Department of Psychology

Prof JA Nel

College of Human Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Department: Psychology
Research Professor
Fax: 012 429 3414


  • DLitt et Phil (Psychology) (University of South Africa, 2007)
  • MA Clinical (Psychology) (University of South Africa, 1994)
  • MA Research (Psychology) (University of Pretoria, 1989)

NRF Rating


Fields of academic interests

  • Sexology: Psychology of sexual and gender diversity (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender+ persons); Heterosexism in Psychology; Psychology of sexuality in Africa
  • Community Psychology and Victimology: Crime and violence prevention/ trauma intervention - the victim empowerment and support movement, with a specific focus on the sexually and gender-diverse and other victims of hate; Community organising; Hate victimisation

Field of Specialisation

  • Sexology: Psychology of sexuality in Africa; Psychology of the sexually and gender-diverse (including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender+ persons); Heterosexism in Psychology
  • Community Psychology and Victimology: Crime and violence prevention/ trauma intervention - the victim empowerment and support movement; Community organising; Hate victimisation
  • Social Psychology: Managing diversity and social transformation
  • Group processes: Group Psychotherapy; Group facilitation skills; Life Skills training with a specific focus on those on the margins


Nel, J. A., Igbafe, E. C., & Marais, A. (2024). Managing sexual and gender diversity in the South African workplace. In N. M. H. Carrim & L. Moolman (Eds.), Diversity Management (2nd ed., Chapter 9). Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.

Van Wyk, H., Nel, J. A. (2023). International Psychology as key in responding to (LGBTQ+) hate victimisation (South) African perspectives. In Gonzalez, A., Carceles, M & Soto Castro, J. (Eds.), Delitos de odio. Un abordaje multidisciplinary. Bosch Editor. Barecelona.

Nel, J. A., & Olaseni, A. O. (2023). Conditions related to sexual health and paraphilic disorders. In Ure, G. & Makhubela, M (Eds.), Understanding Psychopathology. South African perspectives. Fourth edition. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.

Morakile, B., Carrim, N.M.H., & Nel, J.A. (2023). The Experiences of Black African Gays and Lesbians Regarding Office Gossip. In: M. H. Carrim, N. (eds) Office Gossip and Minority Employees in the South African Workplace. Springer, Singapore. 

Odendaal, A.J., & Nel, J.A. (2022). Reflections on University of South Africa’s LGBTIQA+ Community Engagement. In Kiguwa, P., Nduna, M., Mavhandu-Mudzusi, A., Mooketsane, K., & Bandawe, C. (Eds.) (Un)Silence LGBTI Experiences and Identities in Institutions of Higher Learning in South Africa. Pretoria: UNISA Press.

Koch, J., Chiao, H., & Nel, J.A. (2020). Preparing future generations: Critical considerations and best practices in training psychologists about the human rights of sexually and gender-diverse people and communities. In Rubin, N.S., & Flores, R.L. (Eds). The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Human Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108425636

Nel, J.A., Igbafe, E.C., & Marais, A. (2019). Managing Sexual and Gender Diversity in the South African Workplace. Chapter 9 in Carrim, N.M.H., & Moolman, L. (Eds). Managing Diversity in the South African Workplace. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik Publishers. ISBN 9780627037139

Nel, J.A., & Lake. M. (2019). Conditions related to sexual health and paraphilic disorders. In Burke, A. (Ed.) Understanding Psychopathology. South African perspectives. Third edition. Cape Town: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190722562

Nel, J.A. (2019). Victim Empowerment and Support. In Peacock, R. (Ed.) Victimology in Africa. Third edition. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik. ISBN 9780627037139

Nel, J.A., & Mitchell, Y. (2019). Victims of Hate crime. In Peacock, R. (Ed.) Victimology in Africa. Third edition. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik. ISBN 9780627037139

Breen, D., Lynch, I., Nel, J.A., & Matthews, I. (2016). Hate crime in transitional societies: the case of South Africa. In Schweppe, J., & Walters, M.A. (Eds). The Globalisation of Hate: Internationalizing hate crime? United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198785668

Nel, J.A., & Breen, D. (2013). Victims of Hate crime. In Peacock, R. (Ed.) Victimology in South Africa. Second edition. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik. ISBN 9780627030208

Nel, J.A., & van Wyk, H. (2013). Victim Empowerment in South Africa. In Peacock, R. (Ed.) Victimology in South Africa. Second edition. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik. ISBN 9780627 030208

Nel, J.A., & Lake, M. (2012). Sexual and gender identity disorders. In Burke, A. (Ed.) Abnormal Psychology in South Africa. Second edition. Cape Town: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195998375

Nel, J.A. (2009). Same-sex sexuality and health: Current Psycho-social Scientific Research in South Africa. In Reddy, V., Sandfort, T., & Rispel, L. (Eds.) Same-sex sexuality, HIV & AIDS and gender in South Africa. Proceedings of an International Conference on Gender, Same-sex sexuality and HIV/ AIDS, 9 – 11 May 2007. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council Press. ISBN 9780796922762

Nel, J.A. (2005a). Hate crimes: A new category of vulnerable victims for a new South Africa. In Davis, L., & Snyman, R. (Eds.) Victimology in South Africa. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik.

Nel, J.A. (2005b). Moving from rhetoric to creating the reality: Empowering South Africa’s lesbian and gay community. In van Zyl, M., & Steyn, M. (Eds.) Performing queer: Shaping Sexualities 1994-2004 – Volume 1. Cape Town: Kwela publishers. ISBN 0795701969

Nel, J.A., & Lake, M. (2005). Sexual and gender identity disorders. In Burke, A. (Ed.) Abnormal Psychology in South Africa. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.

Nel, J.A. (1998). Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders. South African Study Guide to Abnormal Psychology. Novello, A. (Ed.). Johannesburg: Thomson Publishing Inc.

Nel, J.A., & Steyn, M. (1997). Safety and Security and Mental Health. Mental Health Policy Issues for South Africa. Foster, D., Freeman, M., & Pillay, Y. (Eds.). Cape Town: MASA. ISBN 9781875098286

Journal articles

Moreno, A., Manca, R., Albrechet-Souza, L., Nel, J. A., Spantidakis, G., Venter, Z., & Juster, R-P. A brief historic overview of sexual and gender diversity in neuroscience: Past, present, and future. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, section Brain Health and Clinical Neuroscience, Manuscript ID: 1414396.

Carrim, N. M. H., Nel J. A., & Morakile, B. (2024). Office gossip related to gays and lesbians: an 'otherness' perspective. Special Issue: Otherness. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 24(1), 81-100.

Nel, J. A. & Venter, Z. (2024). (South) African perspectives on the prevention, monitoring, and combating of hate victimisation. Safer Communities Special issue: What is hate crime? Contemporary perspectives from four continents, 23(3), 192-206.   

Olaseni, A.O., Oguntayo, R., & Nel, J. A. Mediating role of emotional suppression in the relationship between psychological factors and intimate partner violence among couples with mixed-romantic orientations. International journal of injury control and safety promotions. 19: 1-10.

Van Wyk, H. & Nel, J.A. (2023). The Role of Organized Psychology in Inspiring Hope and Preventing Hate Victimization: Recommendations from a South African Hate and Bias Monitoring Initiative. Journal of Hate Studies, 18(1), 16–30. doi:

Nel, J.A., Venter, Z. & Stratford, V. (2022). Advancing social justice: critical reflections on the design and implementation of the Hate Crime and Bias Monitoring Form. ACTA Criminologica: African Journal of Criminology and Victimology, 35 (3).,33).

Pillay, S.R., Ntetmen, J.M., & Nel, J.A. (2022). Queering global health: an urgent call for LGBT+ affirmative practices. The Lancet Global Health, 10(4), E574-E578.  

Wilks, M,, Papakyriakou, X.A., & Nel, J.A. (2022). Positioning resilience science more centrally in affirming LGBTIQA+ persons and communities. South African Journal of Psychology, 52(3), 351–363.  

Marais, A., Nel, J.A., & Govender, R. (2022). Emotional consequences of hate incidents: experiences of a South African cohort. South African Journal of Psychology, 52(1), 122–134.

Moreno, A., Ardila, R., Zervoulis, K., Nel, J.A., Light, E., & Chamberland, L. (2020). Cross-cultural perspectives of LGBTQ Psychology from five different countries: current state and recommendations. Preaching to the Choir Special Issue. Psychology and Sexuality. 11(1), 5-31. 

McLachlan, C., Nel, J.A., Pillay, S.R., & Victor, C.J. (2019). The Psychological Society of South Africa’s guidelines for psychology professionals working with sexually and gender-diverse people: Towards inclusive and affirmative practice. South African Journal of Psychology, 49(3) 314–324.  

Horne, S., Maroney, M., Nel, J.A., Chaparro, R.A., & Manalastas, E.J. (2019). Emergence of a transnational LGBTI psychology: Commonalities and challenges in advocacy and activism. American Psychologist, 74(8), 967–986.  

Pillay, S.R., Nel, J.A., McLachlan, C., & Victor, C.J. (2019). Queering the history of South African psychology: From apartheid to LGBTI+ affirmative practices. American Psychologist, 74(8), 954–966.

Pieterse, T., Stratford, V., & Nel, J.A. (2018). Relationship between symbolic violence and overt violence in hate incidents in South Africa. Special edition of African Safety Promotion 16(2), 31-43.

Judge, M., & Nel, J.A. (2018). Editorial: Psychology and hate speech: a critical and restorative encounter. South African Journal of Psychology, 48(1), 15-20.

Swart, L-A., Seedat, M., & Nel, J.A. (2018). The situational context of adolescent homicide victimisation in Johannesburg, South Africa. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(4), 637-661.

Victor, C.J., & Nel, J.A. (2017). Developing an affirmative position statement on sexual and gender diversity for psychology professionals in South Africa. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 10(2), 87-102. 

Victor, C.J., & Nel, J.A. (2016). Lesbian, gay and bisexual clients’ experience with counselling and psychotherapy in South Africa: Implications for affirmative practice. South African Journal of Psychology, 46(3), 351-363.

Swart, L-A., Seedat, M., & Nel, J.A. (2016). Adolescent homicide victimisation in Johannesburg, South Africa: Incidence and epidemiological characteristics (2001 – 2009). International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. 23(3), 323-331.

Swart, L-A., Seedat, M., & Nel, J.A. (2016). Neighbourhood sociostructure and adolescent homicide victimisation in Johannesburg, South Africa. Homicide Studies. 20(3), 220-238.

Mason, H.D., & Nel, J.A. (2015). Promoting Professional Quality and Meaning in Life among Nursing Students: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal for New Generation Sciences, 13(1), 54-69.

Swart, L-A., Seedat, M., & Nel, J.A. (2015). Alcohol consumption in adolescent homicide victims in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa. Addiction. 110(4), 595-601.

Nel, J.A. (2014). Editorial: South African Psychology can and should provide leadership in advancing understanding of sexual and gender diversity on the African continent. South African Journal of Psychology, 44(2), 145-148.

Victor, C.J., Nel, J.A., Lynch, I., & Mbatha, K. (2014). The Psychological Society of South Africa sexual and gender diversity position statement: Contributing towards a just society. South African Journal of Psychology: Special 20th Anniversary Edition, 44(3), 292-302.  

Cook, S.H., Sandfort, T.G.M., Nel, J.A., & Rich, E. (2013). Exploring the relationship between gender nonconformity and mental health among black South African gay and bisexual men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 327-330.

Nel, J.A., Yi, H., Sandfort, T.G.M., & Rich, E. (2013). HIV-Untested Men who have Sex with Men in South Africa: The perception of not being at risk and fear of being tested. AIDS & Behavior Supplement: HIV among men who have sex with men in Southern Africa, 17, 51-59.

Mason, H.D., & Nel, J.A. (2012a). A case of tragic optimism: Volunteer counsellors’ experience of meaning. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 22(2), 131-135.

Mason, H.D., & Nel, J.A. (2012b). Compassion Fatigue, Burnout and Compassion Satisfaction: Prevalence Among Nursing Students. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 22(3), 463-468.

Van der Merwe, P., & Nel, J.A. (2012). ‘n Skoolgebaseerde sosiaal-emosionele program as strategie teen misdaad en geweld (Deel 2 van 2). SA Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. 52 (4), 646-659.

Breen, D., & Nel, J.A. (2011). South Africa – A home for all? A need for hate crime legislation to provide equal protection. South African Crime Quarterly, 38, December, 33-43.    

Mason, H.D., & Nel, J.A. (2011). Student development and support using a Logotherapeutic approach. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 21(3), 469-472.

Meduric, H.C., & Nel, J.A. (2011). Breaking the silence: The stories of men who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse. New Voices, 7(2), 111–127.

Van der Merwe, P., & Nel, J.A. (2011). ‘n Skoolgebaseerde sosiaal-emosionele program as strategie teen misdaad en geweld (Deel 1 van 2). SA Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. 51 (3), 388-402.

Van Zyl, F. N., & Nel, J.A. (2011). Reframing diagnostic labels as metaphors: A social constructionist perspective. New Voices 7(2). 18-34.

Mason, H.D., & Nel, J.A. (2009). Giving voice to the experiences of community-based crisis centre counsellors. Acta Criminologica, 22(3), 118 - 138.

Nel, J.A., & Judge, M. (2008). Exploring homophobic victimisation in Gauteng, South Africa: Issues, impacts and responses. Acta Criminologica, 21(3), 19-36.

Polders, L.A., Nel, J.A., Kruger, P., & Wells, H. (2008). Factors affecting vulnerability to depression among gay men and lesbian women. South African Journal of Psychology, 38(4), 2008.

Sandfort, T.G.M., Nel, J., Rich, E., Reddy, V., & Yi, H. (2008). HIV testing and self-reported HIV status in South African MSM: Results from a community-based survey. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 84, 425-429.

Nel, J.A., Rich, E., & Joubert, K. (2007). Lifting the veil: Gay men’s experiences in a therapy group. South African Journal of Psychology, 37(2), 284–306.

Nel, J.A. (1999). Police officials as victims of trauma and crises. Psychologia, 26(1&2), 32 – 42.

Nel, J.A., & Burgers, T. (1998). Stress and trauma in the work environment: South African Police Services. Psychologia, 25 (2), 17 – 25.

Nel, J.A., & Joubert, K. (1997). Coming out of the Closet: A Gay Experience. Psychologia, 24(1), 17 – 31.

Nel, J.A., & Burgers, T. (1996). The South African Police Service: ‘Symptom bearer’ of the new South Africa. Track Two, March, 17-20.

Paper presentations

Local Conference Presentations

Venter, Z., & Nel, J.A. (2023). Physical and psychological barriers limiting reporting of xenophobic violence to relevant authorities: A study In South Africa. Presented by the first author at the PsySSA Congress, Kempton Park, Gauteng, 4-6 October.

Nel, J.A. (2023). The (psychological) hurt and harm of hate victimisation: Considerations for psychosocial (and other) interventions. CEU-accredited presentation at Vista Academy. Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa, 21 July (By invitation).

Nel, J.A., Victor, C.J., McLachlan, C., Du Rand, D., & Olaseni, A.O. (2023). Affirmative practice with sexually and gender-diverse clients workshop for Unisa Department of Psychology faculty members and postgraduate students. In-person, 5 May (8.00 – 16.00); MS Teams, 12 May (9.00 - 12.00).

Nel, J.A. (2023). PsySSA’s sexual and gender diversity affirmative practice guidelines sensitization training programme. Workshop hosted by Nel, J.A. (with Nel, J.A., Victor, C.J., McLachlan, C., Pillay, S.R. & Madlala, N.L.), presented under the auspices of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) to the Department of Social Development (Gauteng) in Midrand, 28-31 March.

Nel, J.A. (2022). PsySSA’s sexual and gender diversity affirmative practice guidelines: Remaining current and responsive. Symposium hosted by Nel, J.A. (with Nel, J.A., Madlala, N.L., Msweli, S., McLachlan, C., Pillay, S.R. & Horne, S.G.), presented at the 26th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 13 October.

Olaseni, A.O., & Nel, J.A. (2022). Appraisal of LGBT Psychology in Nigeria. Oral paper presented at the 26th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 13 October

Nel, J.A., van Dyk, D. McLachlan, C., Du Rand, D., & Olaseni, A.O. (2022). Affirmative practice with sexually and gender-diverse clients workshop for UNISA Department of Psychology faculty members and postgraduate students. MS Teams, 1 & 8 April (9.00 - 17.30).

Nel, J.A. (2021). Being affirmative of sexual and gender diversity in healthcare practices. CEU-accredited presentation at Vista Academy. Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa, 21 May (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2021). Psychological Society of South Africa Practice Guidelines: A tool toward greater ethical and gender-affirming healthcare practices. Presentation at the Professional Association for Transgender Health of South Africa (PATHSA) membership meeting. Zoom, 25 March (By invitation). See

Nel, J.A., van Dyk, D., & McLachlan, C. (2021). Affirmative practice with sexually and gender-diverse clients. Workshop for UNISA Department of Psychology faculty members and postgraduate students. MS Teams, 7 May (9.00 - 17.30).

Nel, J.A. (2021). Grief, loss and uncertainties during a pandemic. Presentation at SanlamConnect Leadership Conference. Zoom, 4 February (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2020). Psychological Society of South Africa Practice Guidelines for working with sexually and gender-diverse people. Professional Association for Transgender Health of South Africa (PATHSA) CEU-accredited Gender-affirming Healthcare Training Day. Zoom, 29 November (By invitation). See  

Nel, J.A. (2019). Community-engaged scholarship in higher education: A model for sustained and relevant LGBTI+ (mental) health services in a rapidly changing Africa? Key Note Address presented at the 25th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 5 September (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2019). Imagining an Africa unshackled of historic hurt and harms in relation to sexual and gender diversity: The example of the Psychological Society of South Africa. Symposium chaired at the 25th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 5 September.

Nel, J.A. (2019). PsySSA’ membership of the International Psychology Network for LGBTI Issues: A platform to think globally and act locally. Paper presented as part of a symposium Imagining an unshackled Africa of historic hurt and harms concerning sexual and gender diversity at the 25th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 5 September.

Nel, J.A. (2019). Gender revolution or gender in crisis: Are social scientists/ - practitioners in Africa on the right side of history? Plenary Roundtable Discussion chaired at the 25th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 4 September.

Nel, J.A. (2018). Addressing the psychological dimensions of hate speech through the use of law, its limits and possibilities. Paper to be presented at a Symposium: Regulating what people say: Data, discourses & dilemmas at the University of Cape Town. Cape Town, South Africa, 21 November.

Nel, J.A. (2018). Developing PsySSA Practice Guidelines for Psychology Professionals Working with Sexually and Gender-Diverse People. Paper presented at maHp Policy Dialogue – Psychosocial health and migration. ACMS, Wits University, South Africa, 12 October.

Nel, J.A. (2018). Putting PsySSA’s affirmative practice guidelines on sexual and gender diversity to work. Symposium chaired at the 24th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 22 September.

McLachlan, C., & Nel, J.A. (2018). Trans people – We do not need a psychologist to save us from transphobia in the health system. Presented as part of a Symposium on Trans and Gender Diversity at the 24th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 22 September.

Nel. JA. (2018). South African psychology can and should provide leadership in advancing the understanding of sexual and gender diversity on the African continent. Presented as part of a CEU-accredited workshop at the University of Pretoria. Pretoria, South Africa, 24 March (By invitation).

Nel. JA., & Mitchell, Y. (2018). The Hate and Bias Crimes Monitoring Form Project January 2013 – September 2017. Presented at the Hate Crimes Working Group launch of the research report. Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre, South Africa,  8 February.

Nel. JA. (2017). South African psychology can and should provide leadership in advancing understanding of sexual and gender diversity on the African continent. Presented as part of the UFS DPsych programme 2017. Bloemfontein, Free State, 26 January (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2016). Towards a visible and vocal Psychology. Roundtable Discussion chaired at the 22nd National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 22 September.

Nel, J.A. (2015). Presidential Address: The Psychological Society of South Africa Annual Report. Presented at the Annual General Meeting at the 21st National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 16 September (By invitation).

Westraat, A., Nel, J.A., Geldenhuys, D., Matlala, M., & van der Merwe, P. (2015). Panel Discussion hosted by SIOPSA and facilitated by van Zyl, L: Exploring contemporary challenges for Psychology within the South African context. 21st National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 18 September (By invitation).

Du Rand, D., & Nel, J.A. (2015). The perceptions of parents regarding substance abuse among coloured adolescents. 21st National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 17 September.

McLachlan, C., & Nel, J.A. (2015). Que(e)ring Healthcare: Trans and Gender Non-conforming people’s access to healthcare within South Africa. 21st National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 17 September.

McLachlan, C., & Nel, J.A. (2015). Queering trans* children: Is Psychology's Treatment Of Gender Non-conforming Children Benevolent? 21st National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 18 September.

Nel, J.A. (2015). Panellist at launch of the Report on Diversity in Human Sexuality: Implications for Policy in Africa hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). International Convention Centre, Durban, South Africa, 10 June (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2014). South African Psychology can and should provide leadership in advancing understanding of sexual and gender diversity on the African continent. 16th World Mental Health Day Symposium. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 9 October (By invitation).

Nel, J.A., Mbatha, K., & Lynch, I. (2014). Symposium: Towards understanding the nature and psychological impact of hate crimes in South Africa. 20th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Durban, South Africa,16 – 19 September.

Nel, J.A. (2014). Keynote address: Developing the Psychological Society of South Africa sexual and gender diversity position statement: The motivation, process and implications for practice. Colloquium: Heteronormativity and health in education and practice. Cape Town, South Africa, 15 - 16 August (By invitation).

Lynch, I., Victor, C.J., Nel, J.A., & Mbatha, K. (2014). Is transgender health and well-being on psychology’s agenda? Introducing the Psychological Society of South Africa’s position statement on sexual and gender diversity. 2nd Trans Health, Advocacy and Research Conference in Southern Africa. Cape Town, South Africa, 1 – 2 June (By invitation).

Victor, C.J., Nel, J.A., & Lynch. I. (2013). The PsySSA sexual and gender diversity position statement for South Africa. 19th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Johannesburg, South Africa, 24 – 27 September.

Nel, J.A. (2013). LGBTI affirmative vs friendly practice. OUT LGBT Well-Being CPD accredited Study Group for healthcare professionals. Pretoria, South Africa, 19 July (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2013). Respondent: Policy framework on combating hate crimes, hate speech and discrimination. Department of Justice and Foundation for Human Rights hosted workshops. Cape Town, South Africa, 7 March and Johannesburg, South Africa, 25 March (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2012). (LGBTI) Affirmative practice guidelines: Psychology contributing to the ‘Rainbow (in the) Nation’? Inaugural lecture. The University of South Africa, Department of Psychology. Pretoria, South Africa, 23 October.

Nel, J.A. (2012). In service of humanity: Capacitating PsySSA to serve as regional hub for the advancement of LGBTI human rights. National Engaged Scholarship Conference: Exploring Community Engagement trends in an African Developmental context. Pretoria, South Africa, 22 March.

Nel, J.A. (2012). Understanding Hate Crimes targeting LGBTI persons. National workshops for Regional and District Magistrates of the Department of Justice and Constitutional development. Benoni, South Africa, 3 & 10 March (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2011). Understanding Hate Crimes. National Task Team (NTT) addressing sexual orientation- and gender-based violence targeted at LGBTI persons. Pretoria, South Africa, 24 October (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2011). Psychology advancing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex human rights in Africa. Presented as part of a symposium, co-hosted by Lubbe-De Beer, C & Nel, J. A. “Sexuality, Gender and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex-related themes in Psychology Collaborate, Celebrate, Consolidate”, at the 17th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Johannesburg, South Africa, 13 – 16 September.

Nel, J.A. (2011). Understanding and responding to Hate Crime. Presented at the ISS/ HSRC Panel Discussion: The Country we want to live in – Policy, practice, legislation with respect to hate crimes. Pretoria, South Africa, 30 August (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2011). Understanding Hate Crimes. Presentation at a workshop for Directors and Deputy Directors for Prosecutions of the National Prosecuting Authority. Pretoria, South Africa, 19 January (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2010). Growth of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community organisations. Facilitation of two sessions of an OUT LGBT Well-Being Expert meeting in celebration of its 15th Anniversary. Co-hosted by OUT and the UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology. Pretoria, South Africa, 16 September.

Nel, J.A. (2010). Hate Crime: An African perspective on its incidence, nature, causes and responses. Presented as part of the UNISA College of Human Sciences Seminar Series. Pretoria, South Africa, 25 August (By invitation).

Rich, E., Nel, J., Sandfort, T., & Mitchell, Y. (2010). The role of psychology in the empowerment of emerging lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. Presented as part of a symposium, co-hosted by Lubbe-De Beer, C., & Nel, J.A.: “Probing the boundaries of the closet... Same-sex sexuality and gender identity and psychology in South Africa” at the 16th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Durban, South Africa,  3 – 6 August.

Mitchell, Y., Nel, J., Sandfort, T., & Rich, E. (2010). An ecosystemic exploration of violence perpetrated against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons. Presented as part of a symposium, co-hosted by Lubbe-De Beer, C., & Nel, J.A.: “Probing the boundaries of the closet... Same-sex sexuality and gender identity and psychology in South Africa” at the 16th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Durban, South Africa, 3 – 6 August.

Nel, J.A. (2010). Contributing to the vision of an African renaissance: African guidelines for psychological practice with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender clients. Presented as part of a symposium, co-hosted by Lubbe-De Beer, C., & Nel, J.A.: “Probing the boundaries of the closet... Same-sex sexuality and gender identity and psychology in South Africa” at the 16th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Durban, South Africa, 3 – 6 August.

Nel, J.A. (2010). Chair of Round Table Discussion: Monitoring and reporting hate crime in South Africa: The importance of a psychological perspective, presented by van Wyk, H., Mitchell, Y., & Nel, J.A. 16th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Durban, South Africa, 3 – 6 August.

Nel, J.A. (2010). Chair of Round Table Discussion: Advocacy in working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex health and well-being. 16th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Durban, South Africa, 3 – 6 August.

Fynn, A., van Wyk, H., & Nel, J.A. (2010). A community psychology approach to victim empowerment. 16th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Durban, South Africa, 3 – 6 August.

Fynn, A., van Wyk, H., & Nel, J.A. (2010). A reflection on a decade of the South African Victim Empowerment Programme – examining the role of Psychology. 16th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Durban, South Africa, 3 – 6 August.

Nel, J.A. (2010). Sexual orientation in the workplace; University of Pretoria B Com Hons Human Resources Training Programme. Guest Lecture. Pretoria, South Africa, 2 August (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2010). Findings of the UNODC Victim Empowerment Programme Baseline Study. Presented at a National Seminar on the Victim Empowerment Programme hosted by the National Department of Social Development. Pretoria, South Africa, 29 July (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2010). Same-sex sexuality and health: Current psycho-social scientific research in South Africa. Presented as a 5-hour Continuing Professional Development Seminar at Vista Clinic. Pretoria, South Africa, 16 April (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2009). Hate Crime: An African perspective on its incidence, nature, causes and responses. Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation World Trauma Day seminar. Keynote Address presented by Mitchell, Y., on behalf of Nel J.A. Johannesburg, South Africa, 16 October (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2009). Hate crime: An African perspective on its incidence, nature, causes and responses; OUT LGBT Well-Being CPD accredited Study Group for healthcare professionals. Pretoria, South Africa, 28 August (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2009). Sexual orientation in the workplace; University of Pretoria B Com Hons Human Resources Training Programme. Guest Lecture. Pretoria, South Africa, 25 August (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2009). Same-sex sexuality and health: Current psycho-social scientific research in South Africa. Presented as part of a symposium: “Bringing the LGBT community together in South Africa” at the 15th National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Cape Town, South Africa, 11 – 14 August.

Nel, J.A. (2009). Same-sex sexuality and health: Current Psycho-social Scientific Research in South Africa. Lecture. Human Sciences Research Council Press Book launch of Reddy, V., Sandfort, T., & Rispel, L. (Eds.) Same-sex sexuality, HIV & AIDS and gender in South Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa, 22 July (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2009). Sexual and gender identity disorders. University of Johannesburg MA Clinical Psychology Training Programme. Guest Lecture. Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 May (By invitation).

Nel, J.A., & Judge, M. (2008). Exploring hate crime – Issues and responses: An LGBT perspective. 10th Anniversary conference of the Victim Empowerment Programme. Durban, South Africa, 18 – 20 August.

Sandfort, T.G.M., Nel, J.A., Rich, E., Reddy, V. & Yi, H. (2008). HIV testing and HIV status in South African MSM: Results from a community-based survey. HSRC Seminar. South Africa, 6 March (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2007). South African Psychology: Heterosexist or LGBT(I)-affirmative? Annual National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Durban, South Africa, 29 – 31 August.

Nel, J.A., & Judge, M. (2007). Exploring homophobic violence and crime in South Africa: Issues, impact and responses. National Conference of the Criminological Society of South Africa (CRIMSA). Pretoria, South Africa, 27 – 29 August.

Nel, J.A. (2007). Counteracting Heterosexism and Introducing an LGBT(I)-affirmative Stance in the Psychology Curriculum. National Conference on Teaching of Psychology in South Africa. Bloemfontein, South Africa, 22 – 23 March.

Nel, J.A., & Judge, M. (2006). Homophobic violence and hate crime in South Africa: SA Human Rights Commission. Cape Town, South Africa, in June (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2006). Towards the ‘Good Society’: Service delivery for victims of hate crime from the periphery to centre stage. Annual National Conference of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). Kempton Park, South Africa, 12 – 15 September.

Nel, J.A. (2005). Chair UCAP Discussion Forum on Assessment of Detained Youth with special guest American Psychologist, Linda Richardson. Pretoria, South Africa, 7 November.

Nel, J.A., Nefale, M.C., Kruger, D.J., & Shantall, T. (2002). Mainstream Diversity Training in the BA curriculum. Power of Diversity in SA. SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. Stellenbosch, South Africa, 20 – 21 June.

Nel, J.A. (1998). In the Constitution and Out of the Closet? Reflecting on South Africa’s Gay and Lesbian Community. Presented at the 1998 Annual Congress of PsySSA. Cape Town, South Africa, 10 September.

Nel, J.A. (1997). Severance Packages and the Criminal Justice System: Problem or Solution? Participant in Panel Discussion. Colloquium arranged by the Policing Association of Southern Africa. Pretoria, South Africa, 29 May.

Nel, J.A. & Joubert, K. (1996). Coming out of the Closet: More than a gay experience... Presented at the Second Annual Congress of PsySSA. Johannesburg, South Africa, 4 - 6 September.

Nel, J.A. (1996). Putting Victims on the Agenda: A National Workshop on Victim Empowerment and Support. August. Organised and facilitated the Workshop with Ms L. Camerer of the Institute for Security Studies.

Nel, J.A. (1995). This is history: ‘Out’ in Pretoria.  Presented at the First Southern African Colloquium on Gay and Lesbian Studies. Cape Town, South Africa, 19 - 21 October.

Nel, J.A. (1995). Private Practitioners, Police Psychologists and Polmed: Establishing a working relationship. Presented at the First Annual Congress of PsySSA. South Africa, in April.

Nel, J.A. (1995). The SAPS – ‘Symptom Bearer’ of the New South Africa? presented at the First Annual Congress of PsySSA, in April; and the Workers Compensation Conference. Sandton, South Africa, in October.

Nel, J.A. (1992). Sielkunde en die Suid‑Afrikaanse Polisie vir gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid: Lecture presented to the Pretoria branch of the Division for Research and Methodology of the Psychological Association of South Africa. South Africa, 31 March.

International Conference Presentations

Nel, J. A. (2024). Unofficial launch of the revised LGBTQ+ Practice Guidelines for (South) African Psychology. Invited Symposium (hosted by Nel, J. A., with Pillay, S. R, Victor, C. J, McLachlan, C. & Venter, Z., with Horne, S. G. as Discussant). Presented at the 33rd International Congress of Psychology 2024 (ICP2024) in Prague, 21-26 July.

Nel, J. A. (2024). LGBTQ+ affirmative practice from LGBTQ+ clients living in Colombia, South Africa, and the Philippine. Invited Symposium (hosted by Horne, S. G., with Nel, J. A., Chaparro, R. A. C., Irizarry, C., & Torre, B., with Skinta, M. as Discussant). Presented at the 33rd International Congress of Psychology 2024 (ICP2024) in Prague, 21-26 July.

Nel, J. A. (2024). Developing LGBTQ+ Psychological Practice Guidelines and Position Papers in Diverse Global Contexts. Symposium (hosted by Nakamura, N. & Dispenza, F., with Nel, J. A., McLachlan, C., Vencill, J. A., & Torre, B., with Skinta, M. as Discussant). Presented at the 33rd International Congress of Psychology 2024 (ICP2024) in Prague, 21-26 July.

Van Wyk, H & Nel, J. A. (2024). Healing Social Fractures: Contributions of Organized Psychology in Preventing Hate Victimization. Presented at the 33rd International Congress of Psychology 2024 (ICP2024) in Prague, 21-26 July.

Van Wyk, H & Nel, J.A. (2023). Victimisation - A Public Health Issue: Can Organised Psychology Play a Role in Prevention. Presented by the first author at the Columbian Congress of Psychology, Pereira, Colombia, 17-19 August.

Van Wyk, H & Nel, J.A. (2023). "Answering the Call": Can Organized Psychology Contribute Globally to the Prevention of Hate Victimization? Organized Psychology's' Global Contributions to the Disruption and Prevention of Hate and Bias-motivated Violence. Poster presentation by the first author at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington DC, US, 3-5 August.

Van Wyk, H. & Nel, J.A. (2023). Preventing Hate Victimization: Can Organized Psychology Contribute? Presented at the 7th International Conference on Hate, Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies. Spokane, WA, USA, 20–22 April.

Nel, J.A. (2022). Recent South African efforts around developing hate crime legislation, and ancillary programming to counter hate in the (South) African region. Participated and presented virtually, as a panellist, at the launch of the UNESCO Chair in Hate Studies, Ontario Tech University launch, 15 November (By invitation).

Horne, S.G., Nel, J.A., & Mavhandu-Mudzusi, A. (2022). Positive contributions to psychological well-being among South African LGBTQ+ individuals who sought counseling. In I. Zegura & S. Horne (Chairs), Symposium, Transnational LGBTQ+ concerns: The psychological impact of conversion therapy, seeking asylum and accessing affirmative care. 17th European Congress of Psychology. Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 6.

Nel J.A., Peacock, R., & van Wyk, H. (2022). Responding to and connecting with victims of LGBTQ+ hate crime, Round Table discussion presented at the 17th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology held Donostia/ San Sebastián, Spain, 5 – 9 June.

Pillay S., Ntetmen J., & Nel J.A. (2022). Queering Global Health: An Urgent Call for LGBT+ Affirmative Practices in and for Africa. Second Pan-African Psychology Congress. Online, 29 March.

Olaseni, A.O., Nel, J.A., & Oguntayo R., (2022). Anti-homosexuality law and resultant bio-psychosocial crises among sexually and gender-diverse persons and communities in Nigeria. Second Pan-African Psychology Congress. Online, 29 March.

Nel, J.A. (2021). International Psychology as key in responding to (LGBTIQ+) hate: (South) African perspectives. Keynote Address presented at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology 2020 (ICP2020+). Online, 22 July (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2021). Roundtable: Roles of SOGI sections within the national psychological associations during the times of politicization of LGBTQ+ issues, at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology 2020 (ICP2020+). Online, 21 July (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2021). Sexual and gender diversity affirmative practice guidelines: Making a difference in (South) Africa? Invited Symposium (hosted by Nel, J.A., with Pillay, S.R, Victor, C.J, McLachlan, C. & Ntetmen, J.), presented at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology 2020 (ICP2020+). Online, 19 July (By invitation).

Victor, C.J. & Nel, J.A. (2021). Presented as part of an Invited Symposium on Issues Related to Training and Education for International LGBTQ+ Advocacy, at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology 2020 (ICP2020+). Online, 20 July (By invitation).

Van Wyk, H. & Nel, J.A. (2021). Monitoring Hate Victimization in South Africa: Examining the Role of Organized Psychology. Presented at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology 2020 (ICP2020+). Online, 19-24 July.

Nel, J.A. (2021). Sticks and stones… The psychological effect of HATE (speech) on the victims. Presented at the 17th Asian Postgraduate Course on Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice. Online, 2-30 July (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2019). Intervening in hate victimisation of the sexually and gender diverse: The (South) African experience. Presented as part of a symposium: A model – Organizing global Psychology to address LGBT Hate Crimes and expand Affirmative Care at the APA 2019. Chicago, USA, 8-11 August.

Nel, J.A. & van Wyk, H. (2019). Intervening in hate victimisation of the sexually and gender diverse: The (South) African experience. Presented as part of a symposium at the XVI European Congress of Psychology 2019. Moscow, Russia, 3-5 July.

Nel, J.A. (2018). Psychology contributing to social justice and well-being of the sexually and gender diverse in (South) Africa. Presented as part of a symposium Advancing social justice internationally: Psychology contributions at the APA 2018. San Francisco, USA, 9-12 August.

Nel, J.A. (2018). Applying Psychological Science to Intervene in Hate Victimisation of the Sexually and Gender Diverse: The (South) African Experience. Presented at the ICAP. Montreal, Canada, 26-30 June (Keynote address).

Nel, J.A. (2018). Psychology in South Africa: Providing Leadership in Advancing Understanding of Sexual and Gender Diversity on the African Continent. Presented as part of a symposium Cross-cultural perspectives of LGBTQ Psychology: historical views from five different countries at the ICAP 2018 International LGBTQ Psychology Pre-Conference. Montreal, Canada, 25 June.

Nel, J.A. (2018). Psychology Providing Leadership in Advancing Understanding of Sexual and Gender Diversity. Presented at the LGBT Hungarian Conference: Contemporary questions and dilemmas of LGBTQ+ psychology, Hungarian Psychological Association. Budapest, Hungary, 12 May (Keynote address).

Nel, J.A. (2018). Perspectives from South Africa on the effects of hate on the victims. Presented at the 34th Postgraduate Course on Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 7 May.

Nel, J.A. (2017). South African psychology can and should provide leadership in advancing understanding of sexual and gender diversity on the African continent. Invited Address presented at the 1st Pan-African Psychology Union Congress. Durban, South Africa, 20 September (By invitation).

Nel. J.A. (2017). Chair of Symposium: The psychology of hate in South Africa presented at the 1st Pan-African Psychology Union Congress. Durban, South Africa, 19 September.

Nel, J.A., & Judge, M. (2017). Holding hate to account: The Psychological Society of South Africa as amicus in Jon Qwelane’s homophobic hate speech case. Presented as part of Symposium: The psychology of hate in South Africa at the 1st Pan-African Psychology Union Congress. Durban, South Africa, 19 September.

Nel, J.A., & Mitchell, Y. (2017). The Hate and Bias Crime Monitoring Form Project: Key findings and future directions in combating hate crime. Presented as part of Symposium: The psychology of hate in South Africa at the 1st Pan-African Psychology Union Congress. Durban, South Africa, 19 September.

McLachlan, C., & Nel. J.A. (2017). Trans-depathologisation – opening or inhibiting access to trans healthcare in Southern Africa. Presented at the 1st Pan-African Psychology Union Congress. Durban, South Africa, 20 September.

Victor, C.J., Nel. J.A., McLachlan, C., Pillay, S.R., & Van Dyk, D. (2017). It is here!  The affirmative practice guidelines for psychology professionals working with sexually and gender diverse people in South. Presented at the 1st Pan-African Psychology Union Congress. Durban, South Africa, 20 September.

Nel, J.A., & Mitchell, Y. (2017). The Psychology of hate in South Africa. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Hate Studies – Engaging with Communities for Justice, Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies. Spokane, WA, USA, 19–21 October.

Nel, J.A. (2017). Sticks and stones…: The effect of hate on the victims. Keynote Address presented at the International Conference: Troubling seasons of hate conference, Wits Centre for Diversity Studies. Johannesburg, South Africa, 7 December (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2016). Towards LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) Health and Well-Being. Presented at the 6th International Conference on Community Psychology (ICCP 2016). Durban, South Africa, 27-30 May.

Nel, J.A. (2016). Providing Leadership in Advancing Understanding of Sexual and Gender Diversity on the African Continent. Presented as part of a Symposium at the 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016). Yokohama, Japan, 24-29 July.

Nel, J.A. (2016). The Psychological Society of South Africa: Contributing to Social Justice for and Well-Being of All Presented as part of a Symposium at the 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016). Yokohama, Japan, 24-29 July (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2016). Advancing Individual and Community Understanding of Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Twenty-first Century. Presented at the World Psychiatric Association International Congress. Cape Town, South Africa, 18-22 November.

Nel, J.A. (2016). Incorporating psychological principles in public mental health policy to prevent racist and sexist violence by individuals and groups. Presented as part of a Symposium Violence towards foreigners: the role of professional societies in mental health to facilitate reconciliation and social cohesion at the World Psychiatric Association International Congress. Cape Town, South Africa, 18-22 November (By invitation).

Nel, J.A., & Breen, D. (2015). Hate crime in transitional societies: The case of South Africa. Workshop: International Network for Hate Studies in follow-up to the Inaugural Conference ‘Understanding Hate Crime: Research, Policy and Practice’. Online, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 7–8 May.

Nel, J.A. (2015). PsySSA Sexual and Gender Diversity Position Statement: Contributing to a just society. 3rd Biennial Conference of the African Society for Sexual Medicine (ASSM). Durban, South Africa, 27–29 November (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2014). Developing the Psychological Society of South Africa sexual and gender diversity position statement: The motivation, process and implications for practice. Workshop on Homosexuality in Africa hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). Bellagio, Italy, 23 – 27 September (By invitation).

Victor, C.J., Nel, J.A., & Lynch, I. (2014). A sexual- and gender diversity position statement: Capacitating psychology in South Africa to contribute to sustainable well-being. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris, France, 8–13 July.

Matthews, I., Nel, J.A., & Lynch, I. (2014). Panel discussion: Understanding, combatting and responding to hate crime in South Africa. International Network for Hate Studies Inaugural Conference ‘Understanding Hate Crime: Research, Policy and Practice’. University of Sussex. Brighton, UK, 8 – 9 May.

Van Wyk, H. & Nel, J.A. (2013). Developing a hate and bias crime monitoring tool for South Africa. European Congress of Psychology. Sweden, in July.

Victor, N., Nel, J.A., & Lynch. I. (2013). Developing a sexual and gender diversity position statement for psychology professionals in South Africa. 1st LGBT Psychology conference. Lisbon, Portugal, 20 June.

Semenya, B., Modutla, K, Papaikonomou, M, Kruger, D., & Nel, J.A. (2012). Poster: From teaching to hosting: Transformative counselling psychology encounters. ICP 2012, 30th International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa, 25 July.

Nel, J.A., Polders, L., & Sandfort, T. (2012). Mapping the mindsets of rural youth in an emerging lesbian, gay and bisexual community. ICP 2012, 30th International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa, 24 July.

Van Wyk, H., & Nel, J.A. (2012). Piloting the hate and bias crime, monitoring form in South Africa: Preliminary findings. ICP 2012, 30th International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa, 23 July.

Nel, J.A. (2012). Chair of a pre-congress workshop and related congress symposium. Perspectives on guidelines for LGBTI-affirmative practice: Global and local experience. ICP 2012, 30th International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa, 22 and 23 July.

Nel, J.A. (2012). South Africa – A home for all? A need for hate crime legislation to provide equal protection. Presentation as part of a panel discussion: What to do about ‘hate’? State responses to crimes of prejudice. The 3rd international conference on crime reduction and criminal justice. Hosted by the Institute for Security Studies. Johannesburg, South Africa, 25 October (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2011). Transgender research to action: Meaningful curricula and services. Respondent at Roundtable co-hosted by Gender Dynamix and the African Gender Institute. University of Cape Town, South Africa, 29 November (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2011). South African Victim Empowerment Programme: Thirteen years in the making. Third African Postgraduate course of Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice. In cooperation with the World Society of Victimology. Monash University, Johannesburg, South Africa, 3 – 14 October (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2011). Sexual orientation-based hate crime: A South African perspective. International AITRP MSM Conference. Cape Town, South Africa, 22 March (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2010). The 10th Anniversary and beyond: An update on the South African Victim Empowerment Programme. XXVI Postgraduate course of Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice. In cooperation with the World Society of Victimology. Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia, 10 – 22 May (By invitation).

Nel, J.A., Rich, E., Semenya, B., Mitchell, Y., & Sandfort, T. (2010). Emerging LGBT communities in South Africa: Benefitting from a progressive Constitution. Third African Sexology Conference. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 3 – 6 February.

Nel, J.A. (2010). The 10th Anniversary and beyond: An update on the South African Victim Empowerment Programme. Second African Postgraduate course of Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice. In cooperation with the World Society of Victimology. Monash University, Johannesburg, South Africa, 18 – 30 January (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2009). Research implementation and knowledge gaps in the field of same-sex sexuality and HIV/AIDS. International Expert meeting on Same-sex sexuality and HIV/AIDS: HIVOS and Schorer Foundation. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 – 5 November (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2009). Levels of empowerment and emerging LGBT communities in South Africa. SA AIDS 2009 MSM Satellite International Conference "Research and Advocacy: Sharing our strengths, bridging the gap". Durban, South Africa, 30 - 31 March.

Nel, J.A. (2008). Hate Crime: An African perspective on its incidence, nature, causes and responses. First African Postgraduate course of Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice. In cooperation with the World Society of Victimology. Monash University, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2 December.

Sandfort, T.G.M., Nel, J., Rich, E., Reddy, V., & Yi, H. (2008). HIV testing and self-reported HIV status in South African MSM: Results from a community-based survey. World AIDS Conference. Mexico, in August.

Nel, J.A., & Polders, L. (2008). Factors affecting vulnerability to depression among South African gay men and lesbians. XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin, Germany, 20 – 25 July.

Nel, J.A. (2008). Male same-sex sexuality and health: Current psycho-social scientific research in South Africa. 34th Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research. Leuven, Belgium, 9 – 12 July (By invitation).

Nel, J.A. (2007). Same-sex sexuality and health: Current Psycho-social Scientific Research in South Africa. International Conference on Gender, Same-sex sexuality and HIV/ AIDS. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council. Pretoria, South Africa, 9 – 11 May.

Nel, J.A. (2005). Data collection, analysis & research. International Consultation on the United Nations Secretary-General’s study on violence against children. Benoni, South Africa, 18 - 19 July.

Nel, J.A. (2004). Respondent: “Personal courage and public outcry – Southern Africa”, Judge Edwin Cameron. International Symposium on Homosexualities and HIV/AIDS: More than a question of Rights. HIVOS. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August (By invitation).

Nel, J.A., & Kruger, D.J. (2003). From policy to practice: Victim Empowerment in South Africa. A follow-up study. Congress of the World Society of Victimology: New Horizons in Victimology. The University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 13 - 18 July.

Nel, J.A. (2003). Victim Empowerment in South Africa. International Student and Practitioners course in Victimology of the World Society of Victimology. The University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 7 - 11 July.

Nel, J.A., & Joubert, K. (2003). Lifting the veil: experiences of gay men in a therapy group International Association for the Study of Sexuality in Society: Sex and secrecy. Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa, 22 - 25 June.

Nel, J.A. (2002). Opening address. UCAP: Overview of what the Centre has to offer. Something for Nothing: International Critical Psychology Conference. Pretoria, South Africa, in September.

Nel, J.A. (2001). Sexual Orientation and Mental Health: Overview of South African Situation. First International meeting on Sexual Orientation and Mental Health. American Psychological Association. San Francisco, in August (By invitation).

Nel, J.A., & Kruger, D.J. (2000). From policy to practice: exploring victim empowerment initiatives in South Africa. 10th International Symposium on Victimology. Montreal, Canada, in August.

Nel, J.A. (1997). In the Constitution and Out of the Closet? Reflecting on South Africa’s Gay and Lesbian Community. National Communication Association Convention: Celebrating our Centrality. Chicago, Illinois, USA, 22 November.

Nel, J.A. (1997). In the Constitution and Out of the Closet? Reflecting on South Africa’s Gay and Lesbian Community. 40th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association. Columbus, Ohio, USA, 15 November.

Nel, J.A. (1997). Multi-disciplinary Strategies for the Empowerment of Victims of Crime and Violence in a Developing Country - the South African Perspective. Sixth International Conference: Consolidating Communities against Violence. Johannesburg, South Africa, 19 October.

Nel, J.A. (1997). First World Ideals and Third World Realities: Empowering Victims of Crime and Violence in a Developing Country - the South African Perspective. Ninth International Symposium on Victimology. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28 August.

Nel, J.A. (1996). The South African Police Service: Mirroring the Rainbow Nation. National Communication Association Convention. San Diego, California, 23 - 26 November.

Nel, J.A. (1996). The South African Police Service Victim Support Programme initiative: The way forward... International Crime Conference: Crime and Justice in the 90's. CRIMSA/ IDASA. 3 - 5 July.

Nel, J.A. (1995). The South African Police Service - Victim or perpetrator of violence? International Symposium: Caring for survivors of Torture. Cape Town, South Africa,  15 - 17 November.

Nel, J.A., & Steyn, M. (1995). Mental Health Policy and the South African Police Service. International Launch: Report on World Mental Health and Regional Conference on Mental Health Policy. Cape Town, South Africa, 23 - 25 October.

Nel, J.A. (1994). A contextual approach to Post-Shooting Trauma in the South African Police Service. International Interdisciplinary Conference, The Family Institute: Society, Networks and the Family: Turbulence, Evolution and Hope. 19 July.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • 2024: Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) membership nomination submitted by UNISA on 29 May (outcome anticipated by year-end)
  • 2024: Awarded B3 (Internationally Recognised Researcher) rating (2024-2029) by the South African National Research Foundation (NRF)
  • 2016: Awarded an Established Researcher rating (2017-2022) by the South African National Research Foundation (NRF)
  • 2014 – 2015: Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) panel member for an International Consensus Study: Homosexuality in Africa
  • 2014 – 2020: Accepted as a full member of the International Academy of Sex Research
  • 2012: Co-recipient of the UNISA Award for Excellence in Tuition for the module PYC3705 (Transformative Counselling Encounters) awarded at the Closing Ceremony of the University on 6 Dec 2012 (note, I was project leader of the related re-curriculation).
  • 2011: Receive a certificate of recognition for 12 years of contribution towards laying the foundation for the Victim Empowerment Sector in South Africa, among others, for being instrumental in the recognition of hate victimisation as a priority area in the Victim Empowerment Programme integrated policy guidelines.
  • 2000: Joint recipient of the Marc Groenhuijzen Foundation Award at the 10th International Symposium on Victimology, held in Montreal, Canada, for my research into critical success factors for victim empowerment in SA


Completed Projects

Consensus study re homosexuality in Africa 2014 – 2015

The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) led an evidence-based study, together with other African science academies, on Homosexuality in Africa with a view towards presenting the findings to African policymakers. I served as a panel member for this important study. The panel was comprised of 15 experts drawn from diverse fields such as genetics, sociology, immunology, embryology, psychology, anthropology, epidemiology, public health, psychiatry, philosophy, bioethics and law.

Tshwane men’s study: HIV and sexual risk in African men who have sex with men in South African townships 2009 - 2013

I served as a consultant to this National Institute of Health (NIH)-funded research study conducted by the Human Science Research Council, Pretoria (Prof Vasu Reddy) and the HIV Center, Columbia University, New York (Prof Theo Sandfort), with OUT LGBT Well-Being as the community partner. The NIH is one of the world's foremost medical research centres.

Baseline study on the Victim Empowerment Programme in South Africa 2009

I was principal researcher on this European Commission-funded national project conducted on contract for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and National Department of Social Development. Conducted the study, to a value of R450 000-00, from March – November, in collaboration with Southern Hemisphere Consultants.

Levels of empowerment among LGBT people in South Africa- 2013

In 2007, in my capacity as Director of the UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology (UCAP), I signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Prof Theo Sandfort (Columbia University, USA) to support the collaborative writing of several manuscripts to be published in peer-reviewed academic journals on quantitative data collected among LGB populations in South Africa. UCAP played a leading role in the three studies that were conducted during 2003 – 2006 under the auspices of the Joint Working Group (JWG). We subsequently integrated the three data sets (n=1 855).

Four presentations at local conferences were directly informed by this ground-breaking research, which laid the foundation for an affirmative approach to LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender)-related concerns in South Africa. Furthermore, one manuscript in a South African journal and two in international journals have been published.

Levels of empowerment among LGBT people in the Western Cape, South Africa 2005 - 2006

Rich, E. (2006). Overall research findings on levels of empowerment among LGBT people in Western Cape, South Africa. Unpublished report. Pretoria: UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology

I was a supervisor on this project and the UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology the lead organisation under the auspices of the Joint Working Group.

The SA Victim Empowerment Programme Baseline Evaluation Study 2004 – 2012

The National Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP) of South Africa was launched in 1998 and has since faced a number of challenges but has also achieved several successes. The Management Team of the Victim Empowerment Programme is central to the functioning and coordination of Victim Empowerment activities. The aim of the longitudinal research study was to investigate how the Victim Empowerment Programme Management team evaluated and reflected on the VEP. The research incorporated, among others, an earlier developing capacity action research project, a previous study conducted in 2008 from an Appreciative Inquiry perspective, as well as the UNODC baseline study done in 2009. A related book chapter was published in 2013.

Jali Commission of Inquiry into the Department of Correctional Services– 2006

Nel, J.A. 2004. Human rights abuses of LGBTI people in South African prisons. LGBTI-Specific Mental Health Needs and the Importance of LGBTI-affirmative Health Services. Jali Commission of Inquiry into the Department of Correctional Services. Written submission. Pretoria: UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology.

Recommendations contained in this written submission were included in the final Jali report released in 2006 (See ).

Levels of empowerment among LGBT people in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa            2002-2006

Polders, L., & Wells, H. (2004). Overall research findings on levels of empowerment among LGBT people in Gauteng, South Africa. Unpublished report. Pretoria: OUT LGBT Well-being.

Wells, H. (2006). Levels of empowerment among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Unpublished report. Pretoria: OUT LGBT Well-being.

The UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology, under Directorship of J.A. Nel, was co-lead organisation in these projects under the auspices of the Joint Working Group.

Victim empowerment in South Africa 1998 - 2003

Nel, J.A., & Kruger, D.J. (1999). From policy to practice: exploring victim empowerment initiatives in South Africa. Pretoria: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research ISBN0-7988-5437-5

I was the project leader, principal researcher and supervisor on this project. The research report was awarded the Marc Groenhuijzen Foundation Award at the 10th International Symposium on Victimology held in Montreal, Canada in 2000.

Recommendations of this report were included in the National SA Police Service Victim Empowerment Policy, 2005.

In 2002, the study was repeated nationally and findings were presented at an international conference. See: Nel, J.A., & Kruger, D.J. (2003). From policy to practice: Victim Empowerment in South Africa. A follow-up study. Congress of the World Society of Victimology: New Horizons in Victimology. The University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 13 - 18 July.

Strengthening the BPsych degree programme- 2018

I served as leader of this project aimed at strengthening the UNISA Dept of Psychology BPsych degree programme by, among others, informing the recurriculation process and supplying students with relevant placement opportunities within the criminal justice system, and related National Victim Empowerment Programme, in partnership with key civil society organisations and/or government departments. Although I have for all intent and purposes discontinued my formal involvement, with HPCSA accreditation of the offering still in process, a related manuscript is underway, documenting key stakeholder perceptions.

Empowerment of Emerging South African LGBT Communities: The North-West Province as Case Study 2009 - 2018

I previously served as principal researcher, project leader and supervisor on this study funded by the UNISA Strategic Projects Fund and the South Africa Netherlands Project for Alternatives in Development (SANPAD), to the value of R1,9 million. Collaborative partners were Ms Eileen Rich and Ms Louise Polders (research psychologists previously on contract with UCAP), Prof Theo Sandfort (Columbia University, USA), and OUT LGBT Well-Being and Gay Umbrella were community partners.

To date, a community report on the project has been published. Additionally, one presentation at a local and two at international conferences were informed by this project. Although the project has formally been discontinued, several manuscripts are envisaged for publication in peer-reviewed academic journals, should the opportunity present itself. The statistical analyses of two manuscripts are in process and another is in draft form. The intention is to ensure at least two are published in high impact international journals and the other submitted for review by 2023.

Ongoing Projects

PsySSA African LGBTI+ Human Rights project   – 2025

In the capacity as a member of the Council of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) and the Executive of its Sexuality and Gender Division, I serve as project leader, co-researcher and student supervisor of a project that is primarily funded by the Arcus Foundation ($50 000-00=R423 000-00 in 2012; $75 000-00= R682 177-50 in 2014; $25 000-00= R323 000-00 in 2017, and $25 000-00=R338 327-90 in 2018/9) with additional support by the Multi-Agency Grants Initiative (MAGI) fund, administrated by HIVOS (R20 000-00).

The project aims to position PsySSA as a regional hub towards the promotion of the well-being and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI)+ persons on the African continent by:

1) Supporting its work to promote the integration of psychological knowledge into the sexual orientation and gender identity and expression (SOGIE) human rights movement within South Africa and serve as the centre of a regional network of psychological organisations and individual psychologists in Africa working in support of LGBTI+ human rights;

2) Developing and disseminating resources to increase the capacity of health service professionals to provide affirmative services to LGBTI+ individuals and communities; and

3) Publishing and revising practice guidelines or other guidance for working with LGBTI+ people.

In addition, this project aims to:

  • Develop detailed programming and planning meetings to bring together psychology professionals and psychological associations, in particular from Africa, in the International Congress of Psychology (ICP) and PsySSA-hosted Annual National Psychology Congress
  • Ensure the growth and sustainability of the PsySSA Sexuality and Gender Division
  • Develop and subsequent revision of African psychological guidelines for sexual and gender diversity-affirmative practice
  • Produce position statements to ensure that the rights of LGBTI+ persons in Africa are observed.

See: Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). (Authored by Victor, C.J., Nel, J.A., McLachlan, C., Pillay, S.R., Van Dyk, D., & Theron, L. (2017). Practice Guidelines for Psychology Professionals Working With Sexually and Gender-Diverse People. Johannesburg: Psychological Society of South Africa.

In addition to furthering our work in establishing and strengthening affirmative practices, internationally, in working with the sexually and gender-diverse, the initiative also spearheaded a pilot training curriculum in 2019/20 towards related continuous professional development (CPD) for healthcare providers. The main purpose of the initiative and related trainings, is to ‘increase psychological knowledge of human diversity in sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expression, and sex characteristics’ with the intent to raise more awareness among the targeted group of professionals. With the Department of Social Development (Gauteng)/ Psychological Society of South Africa (2020-2022) funding of R688 680-00 and UNISA ethics approval received in 2020 for the research project, Determining the efficacy of PsySSA’s LGBTIQA+ sensitisation training among a cohort of social workers, a related academic output for publishing in 2023, informed by the pilot training programme (predominantly quality assistance measures built into the workshops), will assist in shaping the final curriculum.

Three related projects currently underway:

  • A cross-cultural study of lived experiences of sexually and gender-diverse individuals in South Africa and Nigeria by Randall, Nel & Olaseni
  • The role of psychology guidelines in mental health access and treatment of sexually and gender-diverse individuals in South Africa by Horne, Nel, Victor, Olaseni & Chang.
  •  Determining the efficacy of PsySSA’s LGBTIQA+ sensitisation training among a cohort of social workers by Nel, Victor & Olaseni

Towards LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex+) Health and Well-Being 2013 - ongoing

Community-based civil society service organisations (CSOs) play a vital role in enhancing the well-being and psychological sense of ‘community’ among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI+) persons. There has been significant collaboration since 1998 between a CSO, OUT LGBT Well-being (OUT), and UNISA resulting in the development of comprehensive programmes for a much marginalised societal group (that is, LGBTI+ persons and communities) and the alignment of several academic and scientific outputs to the needs of this group. Examples include the first quantitative research studies on the experiences of LGBT+ persons in three provinces of South Africa (2002 – 2006); successful completion at UNISA of at least four related theses/ dissertations (2005 – 2012); being at the forefront of securing the right to same-sex marriage (2006), and using a UNISA Strategic Projects Fund and South African Netherlands Project on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD) research process and related findings to establish LGBTI+ services in the North-West province (2010/1). The general aim of this UNISA Community Engagement project, which received UNISA funding of R305 000-00 in 2013, R140 000-00 in 2014, and R80 000-00 in 2018, is to consolidate this long-standing relationship between OUT and UNISA in the interest of high-quality LGBTI+ research, and related teaching and learning, towards the advancement of LGBTI+ health and well-being through evidence-informed and sustainable community-based services, developing a body of knowledge and policy reforms.

The next steps include, in addition to the Gauteng-based, OUT LGBT Well-being, also targeting two other CSOs, one in Western Cape and another in KZN, to serve as community partners in the project. The intention is to have these three organisations serve as practicum placements for future UNISA research psychology interns and/ or BPsych students where they can get exposure to research opportunities and interventions aimed at LGBTI+ health and well-being, as well as intervention in hate victimisation.

Monitoring the nature and impact of Hate victimisation in South Africa  2010 - 2025

The UNISA Department of Psychology is a founder member of the Hate Crimes Working Group (HCWG), a multi-sector workgroup that was established in late 2009 with the common goal of lobbying for interventions to address hate crimes in South Africa. Guided by the objective of contributing to the full enactment of the Hate Crimes Act once legislated, the UNISA Department of Psychology, in 2010, initiated a project aimed at strengthening the advocacy efforts of the HCWG. The Hate and Bias Crimes Monitoring Project, which aims to determine and describe the nature and extent of hate victimisation in South Africa, is managed by the research sub-committee of the HCWG, led by the UNISA Department of Psychology with me as project leader, co-researcher and supervisor, and supported by local and international experts. The HCWG Hate & Bias Crime Monitoring Form and its accompanying User Guide is a rigorous research instrument developed by the research sub-committee, in consultation with the member organisations of the HCWG, and piloted across sectors and in different settings before its finalisation. The Monitoring Form was utilised by the HCWG, acting under the auspices of ethical clearance obtained from UNISA, in partnership with key CSOs in five provinces (Eastern Cape/ Gauteng/ KwaZulu-Natal/ Limpopo/ Western Cape) to provide a baseline record for a five year longitudinal study (2013 – 2017).

In 2012 the project was awarded R300 000-00 by the Open Society Foundation-South Africa (OSF-SA) and a further R90 000-00 from HIVOS MAGI (Multi-agency Grants Initiative) Fund. In 2013, OSF-SA awarded R250 000-00 to the project, with a further R260 000-00 awarded for 2014/5. In August 2016, OSF-SA awarded a further R455 000-00 to the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) – a member of the HCWG Steering Committee since 2016 - to conclude this study [grant numbers 03029, 2012; 03162, 2013; 03270, 2014; 03397, 2015; and 03559, 2016/7].

See Mitchell, Y., & Nel, J. A. (2017). The Hate and Bias Crimes Monitoring Form Project: January 2013 to September 2017. Johannesburg: The Hate Crimes Working Group.

Subject to securing further funding, the next steps include the:

i) redesign the HCWG Hate & Bias Crime Monitoring Form as one tool in an international framework for the prevention and interruption of hate and bias-motivated behaviour, and

ii) potential hosting of the biannual conference of the International Network for Hate Studies (INHS) in South Africa under the auspices of UNISA/ PsySSA/ HCWG.


Venter, Z., & Nel. J.A. (2023). One-pager hand-out of the Psychological Guidelines of Affirmative practice guideline working with sexually and- gender diverse people.

Tomson A, McLachlan C, Wattrus C, et al. (2021). Southern African HIV Clinicians Society gender-affirming healthcare guideline for South Africa. S Afr J HIV Med. 22(1), a1299.  - listed as contributor

Co-represented PsySSA as amicus in the Jon Qwelane vs South African Human Rights Commission Constitutional Court matter in which judgement was handed down on 30 July 2021. Expert opinion on a range of matters, including more recently ongoing assistance and support in a high-profile homophobic hate speech constitutional and equality court case (the Jon Qwelane matter, see )

SABC news (2021). Gender activists welcome Concourt judgment in Qwelane's hate speech case interview with Prof J.A. Nel on SABC news live, available at:

Radio 100.4fm (2020). Where Do We Draw The Line Between Hate Speech And Freedom Of Expression? Live interview with Prof J.A. Nel available at:

Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) (Authored by Nel, J.A., & McLachlan, C. 2018). Dutch Reformed Church leader misrepresents paedophilic disorder as same-sex sexual orientation: An open statement by PsySSA. M&G Thought Leader. 18 October. Retrieved from

Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) (Authored by Nel, J.A., & McLachlan, C. 2018). An Open Statement from the Psychological Society of South Africa Sexuality and Gender Division: Debates in the Dutch Reformed Church re Sexual Orientation and Misrepresentation of Pedophilic Disorder as Comparable to Same-sex Sexual Orientation. Retrieved from

Nel, J.A. (2018). Launch of landmark PsySSA guidelines on sexual and gender diversity welcomed. PsyTalk (Official newsletter of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA).

PsySSA. (2018). Practice Guidelines For Psychology Professionals Working With Sexually And Gender-Diverse People launch. Available at:

SABC news (2018). PsySSA to launch landmark guidelines on Sexual and Gender Diversity live interview with Prof J.A. available at:

Mitchell, Y., & Nel, J. A. (2017). The Hate and Bias Crimes Monitoring Form Project: January 2013 to September 2017. Johannesburg: The Hate Crimes Working Group.

Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). (Authored by Victor, C.J., Nel, J.A., McLachlan, C., Pillay, S.R., Van Dyk, D., & Theron, L. 2017). Practice Guidelines for Psychology Professionals Working with Sexually and Gender-Diverse People. Johannesburg: Psychological Society of South Africa.

Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). (2015). Diversity in Human Sexuality: Implications for policy in Africa. Consensus study report (May). ISBN Number: 978-0-9922286-9-9. Pretoria: ASSAf.

Victor, C.J.; Nel, J.A., & Lynch, L. (2013). Developing a sexual- and gender diversity position statement for psychology professionals in South Africa. Conference Abstracts. Oral presentations. 1st International Conference on LGBT Psychology and related fields – Coming out for LGBT Psychology in the current international scenario (Lisbon, Portugal, 20-22 June 2013). Psychology, Community & Health: 2(2), 58-197.

Nel, J.A., van Wyk, H. & Mbatha, K. 2013. User guide: Hate & Bias Crime Monitoring Form. Johannesburg: Hate Crimes Working Group.

Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) (Authored by Victor, N., Nel, J.A., Lynch. I. 2013). Sexual and gender diversity position statement. Retrieved from

Nel, J.A. (2013). Anene - A national symbol of the tide that has turned or simply another bloody South African statistic? PsyTalk (Official newsletter of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA). (1), 1-2.

Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) (Authored by Nel, J.A., & Lubbe-De Beer, C. with assistance from Schlittler, R. 2011). An Open Statement from the Psychological Society of South Africa Concerning Vote of the South African Representatives at the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on 16 November 2010.

Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) (Authored by Nel, J.A., & Lubbe-De Beer, C., with assistance from Schlittler, R. 2010). An Open Statement from the Psychological Society of South Africa to the People and Leaders of Uganda Concerning The Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009.

Baird, H. (with support from Mitchell, Y., Nel, J.A., & Sandfort, T.G.S. 2010). Same-sex sexuality in the North-West Province. Community report on outcomes of a research project. Pretoria: UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology. Available at:

Nel, J.A. & Lomofsy, D. (2009). Baseline report on victim empowerment in South Africa (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNNODC) Project number: XAMT15). Pretoria: UNODC.

Nel, J. A. (2008). Sexual orientation must be accepted – PsySSA. SA Jewish Report, 02-09 May. See

Nel, J.A. (2008). Understanding the challenges facing lesbian women, gay men, bisexuals and transgender persons. Some guidelines for service providers. A resource booklet of OUT LGBT Well-Being adapted for the Open Society Foundation for international application. Pretoria: OUT LGBT Well-Being.

Nel, J.A., & Judge, M. (2008a). Hate Crime in South Africa: Issues, challenges and strategies for action. Submission to the National Prosecuting Authority. June. Pretoria: UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology & OUT LGBT Well-Being.

Nel, J.A., & Judge, M. (2008b). Exploring hate crime – Issues and responses: An LGBT perspective. (pp82 – 87). In the Victim Empowerment Programme 10th Anniversary Conference Report. Durban, 18 – 20 Aug. Department of Social Development: Pretoria.

Judge, M. & Nel, J.A. (2007). Ensuring the Victims Service Charter works for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Submission to the National Department of Justice. Pretoria: OUT LGBT Well-Being and UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology.

Nel, J.A. (2004). Human rights abuses of LGBTI people in South African prisons. LGBTI-Specific Mental Health Needs and the Importance of LGBTI-affirmative Health Services. Jali Commission of Inquiry into the Department of Correctional Services. Written submission. Pretoria: Unisa Centre for Applied Psychology.

Nel, J.A. (2004). Sex Column Advisors: Do they have a role to play? Newsletter of the Southern African Sexual Health Association (SASHA). Johannesburg, South Africa.

Nel, J.A. (2003). Therapy Groups: An Important Tool in Addressing Issues Related to Sexual Orientation. Newsletter of the Southern African Sexual Health Association (SASHA). Johannesburg, South Africa.

Nel, J.A., & Kruger, D.J. (2003). From policy to practice: exploring victim empowerment initiatives in South Africa. A follow-up study. Interim technical report. Pretoria: UNISA.

Nel, J.A., Koortzen, P., & Jacobs, E. (2001). A Short Course in Victim Empowerment and Support. Study Guide of the UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology. Pretoria: UNISA.

Nel, J.A., & Kruger, D.J. (1999). From policy to practice: exploring victim empowerment initiatives in South Africa. Pretoria: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research ISBN 0798854375.

Nel, J.A. (1998). Police Officials as Victims of Trauma and Crisis: An Overview of Themes in Plenary Sessions. Proceedings of the National Conference on Police Officials as Victims, 25 - 26 February 1998. Johannesburg: Technikon SA

Nel, J.A., & Burgers, T.J. (1996). The South African Police Service – ‘Symptom bearer’ of the new South Africa? Track Two (a quarterly publication of the Centre for Conflict Resolution), 5(1) (March), pp 17 - 20.

Camerer, L., & Nel, J.A. (1996). Putting Victims on the Agenda. Proceedings of a National Workshop on Victim Empowerment and Support. ISS Monograph Series, 7 (November), pp 1 – 84

Nel, J.A. (1995). Post-shooting trauma - A contextual approach in the SA Police Service. Servamus, April, pp 15 - 16.

Nel, J.A., & de Lange, Z.C. (1993). Die Ideale Polisiebeampte ‑ Mite of Realiteit?  Servamus, April, pp 11 ‑ 13.

Nel, J.A. (1991). Die Persoonlikheidsbeeld van die S A Polisie. Servamus, February, pp 37 ‑ 40.

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