Institute for Social and Health Sciences (ISHS)

The Black Body? (Still)A Site of Oppression?

On Human Rights Day, March 21, 2019, the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg hosted a dialogue on black bodies. The dialogue was intended to examine questions and issues regarding black bodies, including but not limited to, “what life is (still) like for black South Africans twenty-five years after the transition out of apartheid; how much has changed; and how big or small is the gap, now, between human rights jurisprudence and anti-black lived realities. The panellists were Kopano Ratele, Lovelyn Nwadeyi, and Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, and the moderator was Eusebius McKaiser. You can watch one of the short YouTube clips here.

Publish date: 2019-03-21 00:00:00.0

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