Classics unit

Classics is a unit of the Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies. At undergraduate level we offer two majors, namely Ancient History and Classical Culture. Ancient Greek and Latin are offered on level one only. At postgraduate level students may specialise in Ancient History, Classical Culture, Ancient Greek or Latin, all under the umbrella of Classical Studies.

Classical Studies aims at broadening and sharpening perspectives on central human issues, with particular reference to contemporary South African society. This is realised by offering innovative tutorial material and support in the following fields:

  • the history of the ancient Mediterranean world
  • various aspects of Classical culture
  • acquisition of the necessary linguistic skills to read and interpret Greek and Latin texts (both in the original and in translation)

Especially at the level of tertiary education, Classical Studies provides direct access to the roots of modern culture and civilisation. Historically bound to subjects such as Christian Theology, Law and History, Classics also embraces various other disciplines such as Literature, Art and Architecture, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Linguistics, Religious Studies, Orality, Mythology and even the sciences. This unique breadth makes Classics a multi-dimensional discipline which can be studied on its own or in direct conjunction with any other subject in the faculty.

Contact us

NameOfficeTelephone numberE-mail address
Unit leader
Prof MEA de Marre TvW 8-113 +27 12 429 6394
Administrative staff
Mrs Esther Mema-Dyasi TvW 8-122 +27 12 429 6811  
Ms Elsabe Nel (Reference librarian)   +27 12 429 3633

Dr JC Lamprecht TvW 8-106 +27 12 429 6205 lamprjc@unisa

Last modified: 2023/08/07