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Advanced Integrated Social Work Practice - BSW4805

Under Graduate Degree Year module NQF level: 8 Credits: 60
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: BSW3701; BSW3702; BSW3703 & BSW3705 Co-requisite: BSW4802; BSW4803 & BSW4806
Purpose: The module will equip students with advanced practical knowledge, skills, attitudes and principles of social work practice to identify, assess, plan, implement, evaluate and terminate appropriate social work intervention processes with individual, couples, families, groups and communities under social work supervision at welfare practice setting. Qualifying students will be able to apply various theories, approaches and models in social work practice from a developmental approach. Students will be able to integrate theory into practice relevant to policies and legislation pertaining to social work practice utilising different levels of intervention within different areas of intervention, fields of practice and levels of social welfare delivery to deal with social issues amongst client systems of different sizes.