Abstract submission (oral and poster) closes on 20 July 2019. Acceptance on late submissions of abstracts cannot be guaranteed.
To submit your abstract for your oral presentation or poster please first register for the conference and then login using your gmail account and submit your abstract.
Please note that abstracts should not exceed one page including references. Please keep your abstract as short as possible and written in English. For References, use the given sample in the abstract in text format. Click here for the abstract.
Submissions of abstracts for the contributed sessions are invited in the areas listed below. Presenters can submit an abstract for an oral or a poster presentation.
The TAAG main streams of submission for oral presentations are (but are limited to):
The Modelling, Applications and Approximations Theory (MAAT) main streams for submission of topic of interest for oral presentations are (not limited to):
Abstract submission can only be accepted in Latex templates:
Abstract template for submission in LaTex. Click here for the template.
Poster session:
Any delegate may participate in the poster session. More information and guidelines regarding poster presentations will be available soon.
Last modified: 2023/08/07