Department of Early Childhood Education

Prof C Meier

College of Education
School of Teacher Education
Department: Early Childhood Education
Tel: 012 429 4583


  • Diversity in Education
  • Management in ECD
  • Teaching in the Foundation Phase


  • BPrimEd (Junior Primary) – UP
  • BEd (Hons) – UP
  • MEd – Unisa
  • DEd - Unisa
  • Certificate in General Child assessment
  • Certificate in Assessor training

Currently teaching

Education Management and Education

Fields of academic interests

  • Field of Academic Interest

Early Childhood Education

Education management and leadership

Teaching for diversity in education

Field of Specialisation

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Education management and leadership
  • Teaching for diversity in education


•    Meier C & Marais P (eds) 2018. Education management in Early Childhood Development. Third edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik.        ISBN 9780627029462
•    Evens R, Joubert I & Meier C (eds) 2017. Introducing children’s literature.  A guide to the South African classroom. Van Schaik: Pretoria. ISBN 9780627034961.
•    Naude M & Meier C (eds) 2016. Teaching Life Skills in the Foundation Phase. Pretoria: Van Schaik. ISBN 9780627033896.
•    Naude M & Meier C (eds) 2015. Wiskunde onderrig in die grondslagfase. Van Schaik. ISBN 9780627033032.
•    Naude M & Meier C (eds) 2014. Teaching Foundation Phase mathematics – a guide for South African students and teachers. Pretoria: Van Schaik. ISBN 9780627031274
•    Lemmer EM; Meier C & Van Wyk NJ 2012. Multicultural Education: A manual for the South African Teacher. Second edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik. ISBN 9780627029509.

    Chapters in books
•    Meier C & Van Staden CJS 2018. Managing finances. In Meier C & Marais P (eds) Education management in Early Childhood Development. Third edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
•    Bray W; Tladi DD & Meier C 2018. Early Childhood Development and the Law. In Meier C & Marais P (eds) Education management in Early Childhood Development. Third edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
•    Meier C; Davin RJ; Orr JP & Marais P 2018. Managing the learning environment in Early Childhood Development. In Meier C & Marais P (eds) Education management in Early Childhood Development. Third edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
•    Meier C & Atmore E 2018. Managing committees in Early Childhood development. In Meier C & Marais P (eds) Education management in Early Childhood Development. Third edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
•    Meier C 2018. Managing differences in Early Childhood Development. In: Meier C & Marais P (eds). Education management in Early Childhood Development. Third edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
•    Fouche L, Fourie J & Meier C 2018. Establishing an Early Childhood Development Centre. In: Meier C & Marais P (eds). Education management in Early Childhood Development. Third edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
•    Meier C 2016. Teaching Life skills – a survival guide for the 21st century. In Meier C & Naude M (eds). 2016. Teaching Life Skills in the Foundation Phase. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
•    Meier C 2015. Wiskunde-onderrig in die grondslagfase vir kultureel diverse leerders. In Naude M & Meier C (eds). 2015. Wiskunde onderrig in die grondslagfase.  Pretoria: Van Schaik.
•    Meier C 2014. Teaching mathematics to culturally diverse learners in the Foundation Phase. In Naude M &  Meier C (eds). Teaching Foundation Phase mathematics. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
•    Meier C 2012. Understanding diversity. In Lemmer EM, Meier C & Van Wyk NJ 2012. Multicultural Education: a manual for the South African Teacher. Second edition. Van Schaik: Pretoria.
•    Meier C 2012. Teacher expectations. In Lemmer EM, Meier C & Van Wyk JN 2012. Multicultural Education: a manual for the South African Teacher. Second edition. Van Schaik: Pretoria.
•    Meier C 2012. Curriculum development for multicultural education. In Lemmer EM, Meier C & Van Wyk NJ 2012. Multicultural Education: a manual for the South African Teacher. Second edition. Van Schaik: Pretoria.
•    Meier C & Hartell C 2010. Handling cultural diversity in education South Africa. In Wolhuter CC and Steyn HJ (eds). Education and ethnicity: comparative perspectives. Potchefstroom: Platinum Press. p167-183. ISBN 9781868225859.
•    Meier C & Marais P 2007. Curriculum reform. In: De Wet, C; Wolhuter, CW & Lemmer EM. Comparative Education: Education systems and contemporary issues. Pretoria: Van Schaik. ISBN 0627026753.
•    Meier C, Van Wyk JN & Lemmer EM 2007. Multicultural education and diversity in schooling. In: De Wet, C; Wolhuter, CW & Lemmer EM. Comparative Education: Education systems and contemporary issues. Pretoria: Van Schaik. ISBN 0627026753.
•    Potter C, Fraser, B & Meier C 2007. South Africa: New routes to Teacher-education Degrees. In Perraton H, Robinson B & Creed C (Eds.) 2007. A Summary of Case Studies. Education Sector, Higher Education Division, Teacher Education Section. October 2001. Paris: France. ISBN 978-3-8142-2037.
•    Meier C 2004. Managing diversity. In Pretorius SG & Lemmer EM (eds) 2004. Teaching in South African schools: The teacher as a leader, administrator and manager. Braamfontein: MacMillan. ISBN 0797826629.
•    Meier C 2002. Coping with diversity in desegregated schools in South Africa. In Lemmer EM & Van Wyk NJ (eds) 2002. Transforming education: The South African experience. Nova Science Publishers: New York. In the series: Emerging goals in a new millennium. Edited by B Peck, University of Glasgow. ISBN 1590334205.
•    Meier C, Fraser WJ & Potter C 2002. In Perraton, H., Robinson, B. & Creeds, C. 2001. Teacher Education through Distance Learning: Technology – Curriculum - Evaluation – Cost. A Summary of Case Studies. Education Sector, Higher Education Division, Teacher Education Section. October 2001. Paris: France.
•    Meier C 1998. Political change is educational change: problems and prospects in South Africa. In Hurnanisiering derbildung. Jahrbuch 1998 der internationalen zur humanisiering der bildung (IAHB)Humanization of Education - Yearbook 1998.
•    Meier C 1998. Education in South Africa. Present problems and future expectations. In Kucha R & Klos E (eds). Edukacja rnode go Polokenia Polakow I Ukraincow Wkontekscie integracji Europejskiej (Education of youth in Poland and Ukaraine in the context of European Integration). Volume two.


Journal articles

•    Journal Articles
•    Pretorius J & Meier C 2019. Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy, attitudes and academic performance with regard to                       undergraduate    research modules. South African Journal of Higher Education, 33(2).
•    Naude M & Meier C 2019. Elements of the physical learning environment that impact on the teaching and learning in South African Grade 1 classrooms. South African Journal of Education, 39(1): Art. #1342, 11 pages.
•    Meier C & Lemmer EM 2018. Parents as Consumers: a Case study of Parent satisfaction with the quality of schooling. Educational Review.
•    Hannaway D; Govender P, Marais P & Meier C 2018. Growing early childhood education teachers in rural areas.     Africa Education Review
•    Meier C & Geldenhuys DJ. 2017. Co-constructing Appreciative Inquiry across disciplines: a duo-ethnography. South African Journal of Industrial Psychology. Vol 43. doi:10.4102/sajip.v43i0.1400.
•    Meier C & Lemmer E. 2015. What do parents really want?  Parent perceptions of their children’s schooling. South African Journal of Education. 35(2):1-11. ISBN 02560100
•    Meier C, Lemmer E & Niron D. 2015. Problems and prospects in early childhood education provisioning in Turkey and South Africa, Journal of Asian and African Studies. Online August 5, 2015, doi: 10.1177/0021909615595989 ISBN 0021-9096
•    Meier C 2014. Windows of opportunity: Early Childhood Development prospects in South Africa. Journal of Social Sciences.  40(2): 159-168. ISBN 1549-3652.
•    Madzanire D & Meier C 2014. Technology a stratifying learning utility? A comparative case study of a rural and an urban day secondary schools in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(3): 309-317.  
•    Meier C 2013. Learning to live together. Cross-cultural perceptions of student teachers. Journal of Social Sciences. 36(3): 219-233. ISBN 1549-3652
•    Meier C 2011. Foundations for Learning Campaign: Helping hand or hurdle? South African Journal of Education. 31(4): 549-560. ISBN 02560100
•    Meier C & Lemmer EM. 2011. Initial teacher education for managing diversity in South African schools: A case study. Journal of Educational Studies. 10(1):101-118. ISBN 16807456
•    Meier C 2010. The challenge of equipping student teachers to manage their perceptions of learner diversity in South African schools. Journal of New Generation Science. 8(1):157-176. ISBN 16844998
•    Meier C & Marais P 2010. Disruptive behavior in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education. 30(1):41-57. ISBN 02560100
•    Meier C & Hartell C 2009. Handling cultural diversity in education in South Africa. SAEduc, 6(2):180-192.  
•    Meier C & Marais P 2008. Student teachers’ understanding of multicultural education in public schools. Africa Education Review. 5(2):184-189. ISBN 1814-6627
•    Meier C 2007. Enhancing intercultural understanding using e-learning strategies. South African Journal of Education. 27(4):655-671. ISBN 02560100.
•     Meier C 2005. Addressing problems in integrated schools: student teacher’s perceptions regarding viable solutions for learner’s academic problems. South African Journal of Education. 25(3):170-177. ISBN 0256010.
•     Meier C 2005. The development and application of Progressive Education in the Netherlands and some implications for South Africa.  Africa Education Review. 2(1):75-90.
•     Meier C & Marais P 2004. Hear our voices: Student teachers’ experiences during practical teaching. Africa Education Review. 1(2):220-233.
•    Meier C 2003. The origins and development of child-centered education: implications for classroom management. Educare 32(1&2):222-239.
•     Meier C 2002. Educational change in a democratic South Africa: The influence of educational opportunities on school assessment results. Education Today. 52(1):12-22.
•     Meier C & Lemmer E 2001. Future teachers’ conceptions concerning the learning capacity of pupils in multicultural schools in South Africa. Prospects. 31(3):333-352. ISSN: 0361-2333.
•     Meier C 2000. Student teacher’s perceptions of solutions to dilemmas in multicultural classrooms in South Africa. Education Today. 50(1):27-34. ISSN: 978-0-9550244-1-2
•    Meier C, Fraser WJ & Le Roux CS 1999. The sustainability of science education with specific reference to learners’ conceptions and understanding in multi-ethnic schools: a pilot study. Spectrum. 37(1): 19-27.
•     Meier C 1998. Where to from here? The present state of South African education. Education Today. 48(1):14-19. ISBN: 978-0-9550244-1-2
•    Meier C 1997. Persepsies en ervaringe in ‘n multikulturele klaskamer: enkele gedagtes vir oorweging. (Perceptions and experiences in a multicultural classroom: some aspects for consideration). Kleuterklanke. 22(2): 24-28.
•     Fraser W J; Meier C; Potter C 5; Sekgobela E & Poore A 1996. Reflections on the causes and manifestations of violence in South African schools. Prospects. 26(2):249-278. ISBN: 0361-2333
•    Meier C & Van Niekerk SLH 1995. The origin of sub- and countercultures among black youth: a historical-educational analysis. Educare. 24(1):68-80.
•     Meier C & Van Niekerk S L H 1994. Die invloed van die New Age-beweging op die onderwys agenda van die toekoms. (The influence of the New Age Movement on Education). Koers. 59(1):84-96. ISBN: 0023-270X
•    Meier C & Van Niekerk S L H 1994. Die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die New Age-beweging: lmplikasies vir die Christenopvoeder en opvoedeling. Roeping en Riglyne.  Jaargang 42(2) Junie/Julie: 15-17.
•    Meier C & Van Niekerk S L H 1994. Die mens- en werklikheidsbeskouing van die New Age-beweging: lmplikasies vir die Christenopvoeder en die opvoedeling. Roeping en Riglyne. Jaargang 42(2) Junie/Julie:18-19.
•    Meier C 1993. Het addisionele leesmateriaal waarde vir die Historiese Opvoedkunde I-student. Progressio. 15(2):108-117.
•    Meier C 1991. Die kleuterskool-verlater en Junior Primêre onderwys: wat verwag ons van mekaar. (The nusery school leaver and Junior Primary education: what is expected from each other).  Kleuterklanke. 16(1):23-26.

Paper presentations

    Paper Presentations
•    Meier C & Geldenhuys DJ 2016. Co-constructing Appreciative Inquiry across disciplines:
    a duo-ethnography. 10th Annual International Conference on Psychology. 23-26 May 2016, Athens, Greece.
•    West J & Meier C 2016. Effective strategies when teaching English as home language in overcrowded and mutilingual. Foundation Phase classrooms. Paper delivered at the Education Association of South Africa conference, 17-20 January 2016, Hermanus, South Africa.
•    Meier C & Lemmer EM, 2015. The development of short learning programmes based on school needs: Using parent surveys to identify foci for in-service teacher training. Conference of the Centre for Continuing Education and Training, 24-27 May 2015, Sun City, South Africa.
•    Meier C 2015. Student teachers perceptions on the dynamics influencing educational achievement of learners from diverse backgrounds in South Africa. International conference on Regional Challenges to multidisciplinary innovation. (RCMI-2015). 5-6 October 2015. Dubai, UAE.
•    Meier C 2015. Is the rainbow nation getting it right? Challenges in teaching for diversity in South Africa. The European Conference on Education 2015 (ECE 2015) Thistle Brighton, 1 – 5 July 2015, Brighton, Eat Essex, United Kingdom.
•    Meier C 2015. Giving parents voice: Parent perceptions of the quality of schooling in a South African primary school. Hawaii International Conference on Education. 5-8 January 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii.
•    Meier C & Madzanire D 2014. Language-induced Cultural Conflict: Are Schools in Mining Towns in Zimbabwe Strategic in Averting Cultural Conflict? Ireland International conference on Education (IICE-2014) October 27-30, 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
•    Meier C 2014. ‘Care’, the Children’s Act and government: A diagnosis of Early Childhood Development in South Africa. Paper delivered at the 24th European Early Childhood Education and Research Association (EECERA) International conference. ‘Us, them & me: Universal, targeted or individuated Early Childhood Programmes. University of Crete. 7-10 September 2014. Crete. Greece.
•    Meier C 2014. The dilemma of ‘caring for’ and ‘caring about’ in South African Early Childhood Education. Paper delivered at the International conference Early Childhood Development and Technology. Monte Casino Conference Centre. 25-26 June 2014. Fourways. Johannesburg, South Africa.
•    Meier C & Naude M 2013. Accommodating culturally diverse learners’ multiple intelligences in a mathematics classroom. 15th International Conference on Education. 20-23 May 2013. Athens, Greece.
•    Meier C & Naude M 2013. Teachers’ perceptions of mathematics learning in culturally diverse classrooms. 3rd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, 20-22 September 2013. Rome, Italy.
•    Mpofu-Chimbga & Meier C W 2013. The role of secondary schools in averting xenophobia in South Africa. 3rd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, 20-22 September 2013. Rome, Italy.
•    Meier C 2012. Cross cultural perceptions of student teachers in South Africa: Does the ‘apartheid past’ still influence classroom thinking.  The Macrotheme Conference on Education and Training. 6-7 August 2012. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
•    Meier C & Marais P 2012. ODL students’ experiences of work integrated learning.  Paper presented at the 5th Annual Teaching Practice/Didactics Symposium. 29 & 30 October 2012. Vaal Triangle Campus of the North-West University. Van der Bijlpark.
•    Meier C &Marais P 2012. Fight or flight: stress experienced by student teachers. Annual Conference of Education Association of South Africa at Mpekweni Beach Resort, Eastern Cape, 17-20 January 2012.
•    Meier C 2012. Approaches in the Foundation Phase to promote effective literacy teaching. Paper delivered at the International conference Early Childhood Development and Education. 10-12 October 2012. University of South Africa. Pretoria.
•    Meier C & Madzanire D 2012. Technology, a stratifying learning utility? A comparative case study of a rural and an urban day secondary schools in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Paper presented at Southern African Society for Education (SASE) conference. Great Zimbabwe University. 4 - 6 October 2012. Masvingo, Zimbabwe.
•    Meier C & Marais P 2011. The vulnerability of demotivated teachers: coping or quiting? International conference on Research, Development and Training in Early Childhood/Foundation Phase education. 1-3 February 2011. North West University. Potchefstroom.
•    Meier C & Lemmer EM. 2011. Initial teacher education for managing diversity in South African schools: A case study. Sharing excellence in research. Education Research Conference. 21- 22 July. University of South Africa. Pretoria.
•    Meier C & Kamper GD 2010. The Foundations of Learning Campaign: hurdle or helping hand. Education Association of South Africa. (EASA). Partnership in education. Hosted by the North West University – Vaal Triangle Campus. January 12-14.
•    Meier C 2010. Staff management. Hosted by Midstream College. February 14.
•    Meier C 2010. Learning to live together: Cross-cultural perceptions of student teachers in South Africa. ISTE 2010. 11-17 April. 30th International Seminar. 30th International Seminar. Educating teachers for a better world. Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul – PURCS. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
•    Meier C 2008. The challenge of equipping student teachers to manage their perceptions of learner diversity in South African schools. ISTE 2008.  20 – 25 April. 28th International Seminar. Continuing development in teacher education. University of New England, Armidale. Australia.
•    Meier C & Fraser WJ. 2007. Whose knowledge is it anyway? Societal change and knowledge provision in higher education. South African Association for Research Development in Higher Education. University of Pretoria.
•.    Meier C & Marais P 2006. The challenge of managing disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase. International Society for Teacher Education, ISTE 2005. 26th International Seminar. Changing demands and changing roles of teachers: how should teacher education respond. April 22 – 28. University of South Africa, Stellenbosch. South Africa.
•        Meier C & Marais P 2006. Practices of multicultural education in the Foundation Phase: Student teacher’s experiences. International Society for Teacher Education ISTE 2005. 26th International Seminar. Changing demands and changing roles of teachers: how should teacher education respond. April 22 – 28. University of South Africa, Stellenbosch. South Africa.
•        Meier C 2005. Intercultural understanding through e-learning: Implications for teacher Education. International Society for Teacher Education ISTE 2005. 25th International Seminar. Glocalization of Teacher Education, April 9-16. Taiwan, Tamkang University.
•        Meier C; Fraser B & Lombard W 2005. Why distance education teacher training models are not appropriate and justifiable for developing countries. 50th assembly of the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET). Teachers as change agents: Identity, Autonomy, Accountability. July 12 – 15. University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa.
•    Meier C & Fraser WJ.  2005. Why distance education teacher training models are not appropriate and justifiable for developing countries. International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET).  University of Pretoria.
•        Meier C & Marais P 2004. Hear our voices: Student teachers’ experiences during practical teaching. Education Association of South Africa (EASA). Education: Realities and Challenges. Hosted by the Rand Afrikaans University. Johannesburg, South Africa. The educator in focus. January 13-15.
•        Meier C & Zulu MP 2004. The implications of the attitudes of school managers on the implementation of Outcomes-based Education (OBE) in secondary schools. Education Associatian of South Africa (EASA). Education: Realities and Challenges. Hosted by the Rand Afrikaans University. Johannesburg, South Africa. The educator in focus. January 13-15.
•        Meier C, Fraser WJ & Potter C 2003. Are distance education teacher training models appropriate and justifyable for developing countries? Paper read at the conference of the Education Association of South Africa (EASA). Education: Realities and Challenges. Hosted by the University of Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 14-16 January 2003.
•        Meier C 2003. Teacher training for intercultural cooperation in a changed socio political context: the South African experience. Paper read at the UNESCO conference on Intercultural Education: Teaching and learning for intercultural understanding, human rights and a culture of peace. Hosted by the University of Jÿvaskÿla, Institute of Educational Research, University of Jÿvaskÿla and UNESCO. City of Jÿvaskÿla, Finland.  15-18 June 2003.
•        Meier C, Fraser, WJ & Potter, C 2002. Learning from others: distance education (DE) teacher training models - technology, curriculum, cost and evaluation. Paper read at the annual Southern African Comparative and History of Education (SACHES) conference. Hosted by the Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. 20 October to 1 November 2002.
•        Meier C & Jansen CA 2002. Perfectionism: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Actual testimonies (case studies) to illustrate the shadow side of perfectionism. Paper read at the conference of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology and Faculty of Education and Nursing. Advances in qualitative methods. Hosted by the Rand Afrikaans University. Sun City, Pilansberg, South Africa. 23-25 January 2002.
•    Meier C 2000. Educational assessment in a multicultural society. International Association for Educational Assessment. 26th Annual conference. 14 - 19 May 2000, Ramat Rachel Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel.
•    Meier C 1998. Student teachers’ perceptions of solutions to dilemmas in multicultural classrooms. British Educational Association Annual Conference. 27-30 August. University of Belfast, Ireland.
•    Meier C, Fraser WJ & Le Roux CS 1998. The sustainability of science education with specific reference to learners’ conceptions and understanding in multi-ethnic schools. 18th Annual International Seminar for Teacher Education. April. Skukuza, Republic of South Africa.
•        Meier C; Lemmer E & Mabunda PL 1998. Future teachers’ conceptions and attitudes concerning the goals of the school, role of the teacher, motivation to teach and solutions to educational problems in multicultural schools in South Africa. Education Association of South Africa. 21-23 January. Unisa. Broederstroom.
•    Meier C; Lemmer E & Mabunda PL 1997. Future teachers’ conceptions and attitudes concerning the learning capacity of students in multicultural schools in South Africa. Southern African Society for Education. Transforming Education. 4-6 September 1997. Unisa. Pretoria.
•    Meier C 1996. Political Change is Educational Change: Problems and Prospects in South Africa. International Standing Conference for the History of Education. Schooling in Changing Societies. Historical and Comparative Perspective (c. I 750-I 996). August 6-9. Krakow. Poland.
•    Meier C & Fraser W J 1996. The dilemma of school violence in South Africa: causes, manifestations and possible solutions. Opvoedkunde Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. Oplossings vir voortslepende dilemmas in die onderwys. 17-19 January 1996. Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoer Onderwys.
•    Meier C 1995. Die waarde van internasionale kongresbywoning. Opvoedkunde Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. 11-13 January 1995. Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit.
•    Meier C & Van Niekerk S L H 1994. A historical survey of the origin of subcultures among ‘black’ youth in South Africa. International Standing Conference for the History of Education. Education and Cultural Transfer, 1500-1994. Vrije Universiteit. August 10-13. Amsterdam. The Netherlands.
•    Meier C & Van Niekerk S L H 1994. Qualitative research in History of Education: Is objectivity possible? International Symposium on the History of Education. July 17-24. Northern Illinois University. Illinois. United States of America.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

Full Professor

  • Awards

•   Rector’s prize for prominent young researchers – University of South Africa   1998

•   Rector’s prize for prominent young researchers – University of South Africa   2000

•   Education Association of South Africa (EASA) medal for young researchers 2003

  • Woman Research Leadership Award  - University of South Africa  2012


  • Projects
  • 2017-2019. Student support: Visual and audio assistance for the development of critically reflective Foundation Phase teachers (bridging the gap between theory and practice.)
    • 2015-2017. Growing Early Childhood Education Teachers in Rural Areas.
    • 2008-2013. Project to annually evaluate Grade R learners regarding school readiness.
    • 2008-2012. Professional advisor – Parent guidance, South African Womans’ Federation.



  • Conference proceedings
  • West J & Meier C.  2016. Theory-practice gap in undergraduate ‘teaching of Home Language’ modules at a private higher education institution. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Teaching Practice / Didactics Symposium. 26-27 October 2015, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa: 58-80. ISBN978-0-620-74425-6.
  • Meier C & Madzanire D. 2014. Language-induced Cultural Conflict: Are Schools in Mining Towns in Zimbabwe Strategic in Averting Cultural Conflict? Proceedings of the Ireland International conference on Education (IICE-2014) October 27-30, 2014, Dublin, Ireland: 272-280.