
Update: Arrangements for the extension of the May / June 2018 examinations

Unisa agreed with student representatives that the May / June 2018 examination period would be amended as follows. All undergraduate examinations scheduled from 7 May 2018 to 18 May 2018 will now also be written from 18 June 2018 to 29 June 2018.

The following frequently asked questions might help to clarify any questions you may have. We suggest that you visit myUnisa regularly for any updates.

1. Does this exam extension apply to me?

The exam extension applies to all undergraduate students (including students registered for signature modules, fully online modules and modules with online assessments) registered for a formal qualification.

The exam extension does NOT apply to postgraduate students, students registered for a short learning programme or students registered for any SBL courses.

2. How will I be affected by the changes to the examination dates?

If you are an undergraduate student registered for a formal qualification and you are scheduled to write examinations from 7 to 18 May 2018, there are two options available:

  • Option 1: You may write some or all of the scheduled module examinations from 7 to 18 May 2018 as per the original timetable that was sent to your myLife e-mail account.


  • Option 2: You may write  some or all of the scheduled module examinations from 7 to 18 May 2018 from 18 to 29 June 2018 as per a new timetable that will be sent to your myLife e-mail account on 5 May 2018.

Please note: The two options listed above are only valid for those modules written during the first two weeks of the May / June 2018 examination period (ie from 7 to 18 May 2018). Modules written from 21 May to 15 June 2018 are not affected by this change and will continue as per the original examination timetable.

3. When will I receive my updated exam timetable?

If you are affected by the exam extension, the updated timetable will be sent to your myLife e-mail account on 5 May 2018.

The new timetable will provide two dates:

  • Paper 1 on the timetable reflects the original examination date.
  • Paper 2 on the timetable reflects the alternative / extended examination date.

4. Which option should I choose?

We urge you, if at all possible, to write your examinations as per your original examination timetable. Examination venues for the extended dates are not guaranteed and you may be required to write your examinations at alternative venues as allocated by the university.

5. Can I write both the exams (original and / or alternative / extended) scheduled on my timetable?

No. You must write either Paper 1 from 7 to 18 May 2018 or Paper 2 from 18 to 29 June 2018.

If you write both papers, only your first attempt will be marked.

6. Should I contact Unisa to inform them when I will write my exam(s)?

No. Please do not contact the university or complete any forms to write the second option. The university will ensure that there are sufficient papers available for each sitting.

7. Will I write all my exams at the same exam venue?

In most cases, you will be able to write all your examinations at your original exam venue. There may, however, be some changes. Unisa will inform you of these changes via SMS.

8. Are students with disabilities included?

Yes. Arrangements will also be made for students with disabilities in the second extended period (18 - 29 June 2018).

9. Can I still apply for an aegrotat / special exam for the October / November 2018 exam period?

Yes. If you miss both opportunities and have documentation to support your request, your request will be processed as per normal aegrotat / special exam applications. Normal rules apply.

10. Can I write my exam in the second session (18 - 29 June 2018) if I have already been granted an exam deferment (aegrotat) to October / November 2018?


11. When will exam results be released?

Unisa will release exam results on a staggered basis from 21 May 2018. The final due date for the release of the May / June 2018 exam results is 20 July 2018.

12. Semester 2 registration dates

Information in respect of the amended registration dates will be published on myUnisa.

13. Will my assignments be marked, even if I submitted them late?

Yes. Assignments submitted by 11 May 2018 will still be marked. 

14. Can I submit my portfolio online after the original due date?

Yes. The system will remain open for submission until 22 June 2018. The original due date will display on myUnisa, but you will be able to submit your portfolios until 22 June 2018. If you have already submitted your portfolio, however, you will not be able to resubmit it. Contact if you experience any problems.

15. Will I be able to write my examination without submitting any assignment?

Yes. All students registered for semester 1, formal qualifications have been granted automatic admission to the May / June 2018 examination period

16. Will the CTA test scheduled for 19 June 2018 be rescheduled?

Yes, the CTA test has been moved to 3 July 2018.  


Publish date: 2018-06-01 00:00:00.0