
Dibaka tse leshome tse thusang tsa Unisa

Ho na le dibaka tse leshome tsa bohlokwa tse hlwailweng tseo ka tshepo di tla kenya tshebetsong le ho ntlafatsa morero wa thuto wa Unisa, empa hape le ho ntlafatsa diphihlelo tsa barutehi jwaloka barutehi ba tshwarehileng ba tla hlokomela ditlhoko tsa setjhaba sa habo rona.

Izindawo eziyishumi ze-Unisa eziyingqalasizinda

Izindawo eziyishumi eziyingqalasizinda zikhonjiwe okuthemba ukuthi zizovula futhi zithuthukise i-ajenda yezemfundo ye-Unisa, kodwa futhi kuthuthukise ulwazi lwezemfundo njengezifundiswa ezibambe iqhaza ezizonakekela izidingo zomphakathi wethu.

Unisa se tien katalitiese nisareas

Tien katalitiese nisareas is geïdentifiseer met die doel om Unisa se akademiese agenda te verlewendig en versterk, en akademici se belewenisse as vakkundiges wat met die behoeftes van ons samelewing gemoeid is, te bevorder.

Unisa’s ten catalytic niche areas

Ten catalytic niche areas have been identified that will hopefully activate and enhance Unisa's academic agenda, but also enhance academics' experiences as engaged scholars who will care to address the needs of our society.

Re bo mang

Unisa ke setsi se etelletseng pele sa thuto ya hole Afrika se hodisang baetapele ba hosane bo kgothatsang.


I-Unisa iyisikhungo esihamba phambili e-Afrika sokufunda ukude nesikhungo esikhulisa abaholi abakhuthazayo bakusasa.

Who we are

We are a reputable, flexible and accessible comprehensive, open, distance and e-Learning institution that is motivating a future generation. We offer internationally accredited qualifications and have world-class resources. Our vision "towards the African university shaping futures in the service of humanity" drives us to find answers to Africa's educational and developmental problems.

Wie ons is

Unisa is Afrika se toonaangewende afstandsleerinstelling wat inspirerende leiers van die toekoms kweek.


Umongo wemikhakha emithathu yamabhizinisi e-Unisa ukufundisa, ucwaningo kanye nokuxhumana nomphakathi. Ucwaningo lwethu olusezingeni lomhlaba luholwa wuCwaningo, Izifundo zeziqu eziphakeme, iphothifoliyo yokusungula kanye nezokuHweba kanye nokuzibandakanya komphakathi yiNqubomgomo yethu Yokubandakanya Komphakathi kanye Nokufinyelela.

Seo re se etsang

Dibaka tse tharo tsa mantlha tsa kgwebo tsa Unisa ke ho ruta, ho etsa dipatlisiso le boikopanyo le setjhaba. Dipatlisiso tsa rona tsa maemo a lefatshe di etelletswe pele ke Dipatlisiso, Dithuto tsa Moraorao, Boqapi le potefolio ya tsa Kgwebo, le Boikopanyo ba Setjhaba ka tshebedisano mmoho ya rona le Setjhaba le Leano la Phihlello.

Wat ons doen

Unisa se drie kernbesigheidsareas is onderrig, navorsing en gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid. Die Portefeulje vir Navorsing, Nagraadse Studies, Innovasie en Kommersialisering staan aan die spits van ons wêreldgehalte-navorsing en ons Beleid oor Gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en -uitreiking dien as riglyn vir gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid.

What we do

The three core business areas of Unisa are teaching, research and engaged scholarship. Our world-class research is spearheaded by the Research, Postgraduate Studies, Innovation and Commercialisation portfolio. Our engaged scholarship efforts are cohered by our Engaged Scholarship division. We also place great importance on the celebration and promotion of our African arts and culture through various endeavours.

Bestuurstoesig en bestuur

Die bestuur van Unisa is op die duur verantwoordelik daarvoor om ’n omgewing en kultuur te skep wat bevorderlik is vir die verwesenliking van die universiteit se visie om die Afrika-universiteit te wees wat, in diens van die mensdom, vorm aan die toekoms gee.

Governance & management

Management at Unisa is ultimately responsible for creating an environment and culture that is conducive to the attainment of the university’s vision to be the African university shaping futures in the service of humanity. Part of this responsibility lies in determining the mission, values, goals, objectives, strategies and policies that will safeguard and promote this vision.

Puso le tsamaiso

Unisa e na le tlotla ya ho ba le tshehetso e matla le ho kenya letsoho ha baetapele ba bang ba Afrika Borwa ba hlomphuwang ka ho fetesisa, ba nahanelang pele.

Umbuso Nokuphatha

I-Unisa inenhlanhla yokwesekwa kanye nokubamba iqhaza kwabanye babaholi abahlonishwayo nabacabanga phambili eNingizimu Afrika.

Amaqiniso nezibalo

Ukuhlinzeka ngamathuba okufunda kubafundi abangaphezu kuka-370 000 abavela kulo lonke elaseNingizimu Afrika, e-Afrika nakwezinye izingxenye zomhlaba, i-Unisa ihlinzeka ngezindlela ezihlukahlukene zokukhetha imikhakha yokufunda emazingeni ukusuka esitifiketini kuye kweyeziqu.

Dintlha le dipalo

E nehelana ka menyetla ya ho ithuta ho baithuti ba fetang 370 000 ba tswang ho pholletsa le Afrika Borwa, Afrika le dikarolo tse ding tsa lefatshe, Unisa e nehelana ka dikgetho tse fapaneng tsa dibaka tsa boithuto maemong a ho tloha ho setifikeiti ho isa lengolong la grata.

Facts & figures

Offering study opportunities to over 370 000 students from across South Africa, Africa and other parts of the world, Unisa offers a diverse choice of study fields at levels from certificate to degree.

Feite en statistieke

Unisa bied studiegeleenthede aan meer as 370 000 studente oor Suid-Afrika, Afrika en ander dele van die wêreld heen. Die universiteit bied uiteenlopende studievelde op vlakke wat wissel van sertifikate tot grade.