College of Human Sciences | |
School of Humanities | |
Department: Religious Studies and Arabic | |
Professor | |
Tel: | 012 429 6852 |
E-mail: | |
2005 – 2018 Executive member of the South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities (SASGPH)
2011 External member on academic review committee of the University of Cape Town’s Department of Religious Studies
2015 External reviewer of University of Pretoria’s high impact module Kaleidoscope of religions
2000 External examiner of numerous undergraduate and Hons courses, Master dissertations and Doctoral theses in Religious Studies, Philosophy, and Classics at the University of Cape Town, University of Pretoria, University of the Witwatersrand, University of Kwazulu-Natal and University of the Western Cape
2008 Member of Tuition, Higher Degrees and Research & Innovation Committees of the Department of Religious Studies and Arabic, and the College of Human and Social Sciences, University of South Africa
2017 Secretary of the Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa (ASRSA)
2017 – 2021 Executive member of the Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa (ASRSA)
2019 Academic Promotions and Appointment Panel for the School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics (SRPC), UKZN
2019 Member of National Research Foundation (NRF) panel assessing funding applications from Thuthuka, rated and unrated academics in the Human and Social Sciences
2021 Member on panel of the NGG (Dutch Association for the Study of Religion) to adjudicate on the best PhD thesis in the past three years in religious studies for the Gerardus van der Leeuw PhD Dissertation Award
2022 Member of Unisa’s Senate
2012 Recipient of award to participate in University of Konstanz’ Cluster of Excellence Cultural Foundations of Integration
2016 Recipient of Erasmus Mundus INSPIRE staff mobility scholarship to present Masters and Doctoral seminars and conduct research at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands
2017 Invited and funded by Prof Birgit Meyer as research fellow at Utrecht University and plenary speaker on 'Key figures in the study of religion from postcolonial perspectives', at the 70th Anniversary Conference of the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion, Utrecht, the Netherlands
2018 Invited and funded by Prof Birgit Meyer to Utrecht University to participate in workshop on the new Routledge Handbook on Material Religion
2019 Invited and funded by Prof Birgit Meyer to Utrecht University as part of her project on ‘Religious matters in an entangled world’
2019 National Research Foundation (NRF) rated researcher (established researcher with some international recognition)