UNESCO - UNISA Africa Chair in nanoscience and nanotechnology

Achievement and visibility

International Awards and Recognitions

Abdus Salam ICTP Affiliate Centre
UNISA Science Campus Elected as a Southern Africa ICTP Affiliate
Trieste - Italy, 2015

Best Poster Award at 7th ALC Conference: PhD category
Ms. A. Karoro (Doctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Rabat - Morocco, 2014

Chancellor Award: Outstanding Research Outputs

Prof. M. Maaza (U2ACN2 Chair)
Pretoria - South Africa, 2015

Best Poster Award at SANHARP Conference: PhD category

Mr. I. Madiba (Doctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Mr. S. Zongo (Doctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Western Cape - South Africa, 2014

L’Or.al-UNESCO Sub-Sahara Award for Women in Science: Postdoctoral category
Dr. Z. Nuru (Postdoctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Pretoria - South Africa, 2015

Election as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Prof. M. Maaza (U2ACN2 Chair)
London - UK, 2014

Swiss Government Excellence Fellowship Award: Doctoral category
Mr. I. Madiba (Doctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Dübendorf - Switzerland, 2015
Ms. N. Numan (Doctoral

Election as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Prof. M. Maaza (U2ACN2 Chair)

Lindau-Nobel Foundation Award: Doctoral category
Mr. S. Zongo (Doctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Mrs. A. Mbonyiryivuze (MSc U2ACN2 fellow)
Lindau - Germany, 2015

Jury member of the UNESCO L’Oréal award for Women
in science both in the International & SubSaharan
Prof. M. Maaza (U2ACN2 Chair)

Indian RTF-Dept. of Science & Technology Visiting Fellowship:
Doctoral category

Dr. N. Thovhogi (Postdoctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Mr. S. Zongo (Doctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Mr. A. Diallo (Doctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
New Delhi - India, 2015

Jury member in AU African N. Nkrumah continental
award in science & technology (Addis Ababa-Ethiopia)
Prof. M. Maaza (U2ACN2 Chair)

1st Best Oral Contribution Award at NANO 15: Doctoral category
Ms. J. Sackey (Doctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Tamil Nadu - India, 2015

Jury member in AU African Obasanjo continental award
in science, technology & innovation (Nairobi-Kenya)
Prof. M. Maaza (U2ACN2 Chair)

3rd Best Oral Contribution Award at NANO 15: Postdoctoral category
Dr. K. Kaviyarasu (Postdoctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Tamil Nadu - India, 2015

Springer-Nature Best Poster Award-2018
Ms. N Panya Panya (MSC U2ACN2 fellow)
Somerset West - South Africa, 2018

Chinese Academy of Sciences / Xi’an University Visiting Scientist Award: Postdoctoral category
Dr. A. Simo (Postdoctoral U2ACN2 fellow)

The National Sxience & Technology Forum award on Green Matter/ South Africa 2018
Prof. M. Maaza (U2ACN2 Chair)
Pretoria - South Africa, 2018

Best oral contribution Award at 7th ALC Conference: PhD category
Mr. S. Zongo (Doctoral U2ACN2 fellow)
Rabat - Morocco, 2014

The L’OREAL-UNESCO award for Women in Science/ Sub-Sahara 2018
Mrs. T. Madima-Cele (PhD U2ACN2 Fellow)
Nairobi - Kenya, 2018

The Future Leaders-African Independent Research 2018/19 (Royal Society-UK)
Dr. Z. Nuru (U2ACN2 Postdoctoral Fellow)
Dr. B.D. Ngom (U2ACN2 Postdoctoral Fellow)
London - UK, 2018

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 18:01:22 SAST 2023