Fees & payment methods

Fees Office

General queries

Landline: 011 652 0312
E-mail: SBLfinance@unisa.ac.za

Student fees are broken down into the following

  • Application fee
  • Tuition fees; split into acceptance deposit and subsequent payment plan
  • Additional fees for students outside of SA and outside of Africa
  • Miscellaneous fees

Application fees formal programmes

  • Online applications R 110
  • Manual applications R 170


Note that Unisa is a cashless environment.

Tuition fees need to be settled at the following intervals

  • 50% of total tuition on registration.

Year modules

  • 25% of total tuition on the 15th of May, and then the balance on 15th of August.

Semester modules

  • 50% of total tuition on the 15th of March (1st semester modules) or 15th of August (2nd semester modules).

Study material

Students should source their prescribed books from UNISA approved book sellers.

Withdrawal from programme (excluding DBL)

Subject to Section 12(2) of the Consumer Protection Act, a cancellation fee is payable as follows:

Registered students who wish to withdraw from any SBL programme or offering for any reason must do so in writing to the Programme Administrator and the Fees Office: failure to do so will result in the student being liable for the full tuition fees of the programme.


  • Withdrawal before the programme commencement date will be refunded in full.
  • Withdrawal after the programme commencement date, but before 15 May will result in a liability equal to 50% of tuition fees.
  • Withdrawal after the programme commencement date, but before 15 August will result in a liability equal to 75% of tuition fees.
  • Withdrawal after the programme commencement date, but after 15 August will result in a liability equal to 100% of tuition fees.
  • For semester modules withdrawal after the programme commencement date, but before either 15 March ( for 1st semester modules) or 15 August (for 2nd semester modules) will result in a liability equal to 50% of tuition fees.  Withdrawal after programme commencement but after either 15 March (for 1st semester modules) of 15 August (for 2nd semester modules) will result in a liability equal to 100% of the tuition fees.

Withdrawal from programme (DBL students)

NB: No refunds will be processed if students withdraw from the DBL programme; the student is liable for the full cost of the programme irrespective of date of withdrawal.

Foreign levies (additional fees for students residing outside of South Africa and outside of the African continent)

Category A: Africa     Year Module              R2680.00

                                   Semester Module     R1340.00

Category B: Rest of the world       Year Module           R5140.00

Semester Module  R2570.00

*Please note that the fees stipulated herein are provisional and subject to change pending Council approval.

Miscellaneous fees

These include but are not limited to charges such as supplementary exam fees, re-mark, re-check, mark audit and library fees. These fees could be levied during the course of the academic year. Such charges often appear late in the year, so it is the student's responsibility to check for these charges to avoid financial penalties.

Supplimentary examination                                               R240.00

Special and/or aegrogat examinations (per study unit)     R240.00

Remark                                                                              R420.00

Mark audit                                                                          R180.00 

Financial blocks and cancelations

Unsettled accounts are subject to financial blocks or/and cancellations. Accounts that are cancelled or blocked will not have access to academic results on the MyUnisa platform.

Failure to settle fees in full

Should a student fail to settle all outstanding amounts, the student risks the following financial penalties: student will be unable to access his/her statement of results, student will not be allowed to form part of the graduation, student will not be accepted into the next academic year of study, and the student runs a risk of being handed over to a third party for collection of outstanding amounts. Once the outstanding account is handed over for collection, the student will be liable for legal costs of recovery.

Payment details

PGD tuition fees & payment methods

Fees office:  Tommy Ngwane

PGD queries:  011 652 0226/ ngwanmt@unisa.ac.za

Full year registrations

Total fees (registration for all 9 modules)       R55 053.00

Registration fee (50%)                                    R27 527.00

1st installment (15 March 2020)                     R13 763.00

2nd installment (15 August 2020)                   R13 763.00

Semester registrations

1st semester intake

Total fee (register for 5 modules)                   R30 585.00

Registration fee (50%)                                   R15 293.00

Balance payment before 15 March 2020       R15 292.00

2nd semester intake

Total fee (register for 4 modules)                   R24 468.00

Registration fee (50%)                                   R12 234.00

Balance payment before 15 August 2020      R12 234.00

*Please note that fees stipulated are provisional and subject to change pending Council approval.  It would be prudent to plan for 10% increase on fees for the 2020 academic year.

The acceptance fee is payable on or before registration.  Registration will only be processed if this registration fee is settled in full or a valid Purchase Order (PO) is provided.  The bursar (sponsorship) letter is not sufficient for registration.

MBL tuition fees & payment methods

Fees office:  Nyalleng Chabane

MBL queries:  011 652 0243/ chabani1@unisa.ac.za

Payment options
Option 1
MBL year 1
MBL year 2
Student chooses 2 electives as well as Business Research elective module.  Payment for 3 modules
Student completed 3 modules in year 1 and only has to do 1 more elective module together with research
R129 970
R64 985
Total fees R194 955
Option 2
MBL year 1
MBL year 2
Student chooses only 2 electives for the first year
Student has to choose 2 electives for year 2 together with research
R116 973
R77 982
Total fees R194 955

Acceptance/ registration fees

MBL1       R58 333

MBL2       R35 000

*Please note that fees stipulated are provisional and subject to change pending Council approval.  It would be prudent to plan for 10% increase on fees for the 2020 academic year.

The acceptance fee is payable on or before registration.  Registration will only be processed if this registration fee is settled in full or a valid Purchase Order (PO) is provided.  The bursar (sponsorship) letter is not sufficient for registration.

MBA tuition fees & payment methods

Fees office:  Monica Rakoma

MBA queries:  011 652 0221/ rakomml@unisa.ac.za


Total fees (7 compulsory modules + 2 electives)      R127 178.00

Registration fee (50%)                                              R63 589.00

1st installment (15 March 2020)                                R31 795.00

2nd installment (15 August 2020)                             R31 795.00


Integrated Management Report                                R46 189.00

Registration fee (50%)                                               R23 094.00

1st installment (15 May 2020)                                   R11 547.00

2nd installment (15 August 2020)                             R11 547.00

*Please note that fees stipulated are provisional and subject to change pending Council approval.  It would be prudent to plan for 10% increase on fees for the 2020 academic year.

The acceptance fee is payable on or before registration.  Registration will only be processed if this registration fee is settled in full or a valid Purchase Order (PO) is provided.  The bursar (sponsorship) letter is not sufficient for registration.

DBL tuition fees & payment methods

Fees office:  Tommy Ngwane

DBL queries:  011 652 0226/ ngwanmt@unisa.ac.za


Research Proposal 100% of tuition (non-refundable) R12 000.00
Annual thesis fee 100% of tuition (non-refundable) R29 495.00

*Please note that fees stipulated are provisional and subject to change pending Council approval.  It would be prudent to plan for 10% increase on fees for the 2020 academic year.

Last modified: 2023/08/07

Telephone: +27 11 652 0248 / +27 11 652 0291

Email: sbl@unisa.ac.za

Physical Address:
Cnr Janadel and Alexandra Avenues
Midrand, 1686
Gauteng, South Africa
Download map & directions (PDF)