Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies
College of Human Sciences |
School of Humanities |
Department: Biblical and Ancient Studies |
Research Fellow
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- 1973 BA (University of Stellenbosch) (cum laude)
- 1976 BTh (University of Stellenbosch)
- 1977 Licentiate in Theology (University of Stellenbosch)
- 1977 Hons BA (Semitic Languages) (University of Stellenbosch) (cum laude)
- 1979 MA (Semitic Languages) (University of Stellenbosch) (cum laude)
- 1987 DTh (Old Testament) (Unisa)
NRF Rating
Fields of academic interests
- Israelite literature of the Second Temple Period (515BCE-70CE)
- The Augustinian paradigm of Christianity and the Old Testament
Field of Specialisation
- Wisdom literature of ancient Israel
- Apocalyptic literature of ancient Israel
- Religion of ancient Israel
- Research history of the Old Testament
- Traditional Christian doctrines and the Old Testament
- The “greening” of Christianity
- Purper en flenterlap: Rykdom en armoede in die Ou Testament. Pretoria: J L van Schaik, 1991. (Bosman, HL, Gous, IGP & Spangenberg, IJJ [eds.])
- Plutocrats and paupers: Wealth and poverty in the Old Testament. Pretoria: J L van Schaik, 1991. (Bosman, HL, Gous, IGP & Spangenberg, IJJ [eds])
- Die boek Prediker. Kaapstad: NG Kerk-Uitgewers, 1993. (Skrifuitleg vir Bybelstudent en Gemeente.)
- Perspektiewe op die Bybel: God se woord in mensetaal. Pretoria: JL Van Schaik, 1998.
- Ancient Israelite Literature in Context. Pretoria: Protea Book House, 2000. (Boshoff, WS; Scheffler, EH & Spangenberg, IJJ)
- Perspectives on the Bible: God’s Word in ordinary language. Pretoria: Protea Book House, 2002.
- Teologie op die markplein: ’n Post-apartheid teoloog dink na oor sy geloof en leefwêreld. Pretoria: Unisa, CB Powell Bybelsentrum, 2003.
- Geskiedenis en geskrifte: Literatuur van ou Israel. Pretoria: Protea Boekhuis, 2008. (Boshoff, WS, Scheffler, EH & Spangenberg, IJJ)
- Jesus van Nasaret. Kaapstad: Griffel Media, 2009.
- Legacies of Albert Schweitzer reconsidered. Cape Town: AOSIS, 2016. (Spangenberg, IJJ & Landman, C [eds.])
Chapters in books:
- Ironie in die boek Prediker. In Coetzee, J H, Nortjé, S J, & Viviers, H J (reds), 'n Vriend in ons poorte: Studies opgedra aan prof P J du Plessis, 183–201. Johannesburg: RAU, 1990.
- ‘The poor will always be with you'. Wealth and poverty in a wisdom perspective. In Bosman, HL; Gous, IGP & Spangenberg, IJJ (eds), Plutocrats and paupers: wealth and poverty in the Old Testament, 228–246. Pretoria: JL van Schaik, 1991.
- Job and the powerless God. In Wessels, WJ & Scheffler, EH (eds) Old Testament Science and Reality: A Mosaic for Deist, 304–316. Pretoria: Verba Vitae, 1992.
- Poverty in the Old Testament: the social crisis in Judah in the Persian era. In Du Toit, CW (ed), Empowering the poor, 114–128. Pretoria: UNISA, 1996. (Miscellanea Congregalia 52)
- Daniël. In Vosloo, W & Van Rensburg, FJ (reds), Die Bybellennium: Eenvolumekommentaar, 961–993. Vereeniging: CUM, 1999.
- The literature of the Persian period (539–333 BCE). In Boshoff, WS, Scheffler, EH & Spangenberg, IJJ, Ancient Israelite Literature in Context, 168–198. Pretoria: Protea Book House, 2000.
- The literature of the Hellenistic period (333–63 BCE). In Boshoff, WS, Scheffler, EH & Spangenberg, IJJ, Ancient Israelite Literature in Context, 199–236. Pretoria: Protea Book House, 2000.
- Who cares? Reflections on the Story of the Ostrich (Job 39:13–18). In Habel, NC & Wurst, S (eds) The Earth Story in Wisdom Traditions, 92–102. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. (The Earth Bible Volume 3.)
- Die Bybel en die nuwe hervorming. In Muller, P (ed) Die Nuwe Hervorming, 88–111. Pretoria: Protea Boekhuis, 2002.
- Will synchronic study of the Pentateuch keep the scientific study of the Old Testament alive in the RSA? In le Roux J. & Otto, E., South African Perspectives on the Pentateuch between Synchrony and Diachrony, 138–151. London: T&T Clark. (Library of Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Studies 463.) 2007
- Yahwism, Judaism and Christianity: religions do evolve! In Du Toit, C.W. (ed.), The Evolutionary Roots of Religion: Cultivate, Mutate or Eliminate? 119–143. Pretoria: Unisa. (SASRF Series, 13.) 2009.
- Van onverwoesbare binnestander tot onverwoesbare buitestander. In Van Wyk, Diek, Nolte, Coenie & Atterbury, Leon (reds), Hier staan ek, 194–208. Kaapstad: Griffel Media. 2011.
- The Book of Daniel, the Canon and the Grand Narrative of Christianity. In Burns, D. & Rogerson, JW (eds), Far from Minimal: Celebrating the Work and Influence of Philip R. Davies, 410–418. London: T&T Clark/Continuum, 2012. (Library of Hebrew/Old Testament Studies 484.)
- Albert Schweitzer: Herald of the ‘greening’ of Christianity. In Spangenberg, IJJ & Landman, C (eds.), Legacies of Albert Schweitzer reconsidered, 243–269. Cape Town: AOSIS, 2016.
Journal articles
- Daniël 9: 'n Voorspelling van die kruisigingsdatum van Jesus Christus? Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif 26 (1985), 271–281.
- Die Christologiese uitleg van die Ou Testament en die implikasies vir die prediking. Scriptura 16 (1985), 29–46.
- Who is the wise one in 2 Samuel 14:1–14? OTWSA/OTSSA 27/28 (1986), 272–279.
- Die Prediker se uitsprake oor en uitkyk op die dood. Scriptura 27(1988), 29–37.
- Die struktuur en strekking van Prediker 4:17–5:6. Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif 30 (1989), 260–269.
- Quotations in Ecclesiastes: An appraisal. Old Testament Essays 4 (1991), 19–35.
- Old Testament Theology and Wisdom literature. Theologia Evangelica (SA) 25 (1992), 2–7.
- Galileo Galilei en die boek Prediker: 'n Les uit die kerkgeskiedenis. Theologia Evangelica (SA) 26 (1993), 121–131.
- Op die voetspoor van Harold Henry Rowley (1890–1969). Hervormde Teologiese Studies 50 (1994), 669–686.
- Paradigmaveranderinge in die Bybelwetenskappe: ’n Bydrae tot die gesprek tussen die Bybelwetenskappe en Sistematiese Teologie. Religion & Theology 1 (1994), 144–184.
- Om te teologiseer oor God en lyding: Opmerkings na aanleiding van Harold Kushner se interpretasie van Job 40:9–14. Hervormde Teologiese Studies 50 (1994), 990–1004.
- Paradigm change and Old Testament theology: Death-blow to a non-existent beast? Old Testament Essays 7 (1994), 435–452.
- Paradigm changes in the Biblical Sciences and the teaching of Biblical Studies in the new South Africa. Scriptura 52 (1995), 1–10.
- Kritiese realisme, die Bybel, die Gereformeerde belydenisskrifte en die Christelike geloof: Kanttekeninge by ’n aantal terugblikke oor die Bybelwetenskappe. Religion & Theology 2 (1995), 191–205.
- Jonah and Qohelet: Satire versus irony. Old Testament Essays 9 (1996), 495–511.
- Irony in the book of Qohelet. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 72, (1996), 57–69.
- Psalm 49 and the book of Qohelet. Skrif en Kerk 18 (1997), 328–344.
- Die Westerling se worsteling met Afrika. Woord en Daad (Winter, 1998), 26–28.
- A Century of Wrestling with Qohelet. The research history of the book illustrated with a discussion of Qoh 4:17–5:6. In Schoors, Antoon (ed.), Qohelet in the Context of Wisdom, 61–91. Louvain: Peeters, 1998. (BETL 136).
- Op pad na 2000 — oftewel, oor al die dinge wat gebeur het. Old Testament Essays 11 (1998), 534–566.
- A bridge too far: Response to Gerrie Snyman’s article ‘Will it happen again?’ Religion & Theology 6 (1999), 411–414.
- Die Suid-Afrikaanse navorsingsgeskiedenis van die boek Daniël en die eksegetiese spel. Old Testament Essays 12 (1999), 591–608.
- Voëls van eenderse vere? Oor die Israelitiese en Egiptiese wysheid en voëlsimbole. Skrif en Kerk 21 (2000), 641–653.
- Beleef die Christelike Teologie soos met die vorige eeuwending weer ’n paradigmaverandering? Hervormde Teologiese Studies 58 (2002), 100–117.
- Hoe dink vandag se mense oor die Bybel? Verbum et Ecclesia 23 (2002), 183–195.
- Kerk en teologie in die postmoderne tyd. Hervormde Teologiese Studies 58 (2002), 1134–1153.
- Wat moet ons weet en wat kan ons nog glo? Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif 44 (2003), 147–160.
- The Christian Canon a Palimpsest? In Auwers, J-M & De Jonge, H J (ed) The Biblical Canons, 287–293. Louvain: Peeters, 2003. (BETL 163.)
- Om oor God te praat: ’n Kritiese oorsig van gesprekke onder Afrikaanssprekende Christene van die gereformeerde tradisie (1998–2003) Verbum et Ecclesia 25 (2004), 274–293.
- Joodse narratiewe van die Persiese tydvak: Ideologie? Hervormde Teologiese Studies 60 (2004), 791–813.
- Sonder verhale vaar niemand wel. Hervormde Teologiese Studies 60 (2004), 1373–1381.
- In celebration of James Alfred Loader’s sixtieth birthday (12 July 1945 – 12 July 2005). Old Testament Essays 18 (2005), 165–171.
- Constructing a historical context for the Ruth novelette: Dovetailing the views of Rainer Albertz and James Alfred Loader. Old Testament Essays 18 (2005), 345–355.
- The Septuagint of Daniel 9: Does it reflect a messianic interpretation? In Knibb, M.A. (ed) The Septuagint and Messianism, 431–441. Louvain: Peeters, 2006. (BETL 195.)
- Oor doodloopstrate en omweë: Kanttekening by die boek Doodloopstrate van die geloof – ’n Perspektief op die Nuwe Hervorming. Verbum et Ecclesia 27 (2006), 361–373.
- Reformation and Counter-Reformation or, what are Old Testament scholars doing at universities in South Africa? Old Testament Essays 19 (2006), 982–992.
- Postmoderne Bybelwetenskap en die Christelike godsdiens — kanttekeninge by die boek Geloof sonder sekerhede: Besinning vir eietydse gelowiges. Ned Geref Teol Tydskrif 48 (2007), 188–201.
- Constructing a historical context for Psalm 49. Old Testament Essays 20 (2007): 201–214.
- Can a major religion change? Reading Genesis 1–3 in the Twenty-First Century. Verbum et Ecclesia 28 (2007), 259–279.
- The doctrines of original sin and the virgin birth: divine revelation or human construct? Verbum et Ecclesia 30 (2009), 221–242.
- Darwin, Du Plessis, Dooie Seerolle en Demokrasie: Stroomversnellings in die studie van die Ou Testament in Suid-Afrika (1859–2009). Old Testament Essays 22 (2009), 662–676.
- Die verkrummeling van die Augustiniaanse paradigma in die teologie? ’n Kritiese bespreking van Cornelis Blom se boek Zonder grond onder de voeten. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 66(1), 2010. art. #848, 7 pages. Doi.10.4102/hts.v66i1.848
- Die Jesus Seminaar vier sy eerste kwarteeu: nabetragtings van ’n buitstander. LitNet Akademies 8(1), Maart 2011.
- Opstandingsverhale en opstandingsdogma. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 67(1), 2011. Art. #874, 8 pages. doi.10.4102/hts.v67i1.874
- Psalm 24: Reading from right to left and from back to front. Old Testament Essays 24(3), 2011:746–766.
- Ses dekades Ou Testament teologie (1952–2012): Van één Spreker tot verskeie menslike sprekers. HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 68(1), 2012.
- Die tradisionele Christelike godsdiens en teologie in die greep van ’n verouderde paradigma: diagnose en prognose. LitNet Akademies (Godsdienswetenskappe) 2013.
- On the origin of death: Paul and Augustine meet Charles Darwin. HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 69(2), 2013.
- Reading the Old Testament in the 21st century using the book of Jonah as reference. Verbum et Ecclesia 34 (2013).
- A brief history of belief in the Devil (950 BCE – 70 CE). SHE 2013.
- Kollig op Genesis 1-3: Verslag van verskuiwende denke en geloof. Old Testament Essays 27(2), 612–636 (2014)
- Die ‘vergroening’ van die Christelike godsdiens: Charles Darwin, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin en Lloyd Geering. HTS 70(1), 1–9 (2014).
- Psalm 73 and the book of Qoheleth. Old Testament Essays 29(1), 151–175 (2016).
- Is God a ventriloquist and is the Bible God’s dummy? Critical reflections on the use of the Bible as a warrant for doctrines, policies and moral vales. Scriptura 116, 208–223. Special edition, 2017.
Professional positions, fellowships & awards
- Unisa Chancellor’s prize for research (Faculty of Theology & Biblical Religions), (1999)
- Andrew Murray Award for “Die Bybellennium: Eenvolume Bybelkommentaar” (2000)
- Member: Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
- Member: Old Testament Society of Southern Africa (OTSSA)
- Member: South African Society of Near Eastern Studies (SASNES)
- The interpretation of the book of Daniel
- Ecological readings of the Old Testament
- The “greening” of Christianity
- Science and religion