
The eLibrary is a graduate subject branch of the Unisa Library and focuses on providing access to information resources covering the fields of business, management, finance and related disciplines. It is based at the campus of the Unisa Graduate School of Business Leadership's (SBL) in Midrand and is open to all registered SBL students, programme participants and academic as well as research staff.

The aim is to provide an onsite facility to demonstrate how easy it is to access Unisa Library’s extensive range of electronic information resources on the anyplace, anytime principle, 24/7.  Availability 24/7 is subject to unexpected downtimes and routine systems maintenance.

The emphasis is on the portability of information required for research and study needs. This means no time wasted going to the campus, locating the library, finding your information and queuing for the photocopying machine! It also means not being dependent on a bewildering array of opening times normally associated with brick and mortar library facilities.

Service Menu includes:

  • Face-to-face training and guidance at the SBL in the use of the electronic resources relevant to your studies
  • Remote training via MS Teams
  • Research consultations
  • Access 24/7* irrespective of geographical location to the Unisa Library’s extensive range of online resources, as well as :
  • Databases relevant to Business, Management, Finance and related disciplines
  • EBooks
  • Summon discovery tool which enables users to search multiple resources through a single search box

* Availability 24/7 is subject to unexpected downtimes and routine systems maintenance.

Last modified: 2024/08/19

Telephone: +27 11 652 0248 / +27 11 652 0291

Email: sbl@unisa.ac.za

Physical Address:
Cnr Janadel and Alexandra Avenues
Midrand, 1686
Gauteng, South Africa
Download map & directions (PDF)