
Message from the Chairperson

The door is open for you, our alumni.

The world we live in is fast paced and ever ever-changing, and it is vital that our school, the Unisa SBL, remains relevant and fulfils its rightful place in the South African business arena. Its alumni can do an enormous amount to help ensure that the SBL and its qualifications continue to be held in high esteem, and the SBL can in turn do an enormous amount to assist its alumni with their ongoing professional development.

One of the most valuable contributions that a vibrant alumni community can make is to keep our school relevant and on top of its game. Being out in the “real world”, we alumni know what is happening in business and government and can bring best practices and thought leadership back to the SBL so that our school stays abreast of the latest developments. The Alumni Association is an effective channel for bringing in these fresh ideas and perspectives.

The relationship will not be one-sided, however. The Alumni Association has much to offer its alumni, including opportunities to further improve their skills and qualifications, to engage and network with other alumni, and to engage and interact with academics and the leadership of the SBL.

The Executive Committee of the Alumni Association is committed to serving our alumni and to finding out what they expect from us. The door is open. Please come in and be part of our thriving, dynamic alumni community.

About Mr Cecil Thokoane, SBL Chairperson

A firm believer that an active alumni community is critical in maintaining the good standing of a business school and its qualifications, Cecil Thokoane has served on the Alumni Association’s Executive Committee of the Unisa SBL for the past 10 years. He was elected vice chair in 2008 and chairperson in March 2017. This involvement has gone hand in hand with a seat on the SBL Board, of which he is currently vice chairperson. Cecil, who obtained his MBL in 2002 and has a BSc in mathematics and physics from the University of the Western Cape, has been in the information technology (IT) industry for 20 years. He started out as a systems programmer, working for organisations such as the JSE, IBM and SITA, and was chief technology officer at Dimension Data Middle East and Africa until 2010, when he started his own systems integration company, Galeboe Professional Services.

Last modified: 2023/12/06

Telephone: +27 11 652 0248 / +27 11 652 0291


Physical Address:
Cnr Janadel and Alexandra Avenues
Midrand, 1686
Gauteng, South Africa
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