TVET colleges

Apply & register

Apply for admission to Unisa for the 2024 academic year

Who must apply?

Everyone wanting to start a new qualification must apply for admission.

When must I apply?

You must apply for admission to the 2024 academic year during the relevant application period. Click here for more information about Unisa's application dates.

How must I apply?

If you plan to enrol for classes at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college under the Unisa-TVET agreement, you may apply via the relevant TVET college or at Unisa via the online or self-help options.

 The TVET colleges provide face-to-face tuition / classes for selected modules in some qualifications. Please check that your selected TVET college offers your qualification(s) of choice.

Apply for admission via a TVET college

  • Please ensure that the TVET college you have selected offers your qualification of choice.
  • Apply for admission to Unisa via the TVET college. Indicate clearly at the time of application that you are applying for admission to Unisa. Ensure that you submit all the necessary documents and pay the application fee during the application process.

Apply for admission to Unisa 

Online via the application website:

Register for the 2024 academic year

Unisa will send the necessary information about registration dates and the registration process to all successful applicants who have confirmed their acceptance of Unisa's offer. Visit for registration information.

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 16:45:03 SAST 2023