Undergraduate & honours qualifications

Bachelor of Social Work

Qualification code: 90088
NQF level: 8
Total credits: 552
SAQA ID: 101834
APS/AS: 21
This qualification consists of 37 modules. Students must choose either Psychology or Sociology as a second major and must complete three modules (NQF level 6) from either Psychology or Sociology. BSW2605 includes a maximum of 140 hours' work-integrated learning in a practical setting at an approved organisation and under supervision of a registered social worker. Full-time students in the BSW may register for up to 144 credits per annum to account for the practical work. BSW3705 includes a maximum of 200 hours' work-integrated learning in a practical setting at approved organisation and under supervision of a registered social worker. Students must register with the South African Council for Social Service Profession (SACSSP) as student social workers before registering for the following practical modules: BSW2605, BSW3705 or BSW4805. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REGISTER WITHOUT THE POLICE CLEARANCE AND THE TWO TESTIMONIALS. Students should note that during the course of their studies they would be required to have access to a computer or laptop, printer and the internet.
Purpose statement:
The purpose of this qualification is to ensure that all graduates will be able to contribute meaningfully to enhance the quality of life for all by means of social development and transformation through acquired knowledge, skills and values. The BSW will equip its graduates to address many of the consequences of social inequality, exclusion, poverty and marginalisation through evidence-based interventions. The overarching values that guide social work education and training are: social justice, Ubuntu, human rights and respect for indigenous knowledge systems and the environment.
This qualification will be presented via distance learning mode.

Who can register?

  • Applicants (new applicants & Unisa students who applied for admission to a new qualification) may only register if they have received an offer of placement from Unisa and have accepted the offer online. Unisa reserves the right to not process and / or to cancel your registration if it is found that you were incorrectly admitted to a qualification. 
  • Re-registering students may register for the 2025 academic year once the registration period opens.

Please note: Should you wish to start a new qualification, please apply online for the alternative qualification during the prescribed application period.

How to choose your modules

Each Unisa qualification is structured in such a way that you need to pass a certain number of NQF level credits within a certain amount of time in order to graduate.

  • Co-requisite: Module A is a co-requisite for Module B. You want to register for Module B, but have not yet passed Module A. You must then register for both Modules A and B simultaneously. You may NOT cancel your registration for Module A unless Module B is also cancelled.
  • Pre-requisite: If Module A is a pre-requisite for Module B, you must pass Module A before you may register for Module B.

You may not register for more than the allowed maximum number of credits / modules per academic year and / or semester: 60 credits per semester or 120 credits per academic year.

The maximum number of credits do not include supplementary and / or aegrotat examinations from a previous semester. Modules taken for non-degree / non-diploma purposes also count towards the maximum number of credits allowed.

You must take your available time into consideration when choosing your modules, as this will impact your academic performance. You need approximately

  • 6 to 8 hours per week for semester modules.
  • 4 to 6 hours per week for year modules.

Click here for more information on managing your studies.

Curriculum for this qualification

While you are deciding on the modules for which you will be registering, write down the module names and codes so that you have something to refer to when completing your registration.

Please click on the modules below to see further information (eg semester/year module, NQF level)

First level

BSW1503 includes a minimum of 40 hours observation in a practical setting at an approved
organisation and under supervision of a registered social worker. Students must choose one of
CMY1501, CMY1502, DVA1501 or APY1501.

Students must register with the SACSSP as student social workers before registering for any of the
practical modules (BSW2605, BSW3705 or BSW4805).


ENN1504 is equivalent to ENG1504

Second level

Students must choose either Psychology or Sociology as a second major and must complete three
modules (NQF level 6) from either Psychology or Sociology. BSW2605 includes a maximum of 140 hours'
work-integrated learning in a practical setting at an approved organisation and under supervision of
a registered social worker.

Full-time students in the BSW may register for up to 144 credits per annum to account for the
practical work.

Module (Please click on the module to see further information) Pre-requisite/Co-requisite/Recommendation
Group A. Compulsory
BSW2601 - The Social Work Helping Process within a Developmental Approach Pre-requisite:BSW1501 & BSW1502
BSW2602 - Focus areas and Fields of Social Work Practice Pre-requisite:BSW1501 & BSW1502
BSW2603 - Social Welfare Policy within the South African Context Pre-requisite:BSW1501 & BSW1502
BSW2604 - Social Work Management, Administration, Supervision and Ethics Pre-requisite:BSW1501 & BSW1502
BSW2605 - Social Work Practice Pre-requisite:BSW1501 & BSW1502 & BSW1503
PYC2605 - HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling
RSC2601 - Research in Social Sciences
SCW2601 - Introduction to Law for Social Work IIA
Group B. Select ALL 3 if PSYCHOLOGY is your MAJOR
PYC2601 - Personality Theories
PYC2602 - Child and Adolescent Development
PYC2614 - Community psychology: Building foundations
Group C. Select ALL 3 if SOCIOLOGY is your MAJOR
SOC2601 - Theories of Social Change Recommendation:Students to complete SOC1501 and/or SOC1502 before they enrol for this module.
SOC2602 - Globalisation and Social Change in South Africa Recommendation:SOC1501, SOC1502, RSC2601
SOC2604 - Sociology of Families and Social Problems Recommendation:SOC1501, SOC1502, RSC2601

Third level

Students continue with one of two major subjects selected at NQF level 6 (five modules at NQF level
7) from Psychology or Sociology. BSW3705 includes a maximum of 200 hours' work-integrated learning
in a practical setting at approved organisation and under supervision of a registered social worker.

Full-time students in the BSW may register for up to 144 credits per annum to account for the
practical work.

Module (Please click on the module to see further information) Pre-requisite/Co-requisite/Recommendation
Group A. Compulsory
BSW3701 - Case Work: Theories, Approaches and Models Pre-requisite:BSW1502 & BSW2601
BSW3702 - Group Work: Theories, Approaches and Models Pre-requisite:BSW1502 & BSW2601
BSW3703 - Community Work: Theories, Approaches and Models Pre-requisite:BSW1501 & BSW2601
BSW3704 - Child, Youth, Family Care and Related Legislation Pre-requisite:BSW2601 & BSW2602
BSW3705 - Integrated Social Work Practice Pre-requisite:BSW1503 & BSW2605
Co-requisite:BSW3701, BSW3702 & BSW3703
Group B. Select ALL 5 if PSYCHOLOGY is your MAJOR
PYC3701 - Social Psychology
PYC3702 - Abnormal Behaviour and Mental Health
PYC3703 - Cognition: Thinking, Memory and Problem Solving
PYC3704 - Psychological Research Pre-requisite:RSC2601
PYC3705 - Transformative Counselling Encounters
Group C. Select ALL 5 if SOCIOLOGY is your MAJOR
SOC3701 - Thinking Sociologically: Research Methodology Recommendation:RSC2601, SOC2601. SOC2604, SOC3705
SOC3702 - Industrial Sociology Recommendation:Any one or both of the following: SOC2601 and/or SOC2602
SOC3703 - Sociology of Education Recommendation:RSC2601, SOC2601, SOC2602, SOC2604, SOC3705
SOC3704 - Group Dynamics Recommendation:RSC2601, SOC2601, SOC2602, SOC2604, SOC3705
SOC3705 - Theorising Modernity: Classical and Contemporary Social Theory Recommendation:SOC2601, SOC2602, SOC2604, RSC2601

Fourth level

A student must complete all Social Work modules at NQF levels 5, 6 and 7 before registering for any
of the modules at NQF level 8. BSW4805 includes a minimum of 600 hours' work-integrated learning in
a practical setting at approved organisation and under supervision of a registered Social Worker.

Full-time students in the BSW may register for up to 144 credits per annum to account for the
practical work.

Module (Please click on the module to see further information) Pre-requisite/Co-requisite/Recommendation
Group A. Compulsory
BSW4801 - Social Work Research Report Pre-requisite:RSC2601
BSW4802 - Integrated Service Delivery in Social Welfare Pre-requisite:BSW2603; BSW3701; BSW3702 & BSW3703
Co-requisite:BSW4803 & BSW4804
BSW4803 - Social Welfare Macro Policy Pre-requisite:BSW1501; BSW2603
BSW4804 - Social Work Management, Administration and Supervision Pre-requisite:BSW2604
BSW4805 - Advanced Integrated Social Work Practice Pre-requisite:BSW3701; BSW3702; BSW3703 & BSW3705
Co-requisite:BSW4802; BSW4803 & BSW4806
BSW4806 - Statutory Work and Report Writing Pre-requisite:SCW2601; BSW2602 & BSW3704