In 2023, the librarian of the Porterville Public Library, Emma Cleophas, invited Unisa Western Cape to participate in an information day at the library in the new year. Cleophas indicated that she had received queries about Unisa from both current and potential students. Many students in remote areas cannot travel to regional campuses due to the distance and the cost involved. The date was set as 30 January 2024, and all units were invited to participate.
Unisa Western Cape Branch Librarian Michelle Biederman addressing students
On the day, representatives of the Library, Facilitation of Learning and the Western Cape Regional Student Representative Council (RSRC) set off for Porterville. Upon arrival at the public library, they were warmly welcomed by Cleophas, her staff and 25 participants. The day was kicked off by a presentation on the public library and what it offers to the community.
The Unisa Library was represented by Michelle Biederman, who gave a presentation on the library services available to students in remote areas. Thabo Dayeni from Facilitation of Learning followed with a demonstration of the online assistance available to students on the myUnisa and myModules platforms.
RSRC Chairperson Nomfundo Khumalo engaging with students
The last presentation was by the RSRC Chairperson, Nomfundo Khumalo. She explained to the audience the function of the RSRC, and how they assist students when needed. After the presentations, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions and to have further interactions with the Unisa representatives.
This was the first outreach to the Bergrivier Municipality, which governs the towns of Piketberg, Velddrif and Porterville, as well as the surrounding villages and rural areas, and the day went very well. The function was well attended, and positive feedback was received from attendees.
* Submitted by the Unisa Western Cape Region
Publish date: 2024/04/10