The Unisa Graduate School of Business Leadership is invested in the Production of New Knowledge through its Research Capabilities. This is to steer the Academic Project of the insititution to inform business and the curricula strength of the School.

the strength of the Academic Project and Research is undertaken by our top and highly rated Academics, members of the Adjuct and Postdoctoral Faculty, our students, together with our partners in business industries and other academic institutions.

Contributed Works

  • Click here to download Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training (PSET)
  • Click here to download Mkhize, Msweli & Khoza Abstract
  • Click here to download Prof Van der Poll - Problematisation Framework
  • Click here to download Prof P Msweli - Critical Reflexivity

Research article output

Publications in accredited, peer-reviewed journals

  1. Henning, S & Cilliers, F. 2012. Constructing a systems psychodynamic wellness model. The South African Journal of Industrial Psychology, 38(2): 107-116.
  2. Henning, S. 2014. Customer service as an act of (f) balance: lessons for the tourism and hospitality industry. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 3(1): a16.
  3. Henning, S. & Cilliers, F.C. 2014. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”: the world at the dawn of 2006-2011. Understanding societal themes. The African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 3(1).
  4. Henning, S. 2015. From a-maze to amazing: exploring aspects of consumer wellbeing. Journal of Contemporary Management, 12: 126-143.
  5. Henning, S. 2015. The wellness of airline cabin attendants: A system theory perspective. The African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 3(1).
  6. Henning, S. 2015. Hope as a positive psychology outcome of an educational tourism programme for youth on Robben Island. The African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 3(1).
  7. Henning, S. & Akoob, K. 2017. Motivational factors of informal women entrepreneurs in Northwest Province. The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 9(1).
  8. Padayachee, S. & Henning, S. 2018. A Conceptual Framework for the Management of a Personal Leadership Brand within the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 7(3).
  9. Coetzee, L. & Henning, S. 2019. A tale of two ships: follower attributions with reference to team morale in an air traffic control centre. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 22(1), a2109.
  10. Gebregziabher, M. & Henning, S. 2019. A leadership model for the optimal institutionalisation of a results-based performance measurement and management culture in the Agricultural and Natural resource sector of Ethiopia. The African Journal of Labour relations, 43.
  11. Henning, S. 2020. A systems theoretical framework of servant-leadership with reference to theology and positive psychology. Pharos Journal of Theology, 101: a16.
  12. Cilliers, F. & Henning, S. 2021. A systems psychodynamic description of clinical psychologists’ role transition towards becoming organisational development consultants. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 47(1), a1891.

Conference Papers

Book Chapters


Last modified: 2023/08/07

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