
Update your cellphone number on myUnisa by 20:00 on Sunday 15 November to receive free data

As a currently registered Unisa student living in South Africa, you will receive 30GB per month (10 anytime and 20GB night owl) for the period 16 November to 18 December 2020 on the cellphone number Unisa has on record for you.

This means that you will have sufficient data and connectivity to submit assignments, prepare for your exams and successfully complete your October/November 2020 exams.

In order to issue the second batch reach everyone, please ensure that your cellphone number is correct on myUnisa so that you can benefit from the data for your examinations. To update your details, login to myUnisa, click on myAdmin / Student Admin / Biographical Details / Update Contact Detail. Please also ensure that you have completed the Rica process for your cellphone number of choice.

The university intends to use your existing network provider to allocate your data.

Students must do so by no later than 08:00 on 20:00 on Sunday 15 November 2020 at which time the list of mobile numbers will be extracted to serve as a master reference for Mobile Network Operators to activate data.

Students will need to opt in and request the Unisa offer via your own Mobile Network Operator such as Cell C, MTN, Telkom and Vodacom. (Students who have mobile contracts via Mobile Virtual Network Operators such as FNB or Standard Bank will need to enquire with their service provider to find out who the Mobile Network Operator is, if they do not know. Some students may have ported to another Mobile Network Operator, keeping their original number and having forgotten about it.)

Publish date: 2020-11-13 00:00:00.0