Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies

Prof C Stenschke

College of Human Sciences
School of Humanities
Department: Biblical and Ancient Studies
Professor Extraordinarius


  • M. Div. equiv
  • M.Th. equiv
  • PhD (University of Aberdeen, Scotland)

Fields of academic interests

  • New Testament Introduction
  • New Testament theology
  • Hermeneutics
  • Reception History of the New Testament

Field of Specialisation

  • Acts of the Apostles
  • Romans
  • Early Christian mission
  • New Testament anthropology and ecclesiology



  • Stenschke, C. 1999. Luke's Portrait of Gentiles Prior to Their Coming to Faith. WUNT II 108. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Book chapters:

  • “The Need for Salvation”, in I. H. Marshall, D. Peterson (eds.). Witness to the Gospel: The Theology of Acts (Grand Rapids, Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 1998), 125–144.
  • “Soziologische Analyse”, in H.-W. Neudorfer, E. J. Schnabel (eds.). Das Studium des Neuen Testaments, 2. rev. ed., TVG (Wuppertal: R. Brockhaus; Giessen: Brunnen, 2006), 373–397.
  • “The Status and Calling of Strangers and Exiles: Mission According to First Peter”, in R. G. Grams, I. H. Marshall, P. F. Penner (eds). Bible and Mission: A Conversation Between Biblical Studies and Missiology (Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld, 2008), 180–219.
  • “Übergemeindliche Ausübung von Autorität und übergemeindliche Beziehungen im Neuen Testament”, in U. Swarat (ed.). Die Autonomie der Ortsgemeinden und ihre Gemeinschaft: Ein Lehrgespräch des Baptistischen Weltbundes. Theologisches Gespräch, Beiheft 10 (Kassel: Oncken; Witten: Bundesverlag, 2009), 18–54.
  • “Römer 9–11 als Teil des Römerbriefs”, in F. Wilk, J. R. Wagner (eds.). Between Gospel and Election: Explorations in the Interpretation of Romans 9–11. WUNT 257 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010), 197–225.
  • “The Significance and Function of References to Christians in the Pauline Literature”, in S. E. Porter, C. D. Land (eds.). Paul and His Social Relations. Pauline Studies 7 (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2013), 185–228.
  • “The Challenges and Opportunities for Preaching from the Acts of the Apostles”, in I. Paul, D. Wenham (eds.). “We Proclaim the Word of Life”: Preaching the New Testament Today (Nottingham: IVP, 2013), 87–100.
  • “Paul’s Mission as the Mission of the Church”, in R. L. Plummer, J. M. Terry (eds.). Paul’s Missionary Methods (Downers Grove: IVP, 2012), 75–94.
  • “Paulinisch ‘evangelisch’: Das ‘Evangelium’ nach dem Brief des Paulus an die Römer”, in W. Haubeck, W. Heinrichs (eds.). Evangelisch heißen – evangelisch sein. Theologische Impulse 27 (Witten: SCM Bundesverlag, 2015), 7–56.
  • “Leadership and Collection: Paul’s Collection for the Saints in Jerusalem”, in J. Barentsen, V. Kessler, E. Meier (eds.). Christian Leadership in a Changing World: Perspectives from Africa and Europe. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 3 (Leuven: Peeters, 2016), 43–57.
  • "Contested Domains in the Conflicts between the Early Christian Mission and Diaspora Judaism according to the Book of Acts", in Mayer, W., De Wet, CL. (eds). Reconceiving Religious Conflict: New Views from the Formative Centuries of Christianity. Routledge Studies in the Early Christian World (London: Routledge, 2018), 139–181.

Journal articles

  • “The Death of Jesus and the New Testament Doctrine of Reconciliation in Recent Discussion”, European Journal of Theology 9, 2000, 131–158.
  • New Testament Studies and Missiology: Comfortable Bedfellows!”, Missionalia 33, 2005, 214–233.
  • “‘… das auserwählte Geschlecht, die königliche Priesterschaft, das heilige Volk’ (1 Petr 2.9): Funktion und Bedeutung der Ehrenbezeichnungen Israels im 1. Petrusbrief”, Neotestamentica 42, 2008, 119–146.
  • “Mission and Conversion in the First Epistle of Peter”, Acta Patristica et Byzantina 19, 2008, 221–263.
  • “Reading First Peter in the Context of Early Christian Mission”, Tyndale Bulletin 60, 2009, 107–126.
  • “Married Women and the Spread of Early Christianity”, Neotestamentica 43, 2009, 145–194.
  • “Psalms and the Psalms in Luke’s Infancy Narrative”, Acta Patristica et Byzantina 20, 2009, 113–144.
  • “Strong Cases for the Unity of New Testament Theology: A Survey of Four Recent English New Testament Theologies”, Religion & Theology 17, 2010, 133–161.
  • “Kommt nur darauf an, wie man dazu kommt und was man damit macht: Die Gefahren und Chancen von Geld im Neuen Testament”, Verbum et Ecclesia 31, 2010, article # 394
  • “Sharing the Gospel: Jesus in the Speeches of Acts”, The South African Baptist Journal of Theology 19, 2010, 24–34.
  • “Mission in the Book of Acts: Mission of the Church”, Scriptura: International Journal of Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa 103, 2010, 66–78.
  • “When the Second Man Takes the Lead: Reflections on Joseph Barnabas and Paul of Tarsus and Their Relationship in the New Testament”, Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship – Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap 75, 2010, 503–525.
  • “‘Not the only Pebble on the Beach’: The Significance and Function of Paul’s References to Christians Other than the Addressees in 1 and 2 Corinthians”, Neotestamentica 45, 2011, 331–357.
  • “Issues of Power, Authority and Interdependence from a Biblical Perspective”, The South African Baptist Journal of Theology 20, 2011, 233–261.
  • “‘… sandten die Apostel zu ihnen Petrus und Johannes’ (Apg 8,10): Überörtliche Verbindungen der urchristlichen Gemeinden in der Darstellung der Apostelgeschichte des Lukas”, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 87, 2011, 433–453.
  • “Paul and the Mission of the Church”, Missionalia 39, 2011, 167–187.
  • “Paul’s Jewish Gospel and the Claims of Rome in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans”, Neotestamentica 46, 2012, 338–378.
  • “Das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis, der Gott Israels und der Jude Jesus von Nazareth”, Scriptura: International Journal of Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa 109, 2012, 96–109.
  • “The Challenge of Leadership in Paul’s Address to the Ephesian Elders (Acts 20:17–35)”, The South African Baptist Journal of Theology 21, 2012, 64–77.
  • “‘Holding Forth the Word of Life’: Philippians 2:16a and Other References to Paul’s Understanding of the Involvement of Early Christian Communities in Spreading the Gospel”, Journal of Early Christian History 3, 2013, 61–82.
  • “‘Sacherklärungen’ in biblischen Texten – Vorkommen und Bedeutung für die Bibelübersetzung”, Acta Theologica 33, 2013, 214–239.
  • “The Portrait of the Readers Prior to Their Coming to Faith According to Ephesians”, in South African Baptist Journal of Theology 22, 2013, 50–59.
  • “The Apostles’ Creed, the God of Israel and the Jew Jesus of Nazareth”, European Journal of Theology 22, 2013, 110–123.
  • “The Presentation of Jesus in the Missionary Speeches of Acts and the Mission of the Church”, Verbum et Ecclesia 35, 2014 (Art. #803, 18 pages. ve.v35i1.803).
  • “Costly Reconciliation Then and Now: Paul’s Collection for the Saints in Jerusalem”, South African Baptist Journal of Theology 23, 2014, 211–230.
  • “The Leadership Challenges of Paul’s Collection for the Saints in Jerusalem: Part I: Overcoming the Obstacles on the Side of the Gentile Christian Donors”, Verbum et Ecclesia 36, 2015, Art. #1406, 14 pages. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/ve.v36i1.1406
  • “‘Judenchristen’ in der Argumentation von Römer 9–11”, Theologisches Gespräch 39, 2015, 3–16.
  • “Obstacles on All Sides: Paul’s Collection for the Saints in Jerusalem, Part I”, European Journal of Theology 24, 2015, 19–33.
  • “‘Your Obedience is Known to All’ (Rom 16:19): Paul’s References to Other Christians and Their Function in Paul’s Letter to the Romans”, Novum Testamentum 57, 2015, 251–274.
  • “Recent Contributions to the Study of the Reception of the Bible and Their Implications for Biblical Studies in Africa”, Religion and Theology 22, 2015, 329–383.
  • '“Migration and Mission According to the Book of Acts”, Missionalia 44, 2016, 129–151.
  • "Das paulinische Evangelium und die Christen jüdischer Herkunft im Römerbrief", Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 93.2, 2017, 239–267.
  • "Conflict in Acts 1-5: ‘Religious’ and Other Factors", Neotestamentica 50.1, 2017, 211–245.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Member of the Tyndale Fellowship, United Kingdom
  • Member of the New Testament Society of South Africa
  • Member of the Neutestamentliche Sozietät, Kirchliche Hochschule, Wuppertal, Germany
  • Facharbeitsgruppe Neues Testament des Arbeitskreises für biblisch-erneuerte Theologie, Germany


  • Translocal Links in Early Christianity
  • Religious Conflict in the Book of Acts in View of Recent Religious Conflict Theory
  • Collections of essays on the Book of Acts and Romans