SBL Leadership in Practice Philosophy
“Innovative, socially responsible, ethically engaged and globally informed.”
To be a world-class enterprise you need innovative leaders who understand the dynamics of the global business environment. You also need managers with the confidence and expertise to deal with the unique challenges that face Southern African business.
The UNISA Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL) helps organisations meet today’s challenges. Through a range of management development programmes, we transform your human resources potential into an organisational success factor.
At the SBL, senior managers develop the know-how to create winning strategies and to implement those strategies in the enterprise. Middle managers learn how to manage change, turn threats into opportunities, overcome weaknesses and capitalise on the key strengths that drive success. An entry level manager acquires the hands-on skills that enable them to execute their day-to-day functions more effectively.
Through strategic alliances with international academic institutions we enable our staff to give you access to cutting-edge management thinking. At the same time, our educational partnerships with South African business ensure that our programmes meet the evolving needs of all our stakeholders.
Another element in the SBL’s strategy is the deployment of technology to facilitate more efficient delivery of our highly regarded management education programmes. This enables us to provide participants with intense work-related educational experiences while they continue to make valuable contributions in their organisation.
Our blend of full-time teaching staff, self tuition, study groups and residential tuition ensures that participants maintain contact with each other and with lecturers while enjoying the flexibility of distance education.
The success of our approach is demonstrated daily by the achievements of the people and organisations who have participated in our programmes. More than one hundred and fifty of our MBL graduates appear in the Who’s Who of Southern Africa, and SBL Alumni hold senior positions at world-class companies.
This webpage introduces you to the SBL’s range of management development programmes. If you require further information or would like to discuss your training requirements, please contact us on +27 11 652-0000. We will gladly structure a package or offer a programme that suits your organisation’s specific needs.