Dear Unisa Student
We wish to welcome you to the 2021 academic year. Whether you are returning or are new, first-year or senior student, we extend a warm welcome to you and hope that your studies will be rewarding and enjoyable.
While the returning students will be familiar with the Unisa processes, we encourage those of you who are new to Unisa to register for the "first year experience".
We congratulate those of you who successfully completed the 2020 academic year either as a university student or in the NSF examinations despite the disruptions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.
As we now enter the second year of the pandemic it has been necessary to make changes to the academic plans for 2021 specifically with regard to our teaching and assessment arrangements. These changes are necessary because of the deferred start of the academic year and have been communicated with you in detail. We will continue to keep you informed of any further adjustments to the academic arrangements should this become necessary.
If there were changes to the assignments and assessments for the modules for which you are registered, you will find this information in tutorial letter TL001 on the module site on myUnisa. Please also ensure that you regularly acquaint yourself with the information on your module sites as they are constantly updated.
Now that you are registered, we urge you to immediately start the learning process. You should not wait for the delivery of hard copies of study material. You already have access to all learning material on the myUnisa platform where you will be able to download your study materials and also engage online with fellow students and your lecturers and start the learning process.
As a student at an ODeL university, you will need to manage your time well to ensure that you allocate sufficient time to your studies and that you meet the assignment due dates.
We wish you all the best with your studies this year.
Sincerely Yours
Prof Veronica McKay
Vice Principal: Teaching, Learning, Community Engagement and Student Support (acting)
Publish date: 2021/04/13