Due to the strike action, there are delays in dispatching study material to students. We apologise most sincerely for this and assure you that we are working tirelessly to get all outstanding study material delivered as soon as possible.
You can track your study material as follows, depending on which option you selected at the time of registration:
All Unisa students may choose this option at the time of registration, but the counter collection points are only available at the following centres:
If you select this option, your parcel will be picked / packaged as soon as your registration is finalised, and you will receive an SMS from Unisa once your parcel is ready for collection from your preferred collection point.
As a temporary measure until all study material has been delivered, the Sunnyside (Pretoria) and Science Campus (Florida) counters will remain open until 19:00 on weekdays and until 16:00 on Saturdays.
All students (both registered and those temporarily registered) can access their study material for semester 1 of 2020. Click here for more information.
Publish date: 2020/02/12