At a ceremony held in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, 62 graduates received postgraduate qualifications. In attendance at this special event were, among others, the Unisa Principal and Vice-Chancellor, the South African Deputy Minister: Higher Education and Training, and the Ethiopian Director-General: Higher Education Academic Affairs.
There is a need to align the mission of higher education in Africa with the significant changes in political economies. This was the view of Prof Tade Akin Aina when delivering the 2024 Thandika Mkandawire Memorial Lecture, co-hosted by Unisa.
A donation of state-of-the-art equipment worth R27m by international institutions to the UNESCO-Unisa-ITLABS/NRF Africa Chair in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology allows postgraduate students and scientists to generate world-class data.
Research into the use of nanotechnology to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals has won Professor Malik Maaza, incumbent of the UNESCO-Unisa-ITLABS/NRF Africa Chair in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, the 37th Khwarizmi International Award.
Recently hosted by the College of Graduate Studies, the 5th Indigenous Epistemologies Seminar Series was themed "Indigenous Epistemologies in the Digital Age: Preserving, Adapting, and Innovating Traditional Knowledge Systems".