Academic Profiles

Prof E Oliver

College of Human Sciences
School of Humanities
Department: Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology
Tel: 012 429 4597


  • BA (1983 UP)
  • BA Hons (1984 UP)
  • BD (1987 UP)
  • M.Div (1989 UP)
  • D.Th (2005 Unisa)
  • M.Ed in ODL (2016 Unisa)

NRF Rating


Currently teaching

  • THE1503: Africa: A Cradle of Christianity (New BTH)
  • THE3703: Contemporary Church History: Change agency and Ecumenism (New BTH)
  • THE3705: Church and society across the ages (New BTH)
  • HRKEG81: Research report
  • HMKEG80: Church historiography and methodology
  • KEG4802: A detailed study of a primary text
  • KEG4803: A detailed study of a theological theme or a theologian 

Fields of academic interests

  • Theology
  • Denominational development
  • History
  • Change agency
  • Significance of Church History for the modern church and society
  • Effective education: Teaching, learning and assessment
  • Gamification, serious games, technology-based learning
  • Open distance Learning

Field of Specialisation

  • Church History
  • Church and society
  • Open Distance e-Learning
  • The triangle of effective education: student-centred teaching; life-long, life-wide, interactive and multimedia learning; Transformative assessment  


  • Oliver, E. (ed.). 2022. Global initiatives and higher education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Johannesburg: UJ Press.
  • Virtual ecclesiology on the Rise: Considering the challenges posed by COVID-19 in South Africa, In Kgatle, MS. & Banda, C. 2022. Pastoral interventions during the pandemic. Pentecostal perspectives on Christian ministry in South Africa. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Global Initiatives and Higher Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, In Oliver, E. (ed.). 2022. Global initiatives and higher education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Johannesburg: UJ Press. 
  • Society 5.0 and Education 5.0 with Reference to Higher Education, In Oliver, E. (ed.). 2022. Global initiatives and higher education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Johannesburg: UJ Press. 
  • Openness for student-centredness: A South African perspective, In Singh, D. & Makhanya, M. (eds.).  2019. Essays in Online education. A global perspective, Chapter 6 pp 60-71. 

Journal articles

Oliver, WH & Oliver E. 2024.  Θεός, Father, and the ‘Holy Trinity’ in the New Testament 3040

Oliver, E. 2024. Religion and Technology (chapter 17) in Chan Sin-wai, Mak Kin-wah, Leung Sze Ming (eds.). Routledge Encyclopaedia of Technology and the Humanities. ISBN 9781032049427  

Oliver, WH & Oliver E. 2022. God as One, with reference to Barth and Perichoresis Verbum et Ecclesia

Oliver, E. 2022. Pillars of our faith Verbum et Ecclesia 43(1) 2532  

Oliver, E. 2021. Unfinished business of Church History Verbum et Ecclesia 42(1)

Oliver, WH & Oliver, E. 2021. Trinity disruption Verbum et Ecclesia 42(1),a2337.

Oliver, E. 2021. Aligning praxis of faith and theological theory in theological education through an evaluation of Christianity in South Africa Acta Theologica Supplement 31 (3): 25-47

Oliver, WH; Oliver, E. 2020. Sola Scriptura: Authority versus Interpretation? Acta Theologica 40 (1):103-124.

Oliver, E. 2019. The church in dire straits. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 75 (4) Special collection: The Church in need of change (agency), 5577

Rukuni, R & Oliver, E. 2019. African Ethiopia and Byzantine imperial orthodoxy: Politically influenced self-definition of Christianity. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 75 (4), 5314

Rukuni, R & Oliver, E. 2019. Schism, Syncretism and Politics: Derived and Implied Social Model in in the self-definition of early Christian orthodoxy, HTS Teologiese       Studies / Theological Studies 75 (4), 5341.

Rukuni, R & Oliver, E. 2019. Nicaea as political orthodoxy: Imperial Christianity versus episcopal polities, HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 74(4), 5313.

Rukuni, R. & Oliver, E. 2019. Africanism, Apocalypticism, Jihad and Jesuitism: Prelude to Ethiopianism, HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 75 (3), a5384.

Oliver, WH & Oliver, E. 2019. Proud to be African. African Insight 49(1). June 2019.

Rukuni, R. & Oliver, E. 2019. Ethiopian Christianity: A Continuum of African Early      Christian Polities, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 75 (1), a5335.

Oliver, E. 2019. The Great Emergence: An exposition’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 75(4), a53.

Rukuni, R. & Oliver, E., 2019. A case for organic indigenous Christianity: African Ethiopia as derivate from Jewish Christianity, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 75 (1), a5270.

Oliver, E., 2019. ‘Religious Afrikaners, irreligious in conflicts’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 75 (1), a5204.

Oliver, E. 2019. The triangle of effective education – implemented for Theology.  HTS Special Collection: OEH: The Online Educated Human, sub-edited by Ignatius Gous (UNISA), in HTS 75, (1), a5234.

Oliver, W.H & Oliver, E. 2019. God as one. HTS Theological Studies/ Teologiese Studies 75 (1), a4959.

Oliver, E. 2018. Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) for theological education. Verbum et Ecclesia 39 (1), a1900.

Oliver, E. 2018. Change Agency and Higher Education in South Africa. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 74 (3), a5133.

Oliver, E. 2018. Blended learning for teaching Theology. Verbum et Ecclesia 39 (1), a1894.

Theron, J. & Oliver, E. 2018. Changing attitudes towards the crusades, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 74 (1), a4691.

Oliver, E. 2017. Gamification as transformative assessment in Higher Education, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 73 (3), a4527.

Oliver, E. & Oliver, WH. 2017. The colonisation of South Africa: A unique case, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 73 (3), a4498.

Oliver, E. Tshabele, V. Baartman, F. Masooa A. & Laister, L. 2017. Can Christians really make a difference? A response to the call for change to make the world a better place, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 73 (3), 4351. Special collection: Reformation, Transformation, Change Agency.

Oliver, E. & Oliver, WH. 2017. An African Reformation, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 73 (3), 4386.    

Special collection: Reformation, Transformation, Change Agency.

Oliver, E. & Oliver, WH. 2016. Regina Mundi: Serving the liberation movement in South Africa, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 72 (1), a3409.

Oliver, E. 2016. A move towards heutagogy to empower theology students, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 72 (1), a3394.

Oliver, E. 2016. Theology: still a queen of science in the post-modern era, In die Skriflig/In luce verbi 50 (1), a2064.

Oliver, E. 2015. Alternative assessment to enhance Theological education, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 71 (3), a3002.

Oliver, E. 2014. The Afrikaner Nation’s Search for a Christian Identity as a Consequence of the Reformed Theology that was Practiced between 1961 and 1990, Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif 54 (1&2), pp. 285-299.

Oliver, E. 2014. Theological education with the help of technology, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 70 (1), a2643.

Oliver, WH & Oliver, E. 2013. Tuisonderwys: 'n Uitdagende alternatief vir hoofstroomonderwys in SA, Tydskrif vir Christelike wetenskap/Journal for Christian scholarship, 2013 (4), pp. 237-274.

Oliver, E. 2013. Teaching Open Distance Learning (ODL) undergraduates in Theology to become effective change agents, Verbum et Ecclesia 34(1) Art. #845, 7 pages.

Oliver, E. 2012. Closing gaps in Open Distance Learning for Theology students, Acta Theologica 32 (2), 162-183.

Oliver, E. 2011. Violence: The Church is part of the problem, Verbum et Ecclesia 32(2), Art. #510, 5 pages.

Oliver, E. 2011. The history of Afrikaans speaking churches in South Africa and the option of ecumenism, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 37 (1), 39-57.

Oliver, E. 2011. South Africa: The arduous task of facing our religious past, Acta Theologica 2011 (1), 72-94.

Oliver, E. 2010. Redefining Christianity as an identity frame for Afrikaners, Journal for Alternative Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

 Oliver, E. 2010. Afrikaner Christianity and the concept of empire, Verbum et Ecclesia 31 (1), Art. #393.

Oliver, E. 2009. His blood I will require from your hands, The issue of theological education for the laity, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 35, Suplementum, 67-79.

Oliver, E. 2009. Suid-Afrikaanse Calvinisme onder die loep, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 35 (2), 169-182.

Oliver, E. 2008. South Africa: From Calvinistic exclusivism to religious freedom 1652-2008, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 34 (1), 93-114.

Oliver, E. 2008. Die invloed van die Christelike geloof op die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, In die Skriflig 42 (2), 305-326.

Oliver, E. 2008. Vrouepredikante in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika: ‘n opdraande stryd, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae SHE, Special supplement, 213-233.

Oliver, E. 2007. Die rol en taak van die kerk ten opsigte van begrafnisgebruike, Verbum et Ecclesia 28 (2), 558-579.

Oliver, E. 2007. ‘n Historiese perspektief op onderwys en opvoeding, Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif (NGTT) 48 (3&4), 583-594.

Oliver, E. 2007. Thoughts on writing Afrikaner church history, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae SHE 33 (1), 23-40.

Oliver, E. 2006. Afrikaner Spirituality: A complex mixture, Hervormde Teologiese Strudies 62 (4), 1469-1487.

Oliver, E. 2006. Sunday School: Past and Present, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 32 (1), 117-134.

Oliver, E. 1993. Geskiedskrywing, HTS 49 (4), 887-893.

Oliver, E. 1992. Ds Dirk van der Hoff se bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die Christelik-Nasionale Onderwysstelsel in die Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek, HTS 48 (3&4), 871-882.

Oliver, E & Pont, AD. 1990. Dirk van der Hoff: Skeurmaker? HTS 46 (3), 414-427.

Paper presentations

  • Towards a missionary spirituality in the traditional South African churches. Towards an Ecumenical Missiology (TEM) Conference. Mainz, Germany. 2022.
  • Twenty-first century Christianity – some ideals, achievements and failures. (keynote). GBFE/Unisa Conference. Wiedenest, Germany. 2020.
  • Giving and receiving effective feedback. Unisa/SMU Postgraduate conference. (conference organiser). Dallas, Texas. 2020. 
  • Implementing gamification to enhance digital competency. International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE). Dublin, Ireland. 2019. 
  • God as One. International conference for Spirituality, New Testament and Education conference. Unisa. Pretoria, South Africa. 2018.
  • Blended learning. International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) multidiscipline conference. Budapest, Hungary. 2018. 
  • Student-centredness in ODL from a South African perspective. International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE). Toronto, Canada. 2017.
  • Gamification as a Transformative Online Assessment tool. Spring Global Education conference. University of Riverside. Los Angeles, California. 2017.
  • Can Christians really make a difference? A response to the call for change to make the world a better place. Trans-Atlantic Roundtable for Religion and Race (TRRR). Port of Spain, Trinidad. 2016.
  • The triangle of Effective education: teaching, learning, assessment. International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) multidiscipline conference. Toronto, Canada. 2016.
  • Alternative assessment to provide effective education. 36th International Seminar for teacher education (ISfTE) Conference. Skukuza, South Africa. 2016.
  • Heutagogy for Theology students. International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Conference. Sun City, South Africa. 2015.               
  • Alternative assessment to enhance Theological education. Biennial International Study Association of Teachers and Teaching Conference (ISATT). University of Auckland. Auckland, New Zeeland. 2015.           
  • Teaching Theology through technology. International Centre of Economics, Humanities and Management (ICEHM) Conference. Dubai, UAE. 2015.
  • The close relationship between Afrikaner religion and conflict. Australian Historical Association 33rd Annual Conference. University of Queensland. Brisbane, Australia.2014. 
  • Theology still the queen of science. 3rd colloquium Voices and voicelessness. Gaborone, Botswana. 2013.           
  • Is there a space for heutagogy in Open Distance Learning (ODL) for theology students? Clute Institute European Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2013. 
  • Teaching ODL undergraduates in Theology to become effective change agents. Clute Institute European Conference. Rome, Italy. 2012.
  • Cultural diversity counters national unity. 2nd International Conference on Alternative Perspectives in the Humanities and the Social Sciences on Culture and Heritage. San Jose, Costa Rica. 2011.         
  • Closing the gap in Higher education. 18th International Conference on Learning. Masuritius University. Port Louis, Mauritius. 2011.          .
  • Redefining Christianity as an identity frame for Afrikaners. International Conference of Alternative Perspectives in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. Kanchanaburi, Thailand. 2010.             
  • South Africa: The arduous task of facing our religious past. 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2010.      
  • Mission and Empire: South Africa – Is Christianity to blame? Bi-annual Spring meeting of the American Society of Church History. Montreal, Canada. 2009.           
  • The triangle of effective education: Student-centred teaching, Blended learning and transformative assessment. CHS seminar on Assessment, Unisa. Pretoria, South Africa. 2015.
  • Die Afrikaner se soeke na n Christelike identiteit as ‘n uitvloeisel van die Gereformeerde teologie tussen 1960 en 1990. The Reformed Churches in South Africa and the struggle for justice: Remembering 1960-1990, Stellenbosch University. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 2012.
  • Clsing the Gap in Higher Education. Research seminar: Department of Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology. UNISA.  Pretoria, South Africa. 2011.
  • Is ecumenism an option? Church History Society of South Africa (CHSSA) North West University. Potchefstroom, South Africa. 2011.     
  • The Church is part of the problem. CHSSA. University of Pretoria. Pretoria, South Africa. 2010.
  • His blood I will require from your hands. The issue of theological education for the laity. (CHSSA). University of Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 2009.
  • South Africa: from Calvinistic exclusivism to religious freedom, 1652-2008. CHSSA. South Africa. 2008.
  • Thoughts on writing Afrikaner church history . CHSSA. South Africa. 2007.
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration. Departmental M and D seminar. UNISA. Pretorian, South Africa. 2007.
  • Sunday school – a fallacy. CHSSA. Stellenbosch University. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 2006.
  • Student support: The Why? and the How? UNISA TEIR conference, Swakopmund, Namibia. 2023
  • Networking for online access and material: an ODeL perspective. World Council of Churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches, Lutheran World Federation, Evangelische Mission Weltweit hybrid conference: Theological education: Pandemic and Pedagogy 4-7 December, Trinity Theological Seminary Accra, Ghana. 2022
  • Organising/hosting international workshops, seminars, conferences
  • First annual UJ-Unisa online Gaming for education/Serious games symposium and workshop. 2023
  • USA-Unisa post graduate supervision conference, Dallas, Texas. 2020

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Since 2021: Member of Unisa Christian Leadership Cluster (CLC). 
  • 2021-2022: HELTASA:  Media and communication team member. 
  • 2020-2021: Sub-editor of HTS Theological Studies: all special collections.
  • 2019:   Sub-editor for HTS Theological Studies special collection: God as One.
  • 2017-2021: Sub-editor of HTS Theological Studies special collection series: Change agency.
  • Since 2019: Editorial board member of the online journal Sacrum Testamentum.  
  • Since 2018: Editorial board member of the International Journal of Arts and Social Science (IJASS).
  • Since 2016: Member of the Postgraduate Forum for Southern Africa.
  • Since 2015: Associate membership of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE).
  • 2015-2018: Scientific Committee Member of the International Association of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management Researchers (HSSMR-UAE).
  • Since 2014: Academician of Social Sciences. International Academic of Social Sciences. 
  • Since 2014: Member of the Australian Historical Association.
  • Since 2014: Member of Higher Education Learning and teaching Association of    Southern Africa (HELTASA) (executive member since 2021).
  • Since 2008: Member of International Editorial board: Journal of alternative perspectives in the Social Sciences. 
  • Since 2006: Member of American Society of Church History.
  • Since 2004: Member of Church History Society of Southern Africa. (Secretary 2009-2015).  
  • 2005: David Bosch Prestige bursary.  
  • 2005-2012: Tourism. Religious. Studies National Chief examiner BCVO; OAER; SACAI.  
  • Sub-editor: Journal of ExoTechnology and Education (UJ Press). 2024


  • Defining the triangle of effective Higher Education
  • Meal of peace: Departmental Community Engagement Project with Tshwane Leadership.
  • Postgraduate supervision liaison with Polycarp community. Dallas, Texas, USA.
  • 2017-2021: Change Agency Project. 
  • New Journal establishment: Journal of ExoTechnology and Education.
  • Curriculum development: Short Learning Programme: Toolkit for student success.      
  • Unisa 150 Jubilee: Plant a tree CHS project 2023-2024. Project leader


Master and PHD students:

Topics of completed PHDs

  • 2023 Mainstreaming Youth Development in the Catholic Church
  • Post-Apartheid in South Africa: 1994-2014

Topics of completed PHDs:

  • 2022: Re-examination of the Reformation in its Context of Political and Theological Struggles.
  • 2022: The Influence of Islam on the Course of the Protestant Reformation.
  • 2019: The Bible as a problematic text – a critical analysis based on controversies in the Dutch Reformed Church: from Johannes du Plessis to Willem Vorster and Ferdinand Deist (1920-2000). In Afrikaans, co-supervision with Prof Spangenberg.

Topics of completed Master degrees:

  • 2021: Reflecting on Two Revolutionary Characters of Faith:The Apostle Paul (from Christianity) and Jenab-i Táhirih (from Babi/Baha’i).  Baha’i expert: Dr. Iraj Abedian.
  • 2021: The influence of a changing society on young adults’ exodus from the church over the last fifty years in South Africa.
  • 2020: The Herrnhutters in Southern Russia 18th and 19th century.
  • 2018: The Schism, Hellenism and Politics: A review of the emergence of Ecumenical Orthodoxy AD 100-400.
  • 2018: The Catholic church and land ownership in South Africa: 1994-2014.
  • 2014: Changing perspectives on the Crusades.

Online Resources

2021    Academic writing skills for undergrads and Hons students -

2021    M and D proposal writing workshop part 1: The What, why and how? -

2015   Is there space for Heutagogy in Open Distance Learning (ODL) for Theology students? -