
Arts and culture

Africa's history is steeped in a rich variety of music, literature, theatre and arts. In addition to our wide range of world-class academic offerings, we place great importance on the celebration and promotion of our African arts and culture, in all its manifestations.

We have a proud music tradition and heritage. The Unisa Music Foundation organises and presents national and international music competitions, concerts, master classes and music tuition projects. Our Directorate Music on the other hand, works on developing people who can contribute positively to the standard of music, both nationally and internationally. The annual Unisa international jazz school promotes the education of music students and teachers in the art of jazz.

In addition to these, we also have various other arts and culture endeavours. If you’re visiting, why not take in a concert, wander through our anthropology museum or Unisa Space Art Gallery, or check out our Little Theatre?

Ubuciko namasiko

Umlando we-Afrika ucwile ezinhlobonhlobeni zomculo, izincwadi, imidlalo yeshashalazi nobuciko. Ukwengeza ezinhlobonhlobeni zezifundo zethu ezisezingeni lomhlaba, sibeka ukubaluleka okukhulu ekugubheni nasekukhuthazeni ubuciko namasiko ethu ase-Afrika, kukho konke ukubonakaliswa kwawo.

Sinesiko lomculo esiziqhenyayo ngalo namagugu. Isisekelo Somculo se-Unisa sihlela futhi sethula imincintiswano yomculo kazwelonke neyamazwe ngamazwe, amakhonsathi, amakilasi aphezulu kanye namaphrojekthi okufundisa umculo. Ngakolunye uhlangothi, iBhodi labaqondisi Bomculo wethu lisebenzela ukuthuthukisa abantu abangafaka isandla ngendlela eyakhayo ezingeni lomculo, ezweni lonke nasemhlabeni jikelele. Isikole saminyaka yonke se-jazz sase-Unisa sithuthukisa imfundo yabafundi bomculo nothisha kwezobuciko be-jazz.

Ngaphezu kwalokhu, sineminye imizamo ehlukahlukene yobuciko namasiko. Uma uvakashile, kungani ungangeni ekhonsathini, uzulazule emnyuziyamu yethu yokufunda ngemiphakathi namasiko abantu noma Igalari Yobuciko Yemkhathi yase-Unisa, noma uhlole Indawo yeshashalazi Encane?

Bonono le setso

Nalane ya Afrika e na le mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ya mmino, dingodilweng, theater le bonono. Ho phaella ho mefuta e mengata ya dinyehelo tsa rona tsa thuto ya maemo a lefatshe, re beya bohlokwa bo boholo ho ketekeng le ho tswelliseng bonono le setso sa rona sa maAfrika, ka diponahatso tsohle tsa yona.

Re na le moetlo wa mmino o motlotlo le lefa. Motheo wa Mmino wa o hlophisa le ho fana ka dihlodisano tsa mmino tsa naha le tsa matjhabeng, dikonsarete, ditlelase tsa masters le merero ya thuto ya mmino. Mmino wa rona wa Botsamaisi ka lehlakoreng le leng, o sebetsa ho ntshetsapele batho ba ka kenyang letsoho ka mokgwa o motle molemong wa maemo a mmino, naheng le matjhabeng. Sekolo sa selemo le selemo sa Unisa sa matjhaba sa jazz se kgothalletsa thuto ya baithuti ba mmino le matitjhere a bonono ba jazz.

Ho phaella ho tsena, re boetse re na le mesebetsi e meng e fapaneng ya bonono le setso. Haeba o etile, ke hobaneng ha o sa kene konsareteng, o potapote musiamo wa rona wa thuto ya batho kapa Sebaka sa Bonono sa Unisa, kapa o shebe Teatere ya rona e Nyenyane?

Die kunste en kultuur

Afrika se geskiedenis is nou verweef met ’n ryke verskeidenheid musiek, letterkunde, drama en kunste. Buiten ons omvattende akademiese aanbod wat van wêreldgehalte is, is die viering en bevordering van Afrika-kunste en -kultuur in al hulle vorme vir ons van die hoogste belang.

Ons het ’n trotse musiektradisie en -herkoms. Die Unisa-musiekstigting reël en hou nasionale en internasionale musiekkompetisies, konserte, meesterklasse en musiekonderrigprojekte. Ons Musiekdirektoraat is gemoeid met die ontwikkeling van persone wat beide nasionaal en internasionaal ’n positiewe bydrae tot die standaard van musiek kan maak. Unisa se jaarlikse internasionale jazz-skool bevorder die onderrig van musiekstudente en -onderwysers in die kuns van jazz.  

Unisa het nog vele meer inisiatiewe en projekte wat die kunste en kultuur bevorder. Wanneer jy Unisa besoek, oorweeg dit om ’n konsert by te woon, deur die Museum vir Antropologie en Argeologie te stap, die Unisa-kunsgalery te besoek of ’n draai by die Kleinteater te maak.