
Innovative in teaching and learning

As a comprehensive university, Unisa offers both vocational and academic programmes from the level of undergraduate and postgraduate certificates and diplomas to degrees, and also postgraduate diplomas, master's and doctoral qualifications. Unisa also offers short learning programmes targeting specific needs of industry and civil society. As a comprehensive, open, distance and e-Learning pioneer, Unisa is known for delivering well-designed, interactive study material.

A wide-ranging menu of support services cater for the needs of its diverse student population, which includes tutorials, peer-group support, video conferences and satellite broadcasts to a virtual learning environment and Unisa's "classroom" known as myUnisa. myUnisa allows students to engage with their lecturers and e-tutors, and to participate in discussion forums and wikis, among others.

Students can enrol for learning programmes in a wide spectrum of disciplines.


Unisa has nine colleges, comprising the following:

College of Accounting Sciences

The College of Accounting Sciences (CAS) strives for excellence in accounting education. It is well positioned in the higher education sector and offers high-quality qualifications, accredited by the Council of Higher Education, including several qualifications endorsed by professional bodies, both nationally and internationally.

Currently CAS enrols, on average, 40% of all accounting students in South Africa and produces 20% of accounting graduates.


  • School of Accountancy
  • School of Applied Accountancy

College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

The College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES) offers a rich range of programmes from the "green sciences" that promote sustainable environmental management to animal health, agricultural management, horticulture, geography, life sciences and consumer sciences, which focus on food, nutrition and hospitality.

On offer are BSc degrees in Agricultural Science (three streams), Postgraduate Diplomas in Agriculture (four streams) and Bachelor of Consumer Science degrees (six streams).

Together with the College of Science, Engineering and Technology (see below), CAES is housed at Unisa’s Science Campus in Florida, Johannesburg, offering 25 individual laboratories, two level-three biosafety laboratories and a comprehensive horticulture centre.


  • School of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • School of Environmental Sciences 

College of Economic and Management Sciences

The College of Economic and Management Sciences (CEMS) is the largest provider of business education in Africa and one of the largest in the world. 

Currently some 70 000 students enrol for the college’s formal qualification. One out of every four BCom degrees awarded by South African universities goes to a Unisa graduate.

The college constantly conducts intensive research in the private and public sectors to establish the relevance and usefulness of its degrees and courses.


  • School of Economic and Financial Sciences
  • School of Management Sciences
  • School of Public and Operations Management

College of Education

The largest of Unisa’s college’s with close on 95 000 students, the College of Education (CEDU) is responsible for the professional education and training of close to 50% of all teachers in South Africa.


  • School of Educational Management
  • School of Teacher Education

College of Human Sciences

The College of Human Sciences (CHS) offers high-quality general academic and career-focused programmes in the arts and humanities, social sciences, education, religion and theology.


  • School of Arts
  • School of Humanities
  • School of Social Sciences

College of Law

The College of Law (CLAW) confers professional qualifications that provide access to the legal profession, as well as various career-based qualifications in subjects such as police practice. The college has well qualified and experienced academics in a variety of disciplines, and with more than 82 000 students, it is the largest faculty of law in Southern Africa and in Africa.


  • School of Law
  • School of Criminal Justice

College of Science, Engineering and Technology

Offering learning programmes in a range of science, engineering and technology disciplines, the College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) opens the door to a variety of exciting careers in industry, education, and basic or applied research. Together with the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (see above), CSET is housed at Unisa’s Science Campus in Florida, Johannesburg, offering state-of-the-art laboratories and high-end equipment, thereby advancing science education and research at a national level.


  • School of Computing
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Science

College of Graduate Studies

The College of Graduate Studies (CGS) forms part of Unisa’s Research and Innovation Portfolio and differs from the other colleges in that it doesn’t offer graduate programmes. Instead, it provides a range of research training programmes, enrichment activities and support mechanisms to assist postgraduate students and contribute to the development of researchers. The college provides a virtual research platform for postgraduate students in all colleges, thus promoting both interdisciplinary and research excellence.

As Unisa’s answer to the national imperative to increase the number of doctoral graduates and provide for high-calibre researchers, CGS is also responsible for the administrative registration and examination processes and the facilitation of the research training of some 12 000 master’s and doctoral candidates that represent a large slice of the research potential in South African universities.


  • School of Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Studies

Graduate School of Business Leadership

Regarded as one of the top business schools in South Africa, the Graduate School of Business Leadership has produced more than a third of all the MBL/MBA degrees awarded by South African universities since its inception, with many alumni holding senior positions in world-class companies.

Its flagship programmes are the Master of Business Leadership and the Doctor of Business Leadership.

Ukusungula ekufundiseni nasekufundeni

Njengemfundo ephakeme ephelele, i-Unisa inikeza kokubili izinhlelo zemisebenzi yezandla nezemfundo kusukela ezingeni lezitifiketi kanye namadiploma aphansi kweziqu kanye neziqu zemfundo ephakeme kuya kuziqu, kanye namadiploma emfundo ephakeme, iziqu zobumpetha neziqu zobudokotela. I-Unisa iphinde ihlinzeke ngezinhlelo zokufunda ezimfishane ezibheke izidingo ezithile zezimboni nezinhlaka zomphakathi. Njengengqalabutho ephelele, evulekile, ekude nesikhungo futhi efundisa nge-inthanethi, i-Unisa yaziwa ngokuletha okokufunda okwenziwe kahle nokusebenzisanayo.

Uhlelo oluhlukahlukene lwezinsizakalo zokusekela lubhekelela izidingo zabafundi balo abahlukahlukene, okuhlanganisa okokufundisa, ukwesekwa kwamaqembu ontanga, izinkomfa zevidiyo nokusakazwa ngesathelayithi endaweni yokufunda kanye "nekilasi" lase-Unisa elaziwa ngokuthi i-myUnisa. I-myUnisa ivumela abafundi ukuthi bahlanganyele nabafundisi babo kanye nabafundisi be-inthanethi, futhi babambe iqhaza ezinkundleni zezingxoxo nama -wiki, phakathi kokunye.

Abafundi bangabhalisela izinhlelo zokufunda emikhakheni ehlukahlukene.


I-Unisa inamakolishi ayisishiyagalolunye, ahlanganisa okulandelayo:

Ikolishi Yesayensi Yezokubalwa Kwezimali

Ikolishi Yesayensi Yezokubalwa Kwezimali (CAS) ilwela ukwenza kahle emfundweni yokubalwa kwezimali. Ibekwe kahle emkhakheni wezemfundo ephakeme futhi inikeza iziqu zeqophelo eliphezulu, ezigunyazwe uMkhandlu Wezemfundo Ephakeme, okuhlanganisa neziqu ezimbalwa ezigunyazwe yizinhlangano zochwepheshe, ezweni lonke nasemhlabeni wonke.

Njengamanje i-CAS ibhalisa, ngokwesilinganiso, i-40% yabo bonke abafundi besifundo sokubalwa kwezimali eNingizimu Afrika futhi ikhiqiza ama-20% wabafundi abaneziqu zokubalwa kwezimali.


  • Isikole Sokubalwa Kwezimali
  • Isikole Sokubalwa Kwezimali Okusetshenziswayo

Ikolishi Lezolimo Nesayensi Yezemvelo

IKolishi Lezolimo Nesayensi Yezemvelo (CAES) lihlinzeka ngohlu lwezinhlelo eziningi ezivela “kusayensi eluhlaza” ezikhuthaza ukuphathwa kwemvelo okusimeme kuye empilweni yezilwane, ukuphathwa kwezolimo, ukulima kwezitshalo, ezezwe, isayensi yempilo kanye nesayensi yabathengi, ezigxile ekudleni, umsoco. kanye nokungenisa izihambi.

Okunikezwayo kukhona iziqu ze-BSc kuSayensi yezoLimo (izifundo ezifundiswayo ezintathu), amaDiploma emfundo ephakeme kweZolimo (izifundo ezifundiswayo ezine) kanye neziqu zeSayensi yaBathengi (izifundo ezifundiswayo eziyisithupha).

Sisonke neKolishi Lesayensi, Ubunjiniyela Nobuchwepheshe (bheka ngezansi), i-CAES igcinwe e-Unisa eKhampasini Yesayensi eFlorida, eGoli, sihlinzeka ngezindawo zemishini yokwenza okwesayensi ezingama-25, izindawo zemishini yokwenza okwesayensi ezimbili zezinga lesithathu zezokuphepha kanye nesikhungo esiphelele sezokulima.


  • Isikole seSayensi Yempilo neZolimo
  • Isikole seSayensi Yezemvelo

Ikolishi Lesayensi Yezomnotho Nokuphatha

Ikolishi Lesayensi Yezomnotho Nokuphatha (CEMS) lingumhlinzeki omkhulu wemfundo yezamabhizinisi e-Afrika futhi lingelinye lamakhulu emhlabeni.

Njengamanje babalelwa ku-70 000 abafundi ababhalisele iziqu ezisemthethweni zasekolishi. Iziqu ze-BCom eyodwa kwezine ezinikezwa izimfundo eziphakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika ziya kophumelele e-Unisa.

Ikolishi lihlala lenza ucwaningo olunzulu emikhakheni ezimele nekahulumeni ukuze lithole ukubaluleka nokuba wusizo kweziqu nezifundo zalo.


  • Isikole Sesayensi Yezomnotho Nezimali
  • Isikole Sesayensi Yokuphatha
  • Isikole Sokuphathwa Komphakathi kanye Nemisebenzi

Ikolishi Lemfundo

Ikolishi elikhulu kunawo wonke lase-Unisa elinabafundi abacishe babe ngu-95 000, iKolishi Lezemfundo (CEDU) libhekele imfundo nokuqeqeshwa kwabo bonke othisha abasondele ku-50% eNingizimu Afrika.


  • Isikole Sokuphathwa Kwezemfundo
  • Isikole Semfundo Yothisha

IKolishi Lesayensi Yesintu

IKolishi Lesayensi Yesintu (CHS) linikela ngezinhlelo ezijwayelekile zemfundo ephezulu kanye nezigxile kwezobuciko nobuntu, isayensi yezenhlalo, imfundo, inkolo kanye nemfundiso yenkolo.


  • Isikole Sobuciko
  • Isikole Sesintu
  • Isikole Sesayensi Yenhlalo

IKolishi Lomthetho

Ikolishi Lomthetho (CLAW) linikeza iziqu zobungcweti ezinikeza ukufinyelela kumkhakha wezomthetho, kanye neziqu ezehlukene ezisekelwe ezifundweni ezifana nokusebenza kwamaphoyisa. Ikolishi linezifundiswa eziqeqeshwe kahle nezinolwazi emikhakheni eyahlukene, futhi njengoba linabafundi abangaphezu kuka-82 000, liyisikhungo esikhulu kunazo zonke sezomthetho e-Afrika eseNingizimu nase-Afrika.


  • Isikole Somthetho
  • Isikole Sobulungiswa Bobugebengu

IKolishi Yesayensi, Ubunjiniyela noBuchwepheshe

Ukuhlinzeka ngezinhlelo zokufunda emikhakheni ehlukene yesayensi, ubunjiniyela nobuchwepheshe, iKolishi Lesayensi, Ubunjiniyela Nobuchwepheshe (CSET) livula umnyango wemisebenzi ehlukahlukene ethokozisayo embonini, emfundweni, kanye nocwaningo oluyisisekelo noma olusetshenziswayo. Lihlangene neKolishi Lezolimo Nesayensi Yezemvelo (bheka ngenhla), i-CSET igcinwe e-Unisa eKhampasini Yesayensi eFlorida, eGoli, ihlinzeka ngezindawo zemishini yokwenza okwesayensi ezisecophelweni eliphezulu kanye nemishini esezingeni eliphezulu, ngaleyo ndlela ithuthukise imfundo yesayensi nocwaningo ezingeni likazwelonke.


  • Isikole Sobukhompyutha
  • Isikole Sobunjiniyela
  • Isikole Sesayensi

IKolishi Lezifundo Zeziqu

IKolishi Lezifundo Zeziqu liyingxenye yePhothifoliyo Yocwaningo Nokusungula e-Unisa futhi yehlukile kwamanye amakolishi ngoba ayinikezi izinhlelo zeziqu. Kunalokho, lihlinzeka ngohlu lwezinhlelo zokuqeqesha ucwaningo, imisebenzi yokucebisa kanye nezindlela zokweseka ukusiza abafundi abathola iziqu zemfundo ephakeme kanye neqhaza ekuthuthukisweni kwabacwaningi. Ikolishi lihlinzeka ngenkundla yocwaningo olubonakalayo lwabafundi abathola iziqu zemfundo ephakeme kuwo wonke amakolishi, ngaleyo ndlela likhuthaze kokubili imikhakha eyahlukene kanye nokuphumelela kocwaningo.

Njengempendulo ye-Unisa esihlokweni sikazwelonke sokwandisa isibalo sabafundi abaphothule izifundo zobudokotela kanye nokuhlinzeka abacwaningi bezinga eliphezulu, i-CGS iphinde ibe nesibophezelo sokubhaliswa kokuphatha kanye nezinqubo zokuhlolwa kanye nokwenza lula ukuqeqeshwa kocwaningo kwabafundi abangaba ngu-12 000 beziqu zobumpetha nezobudokotela abamele. ingxenye enkulu yamathuba ocwaningo ezimfundweni eziphakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika.


  • Isikole Socwaningo lwemikhakha ehlukene Nezifundo Zeziqu

Isikole Seziqu Zebhizinisi Yobuholi

Lesi sikole esithathwa njengesinye sezikole ezihamba phambili kwezamabhizinisi eNingizimu Afrika, Isikole Seziqu Zebhizinisi Yobuholi sesikhiqize ngaphezu kwengxenye yesithathu yazo zonke iziqu ze-MBL/MBA eziklonyeliswe izimfundo eziphakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika kusukela sasungulwa, njengoba abafundi abaningi abaphothulile bebambe izikhundla eziphezulu ezinkampanini ezisezingeni lomhlaba.

Izinhlelo zayo ezivelele yiziqu zobumpetha zeBhizinisi Yobuholi kanye neziqu zobuDokotela zeBhizinisi Yobuholi.

Boiqapelob a ho ruta le ho ithuta

Jwalo ka yunivesiti e felletseng, Unisa e fana ka mananeo a mosebetsi wa matsoho le wa thuto ho tloha boemong ba  mangolo a pele le a moraorao ho isa ho dikgato, hape le mangolo a thuto ya moraorao, mangolo a masters le a bongaka. Unisa e boetse e fana ka mananeo a thuto e kgutshwane a tobane le ditlhoko tse kgethehileng tsa indasteri le mekgatlo ya setjhaba. E le pulamadiboho ya thuto e pharaletseng, e bulehileng, ya hole le ya ho ithuta ka ilektroniki, Unisa e tsebahala ka ho fana ka boitsebiso bo hlophisitsweng hantle, bo nang le puisano.

A wide-ranging menu of support services cater for the needs of its diverse student population, which includes tutorials, peer-group support, video conferences and satellite broadcasts to a virtual learning environment and Unisa's "classroom" known as myUnisa. myUnisa allows students to engage with their lecturers and e-tutors, and to participate in discussion forums and wikis, among others.

Lenane le pharalletseng la ditshebeletso tsa tshehetso le hlokomela ditlhoko tsa baithuti ba yona ba mefutafuta, le kenyeletsang dithupelo, tshehetso ya dithaka, dikhonferense tsa video le kgaso ya sathalaete tikolohong ya ho ithuta le "phaposi" ya Unisa e tsejwang e le myUnisa. myUnisa e dumella baithuti ho ikopanya le barupelli ba bona le barupelli ba ilektroniki, le ho nka karolo diforamong tsa dipuisano le wikis, hara tse ding.

Unisa e na le dikholeje tse robong, tse kenyeletsang tse latelang:

Kholeje ya mahlale ya akhaonting

Kholeje ya Mahlale ya  Akhaounting  (CAS) e ikitlaelletsa ho ipabola dithutong tsa akhaonting. E maemong a matle lekaleng la thuto e phahameng mme e fana ka mangolo a thuto a boleng bo hodimo, a ananetsweng ke Lekgotla la Thuto e Phahameng, ho kenyeletswa mangolo a mmalwa a tiisitsweng ke ditheo tsa porofeshenale, naheng le matjhabeng.


Ha jwale CAS e ngodisa, ka karolelano, 40% ya baithuti bohle ba akhaonting Afrika Borwa mme e hlahisa 20% ya baithuti ba phetileng dithuto tse hodimo.


  • Sekolo sa Akhaonting
  • Sekolo sa Akhaontensi e Sebediswang

Kholeje ya Mahlale a Temo le Tikoloho

Kholeje ya Temo le Mahlale a Tikoloho (CAES) e fana ka mananeo a mangata a tswang ho "mahlale a tala" e kgothaletsang taolo e tsitsitseng ya tikoloho ho ya ho bophelo bo botle ba diphoofolo, taolo ya temo, temo ya dimela, jeokrafi, mahlale a bophelo le mahlale a bareki, a shebaneng le dijo, phepo e nepahetseng le kamohelo ya baeti.

Ho fanwe ka digrata tsa BSc ho Mahlale a Temo (makgetlo a mararo), Diploma tsa Dithuto tsa moraorao tsa Temo (makgetlo a mane) le digrata tsa Mahlale a Bareki  (makgetlo a tsheletseng).

Ha mmoho le Kholeje ya Mahlale, Boenjinere le Thekenoloji (sheba ka tlase), CAES e fumanwa Unisa Khampaseng ya Mahlale e Florida, Johannesburg, e fana ka dilaboratoriamo tse 25, dilaboratori tse pedi tsa maemo a boraro tsa biosafety le setsi se akaretsang sa temo ya dimela.


  • Sekolo sa Temo le Mahlale a Bophelo
  • Sekolo sa Mahlale a Tikoloho

Kholeje ya Moruo le Mahlale a Botsamaisi

Kholeje ya Moruo le Mahlale a Tsamaiso (CEMS) ke mofani e moholo ka ho fetisisa wa thuto ya kgwebo Afrika le e nngwe ya tse kgolo ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng.

Ha jwale baithuti ba ka bang 70 000 ba ingodisa bakeng sa mangolo a thuto a semmuso a kholeje. A le mong ho tse ding le tse ding tse nne tsa dikgau tsa BCom tse fanwang ke diyunivesiti tsa Afrika Borwa e ya ho moithuti ya tswang Unisa.

Kholeje e dula e etsa dipatlisiso tse matla makaleng a poraefete le a setjhaba ho fumana bohlokwa le molemo wa dikgato le dithuto tsa yona.


  • Sekolo sa Moruo le Mahlale a Ditjhelete
  • Sekolo sa Mahlale a Tsamaiso
  • Sekolo sa Tsamaiso ya Setjhaba le Tshebetso

Kholeje ya Thuto

Kholeje e kgolo ka ho fetisisa ya Unisa e nang le baithuti ba ka bang 95 000, Kholeje ya Thuto (CEDU) e ikarabella bakeng sa thuto le kwetliso ya profeshenale ya hoo e ka bang 50% ya matitjhere ohle a Afrika Borwa.


  • Sekolo sa Tsamaiso ya Thuto
  • Sekolo sa Thuto ya Botitjhere

Kholeje ya Mahlale a tsa Botho  

Kholeje ya Mahlale a tsa Botho (CHS) e fana ka mananeo a maemo a hodimo a kakaretso a thuto le a tsepamisitseng maikutlo mesebetsing ya bonono le botho, mahlale a setjhaba, thuto, bodumedi le thutabomodimo.


  • Sekolo sa Bonono
  • Sekolo sa tsa Botho
  • Sekolo sa Mahlale a Setjhaba

Kholeje ya tsa Molao

Kholeje ya tsa Molao (CLAW) e fana ka mangolo a thuto a profeshenale a fanang ka phihlello ya mosebetsi wa molao, hammoho le mangolo a fapaneng a thehilweng mesebetsing ya dithuto tse kang boikwetliso ba sepolesa. Kholetjhe e na le barutehi ba tshwanelehang hantle le ba nang le boiphihlelo dithutong tse fapaneng, mme ka baithuti ba fetang 82 000, ke lefapha le leholo ka ho fetisisa la molao Afrika Borwa le Afrika.


  • Sekolo sa tsa Molao
  • Sekolo sa tsa Toka ya Botlokotsebe

Kholeje ya Mahlale, Boejenere le Theknoloji

E fana ka mananeo a ho ithuta mefuteng e fapaneng ya dithuto tsa mahlale, boenjinere le thekenoloji, Kholeje ya Mahlale, Boenjinere le Thekenoloji (CSET) e bula monyetla wa mesebetsi e fapaneng e thabisang indastering, thutong le dipatlisisong tsa mantlha kapa tse sebedisitsweng. Mmoho le Kholetjhe ya Temo le Mahlale a Tikoloho (bona ka hodimo), CSET e fumanwa Khampaseng ya Mahlale Unisa e Florida, Johannesburg, e fana ka dilaboratoriamo tsa maemo a hodimo le disebediswa tsa maemo a hodimo, ka hoo e ntshetsapele thuto ya mahlale le dipatlisiso boemong ba naha ka bophara.


  • Sekolo sa Khomphutha
  • Sekolo sa Enjenering
  • Sekolo sa Mahlale

Kholeje ya Dithuto tse phahameng

Kholeje ya Dithuto tse Phahameng (CGS) e etsa karolo ya Potefolio ya Dipatlisiso le Boiqapelo Unisa mme e fapane le dikholeje tse ding ka hore ha e fane ka mananeo a mangolo. Ho ena le hoo, e fana ka mefuta e mengata ya mananeo a kwetliso ya dipatlisiso, mesebetsi ya ho ntlafatsa le mekgwa ya tshehetso ho thusa baithuti ba dithuto tsa moraorao le ho kenya letsoho ntlafatsong ya bafuputsi. Kholeje e fana ka sethala sa dipatlisiso bakeng sa baithuti ba dithuto tsa moraorao dikholejeng tsohle, kahoo e kgothalletsa bokgabane ba thuto le dipatlisiso.

Jwaloka karabo ya Unisa ho tlamo ya naha ya ho eketsa palo ya baithuti ba mangolo a bongaka le ho fana ka bafuputsi ba maemo a hodimo, CGS e boetse e na le boikarabelo ba boingodiso ba tsamaiso le ditshebetso tsa dihlahlobo le ho tsamaisa dithupelo tsa dipatlisiso tsa baithuti ba ka bang 12 000 ba masters le bongaka ba emetseng karolo e kgolo ya bokgoni ba ho etsa dipatlisiso diyunivesiting tsa Afrika Borwa.


  • Sekolo sa Dipatlisiso ya Mekgatlo e fapaneng le dithuto tsa Dithuto tse phahameng

Sekolo sa Boetapele ba Kgwebo

E nkuwa e le e nngwe ya dikolo tse hodimo tsa kgwebo Afrika Borwa, Sekolo sa Boetapele ba Kgwebo se hlahisitse karolo e fetang karolo ya boraro ya dikgau tsohle tsa MBL/MBA tse fanweng ke diyunivesiti tsa Afrika Borwa ho tloha ha e qala, ka baithuti ba bangata ba kgale ba tshwereng maemo a phahameng a hodimo dikhampaneng lefatsheng.

Mananeo a yona a hodimo ke Masters ya Boetapele ba Kgwebo of Business Leadership le a Boetapele ba Bongaka ba Kgwebo.

Innoverend in onderrig en leer

Unisa bied as ’n omvattende universiteit beide beroepsgerigte en akademiese programme vanaf die vlak van voorgraadse en nagraadse sertifikate en diplomas tot grade, nagraadse diplomas, meestersgraadkwalifikasies en doktorale kwalifikasies. Unisa bied ook kort leerprogramme wat op spesifieke behoeftes in die bedryf en die samelewing gerig is. As ’n baanbreker van omvattende en oop e-afstandsleer is Unisa bekend vir studiemateriaal wat goed ontwerp en interaktief is.

’n Wye verskeidenheid ondersteuningsdienste voorsien in die behoeftes van ons diverse studentebevolking. Hierdie dienste sluit tutoriale, portuurgroep-ondersteuning, videokonferensies, satellietuitsendings na ’n virtuele leeromgewing en Unisa se “klaskamer”, bekend as myUnisa, in. myUnisa stel studente in staat om met hulle dosente en e-tutors in aanraking te kom en aan, onder meer, gespreksforums en wiki’s deel te neem.

Studente kan vir leerprogramme in ’n wye spektrum dissiplines inskryf.

Unisa het nege kolleges, wat soos volg is:

Kollege vir Rekeningkundige Wetenskappe

Die Kollege vir Rekeningkundige Wetenskappe (College of Accounting Sciences) streef na uitnemendheid in rekeningkunde-onderrig. Die kollege is goed geplaas in die hoëronderwyssektor en bied kwalifikasies van ’n hoë gehalte wat deur die Raad op Hoër Onderwys geakkrediteer is, insluitend verskeie kwalifikasies wat deur nasionale en internasionale professionele liggame onderskryf word.

’n Gemiddeld van 40% van alle rekeningkunde-studente in Suid-Afrika is by die kollege ingeskryf. Die kollege lewer 20% van alle rekeningkunde-gegradueerdes in die land.


  • Skool vir Rekeningkunde
  • Skool vir Toegepaste Rekeningkunde

Kollege vir Landbou en Omgewingswetenskappe

Die Kollege vir Landbou en Omgewingswetenskappe (College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences) bied ’n wye verskeidenheid programme, van die “groen wetenskappe” wat volhoubare omgewingsbestuur bevorder, tot dieregesondheid, landboubestuur, tuinbou, geografie, lewenswetenskappe en verbruikerswetenskappe, wat op kos, voeding en gasvryheid fokus.

Die kollege bied BSc-grade in Landbouwetenskappe (drie strome), nagraadse diplomas in Landbou (vier strome) en baccalaureusgrade in Verbruikerswetenskappe (ses strome).

Die kollege word saam met die Kollege vir Wetenskap, Ingenieurswese en Tegnologie (sien hier onder) op Unisa se Wetenskapkampus in Florida, Johannesburg, gehuisves. Die kollege het 25 individuele laboratoriums, 2 laboratoriums op vlak 3 van bioveiligheid en ’n uitgebreide tuinbousentrum.


  • Skool vir Landbou en Lewenswetenskappe
  • Skool vir Omgewingswetenskappe  

Kollege vir Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe

Die Kollege vir Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe (College of Economic and Management Sciences) is die grootste verskaffer van besigheidsonderrig in Afrika en een van die grootstes in die wêreld.   

Ongeveer 70 000 studente skryf jaarliks vir die kollege se formele kwalifikasie in. Unisa-gegradueerdes ontvang een uit elke vier BCom-grade wat deur Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite toegeken word.

Die kollege doen voortdurend intensiewe navorsing in beide die privaat en openbare sektor om die relevansie en nut van sy grade en kursusse te bepaal.


  • Skool vir Ekonomiese en Finansiële Wetenskappe
  • Skool vir Bestuurswetenskappe
  • Skool vir Publieke en Operasionele Bestuur

Kollege vir Opvoedkunde

Die Kollege vir Opvoedkunde (College of Education) is die grootste van Unisa se kolleges en het bykans 95 000 studente. Die kollege is verantwoordelik vir die professionele onderrig en opleiding van bykans 50% van alle onderwysers in Suid-Afrika.  


  • Skool vir Onderwysbestuur
  • Skool vir Onderwysersopleiding

Kollege vir Menswetenskappe

Die Kollege vir Menswetenskappe (College of Human Sciences) bied algemene akademiese en beroepsgerigte programme van ’n hoë gehalte in die kunste en geesteswetenskappe, sosiale wetenskappe, onderwys, godsdiens en teologie.


  • Skool vir die Kunste
  • Skool vir Geesteswetenskappe
  • Skool vir Sosiale Wetenskappe

Kollege vir Regsgeleerdheid

Die Kollege vir Regsgeleerdheid (College of Law) bied professionele kwalifikasies wat toegang tot die regsberoep verleen, sowel as verskeie beroepsgebaseerde kwalifikasies in vakke soos polisiepraktyk. Die kollege het goed gekwalifiseerde en ervare akademici in verskeie dissiplines. Die kollege het meer as 82 000 studente en is die grootste regsfakulteit in Suider-Afrika en Afrika.


  • Skool vir Regsgeleerdheid
  • Skool vir Strafregpleging

Kollege vir Wetenskap, Ingenieurswese en Tegnologie

Die Kollege vir Wetenskap, Ingenieurswese en Tegnologie (College of Science, Engineering and Technology) bied leerprogramme in ’n verskeidenheid dissiplines in wetenskap, ingenieurswese en tegnologie en verleen sodoende toegang tot verskeie opwindende loopbane in verskillende bedryfsektore, onderwys en basiese of toegepaste navorsing.

Die kollege word saam met die Kollege vir Landbou en Omgewingswetenskappe (sien hier bo) op Unisa se Wetenskapkampus in Florida, Johannesburg, gehuisves. Die kollege het eersterangse laboratoriums en gesofistikeerde toerusting, wat wetenskaponderrig en navorsing op ’n nasionale vlak bevorder.


  • Skool vir Rekenaarkunde
  • Skool vir Ingenieurswese
  • Skool vir Wetenskap

Kollege vir Nagraadse Studies

Die Kollege vir Nagraadse Studies (College of Graduate Studies) is deel van Unisa se Portefeulje vir Navorsing en Innovasie. Dit verskil van die ander kolleges omdat dit, in plaas van nagraadse programme, ’n reeks navorsingsopleidingsprogramme, verrykingsaktiwiteite en ondersteuningsmeganismes bied wat daarop gemik is om nagraadse studente by te staan en die ontwikkeling van navorsers te ondersteun. Die kollege bied ’n virtuele navorsingsplatform aan nagraadse studente in al die kolleges en bevorder sodoende interdissiplinêre navorsing en navorsingsuitnemendheid.

As Unisa se antwoord op die nasionale imperatief om die aantal doktorale gegradueerdes te verhoog en navorsers van ’n hoë kaliber op te lewer, is die kollege ook verantwoordelik vir die administratiewe registrasie- en eksamenprosesse en die fasilitering van die navorsingsopleiding van nagenoeg 12 000 kandidate vir meesters- en doktorsgrade, wat ’n groot gedeelte van die navorsingspotensiaal in Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite verteenwoordig.


  • Skool vir Interdissiplinêre Navorsing en Nagraadse Studies

Nagraadse Skool vir Besigheidsleierskap

Die Nagraadse Skool vir Besigheidsleierskap (Graduate School of Business Leadership) word as een van die vooraanstaande besigheidskole in Suid-Afrika gereken. Die skool het sedert sy ontstaan meer as ’n derde van alle MBL/MBA-grade wat deur Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite toegeken is, opgelewer. Vele alumni van die skool beklee senior posisies in maatskappye van wêreldgehalte.

Die skool se prestigeprogramme is die Magister in Bedryfsleiding en die Doktor in Bedryfsleiding.