural technician
  • Animal breeder
  • Animal health technician
  • Animal scientist
  • Animal welfare assistant (with Higher Certificate)
  • Development officer
  • Extension officer
  • Farm manager  *
  • Farming scientist
  • Feedlot manager
  • Field production officer
  • Food safety consultant
  • Laboratory manager
  • Laboratory technician
  • Meat inspector
  • Pharmaceutical representative
  • Plant scientist
  • Research and development technician
  • Research and development manager *
  • Stock farm manager
  • Veterinary welfare assistant

Possible work environments related to agriculture and animal health

  • Agribusiness organisations
  • Agricultural research facilities
  • Animal sanctuaries
  • Animal welfare organisations
  • Government (local, national or provincial)
  • Higher education institutions (public and private universities, universities of technology & colleges)
  • Research councils (eg South African Agricultural Research Council)
  • SABS
  • Veterinary practices (as a veterinary assistant)

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Consumer sciences

Consumer Sciences focuses on the study of consumer behaviour and the applied sciences in the disciplines of food, nutrition, hospitality management and clothing and textiles. This field integrates knowledge of how consumers make decisions, their needs and preferences, and the factors influencing their purchasing habits. The qualifications offer the student entrepreneurial and/or employment opportunities in organisations in the public or private sectors.

Related job titles

Visit the National Career Advice Portal for more information about these occupations.

  • Brand manager
  • Clothing/fashion buyer and merchandiser
  • Consumer educator
  • Consumer journalist
  • Consumer advisor
  • Entrepreneur
  • Events manager *
  • Events planner
  • Fashion consultant
  • Fashion designer *
  • Fashion educator
  • Fashion marketing manager
  • Hospitality manager
  • Lecturer (university) *
  • Merchandising manager
  • Researcher
  • Research assistant

Possible work environments related to consumer sciences

  • Clothing and clothing construction companies
  • Community-based organisations
  • Food, nutrition and catering companies
  • Food processing factories
  • Research organisations
  • Research organisations related to consumer behaviour and the promotion of products
  • Higher education institutions (public and private universities, universities of technology & colleges)
  • Training institutions

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Environmental management

Several career opportunities have arisen as a result of sustainability concerns, focusing on managing our natural resources for future generations. The environment offers many exciting, interesting and satisfying career choices across a wide range of fields and disciplines. A career in the environmental field is rewarding because you can contribute to the maintenance and conservation of essential life systems necessary for our survival. Additionally, a career in environmental management will enable you to address global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, making a significant impact on the health and well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

There are two main routes you can follow:

  • the social environmental perspective or
  • the environmental science perspective

These two perspectives complement one another, and effective environmental management combines both.

Related job titles

Visit the National Career Advice Portal for more information about these occupations.

  • Environmental assessment practitioner
  • Environmental campaign co-ordinator
  • Environmental consultant
  • Environmental impact and restoration analyst *
  • Environmental educator
  • Environmental manager *
  • Environmental researcher
  • Environmental planner
  • Environmental scientist *
  • Environmental technologist
  • Environmental liaison officer

Possible work environments related to environmental management

  • Community-based organisations
  • Environmental impact assessment and research organisations
  • Government (local, national or provincial)
  • Publishers
  • Tourism organisations

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Geography deals with the world around us. Studying geography will help you understand why places are the way they are and what role humans, places, phenomena and processes play in continually shaping the world we live in. Of particular importance is our focus on the interaction between people and their environment to make sense of our world. Geography may be taken as a major in the general BSc or BA programmes as well as the Environmental Management Programme.

Related job titles

Visit the National Career Advice Portal for more information about these occupations.

  • Cartographer
  • Community liaison officer
  • Disaster risk management analyst
  • Environmental officer
  • Environmental scientist *
  • Geospatial analyst
  • Geopolitical analyst
  • Geomorphologist
  • Environmental consultant
  • Environmental manager *
  • Planning and development surveyor
  • Transport planner
  • Geographic Information Systems analyst
  • Geographic Information Systems technician *
  • Hydrologist *
  • Urban planner
  • Tourism officer
  • Geographer within a variety of social and/or natural sciences fields

Possible work environments related to geography

  • Government departments, provincial administrations and municipalities
  • Private industries such as travel agencies, manufacturing firms, property development corporations and communication firms
  • Private rural and urban planning firms
  • Research institutions such as the CSIR

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Life sciences

Life sciences focus on the biological sciences and include fields such as botany, biochemistry, biomedical sciences, biotechnology, genetics, microbiology, physiology, and zoology. Specialists in these fields can be found in a variety of working environments, including hospitals, food manufacturing, the pharmaceutical industry, diagnostic and research laboratories (government and independent), research institutes, and forensic investigations. Professionals in these fields play a critical role in advancing our understanding of living organisms, developing new medical treatments, improving agricultural practices, and solving complex biological problems. Their work contributes to health, environmental sustainability, and scientific innovation.

Related job titles

Visit the National Career Advice Portal for more information about these occupations.

  • Biochemist *
  • Biotechnologist *
  • Botanist
  • Ecologist
  • Food and beverage scientist *
  • Forensic analyst
  • Forensic technician (biology, toxicology) *
  • General biologist *
  • Geneticist
  • Laboratory technician
  • Microbiologist
  • Pharmaceutical sales representative
  • Physiologist
  • Quality analyst
  • Quality systems manager *
  • Researcher
  • Research assistant
  • Research and development manager *
  • Zoologist *

Possible work environments related to life sciences

  • Agricultural companies
  • Breweries
  • Chemical manufacturers
  • Dairy, food and meat processing plants
  • Government departments (eg Trade and Industry, Health, Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Water Affairs and Forestry)
  • Health maintenance organisations
  • Hospitals and pathology laboratories
  • Leather manufacturers
  • Museums
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Public organisations (eg National Botanical Institute and the National Parks Board)
  • Pulp and paper processing industries
  • Regional government and councils
  • Research and development laboratories
  • Research organisations (medical, industrial, agricultural, mining)
  • SAPS

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Nature conservation

Nature conservationists contribute to the conservation and management of protected and natural areas. The focus of the programme is on all components of the ecosystem and their response to changes in both natural and anthropogenically modified landscapes. Students will develop an understanding of ecology, ecosystems and scientifically based conservation and wildlife management to ensure biodiversity and sustainability.

Related job titles

Visit the National Career Advice Portal for more information about these occupations.

  • Conservation manager or researcher or technician
  • Environmental educator
  • Field guide
  • Game ranger
  • Museum curator (natural resources)
  • Nature conservationist
  • Natural resource conservationist
  • Natural resources consultant
  • Social ecologist
  • Veld manager
  • Wildlife manager
  • Zoo keeper

Possible work environments related to nature conservation

  • Government departments (eg Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Department of Tourism)
  • Municipalities and regional service councils
  • National Parks Board
  • Provincial authorities

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Ornamental horticulture

An Ornamental Horticulturist is knowledgeable in the propagation, cultivation, marketing and maintenance of ornamental plants used in landscaped areas including home gardens, industrial sites, botanical gardens and public open spaces. They have extensive ornamental plant knowledge.

Ornamental horticulture focuses on breeding, propagating and growing ornamental plants while landscape horticulture focuses on designing, implementing and maintaining landscapes using plants in artistic and pleasing ways. Ornamental horticulture also includes the basic principles of plant science and the use of plants.

If you love the idea of working with plants and other natural objects as well as with people, then this programme of study may be right for you.

Related job titles

Visit the National Career Advice Portal for more information about these occupations.

  • Botanic garden manager or curator
  • City council parks and recreation manager
  • Garden centre or retail nursery assistant owner or manager
  • Horticultural consultant or technician horticulturist
  • Landscape design, installation or maintenance specialist
  • Plant propagator
  • Plant breeder

Possible work environments related to ornamental horticulture

  • Agricultural companies
  • Agricultural holdings
  • Forestry and fisheries
  • Fruit, vegetable and flower farms
  • Government departments (eg Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Department of Agriculture, Department of Land Affairs, Department of Public Works)
  • Local government
  • Manufacturers of pesticides, fungicides and fertilisers
  • National Parks Board
  • Nurseries and botanical gardens
  • Pharmaceutical companies, private clinics and practices
  • Research institutes
  • Research institutions
  • Seed production companies
  • Sports clubs and public or private recreational facilities

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Further career information