Department of Science and Technology Education

DeSTE Connect Conference 2024

September 17 - 20, 2024 in Kruger National Park Mopani Rest Camp


Kruger National Park

Welcome to the Department of Science and Technology Education Connect Conference (DeSTE Connect) We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to teachers, researchers, and professionals worldwide. Join us as we explore the latest trends and innovations in Science and Technology Education, fostering collaboration and meaningful discussions to shape the future of learning.

Access the conference Flyer and Call for Abstracts below:


The overarching purpose of this conference is to facilitate a comprehensive exploration of current trends and innovations in Science and Technology Education. By addressing key themes such as digitalization in education, advancements in Mathematics Education, innovations in Life Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, and ICT Education, as well as the crucial topics of Education for Sustainable Development, Climate Change Education, and the integration of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Science Education, the conference aims to provide a holistic platform for educators, researchers, and professionals. The goal is to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and a shared commitment to shaping the future of education in response to global challenges and opportunities in the fields of science and technology.

Conference theme:

Navigating Future Horizons in Science, Technology, ICT, and Education for Sustainable Development.

Conference Sub-themes

  • Current trends and innovation in Science Education
  • Current trends and innovation in Technology Education
  • Digitalisation/ Digitisation in Education
  • Innovations in Life Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, and ICT Education
  • Education for Sustainable Development and Climate Change Education
  • Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Education 

Guidelines for Authors

Please ensure your submission meets the conference's strict guidelines for accepting scholarly papers. Downloadable version of the instruction for Abstract.

Conference Registration:

Register here

For more information and queries contact:

DeSTE Connect Conference 2024 

Dr Photo

Prof Msezane

Last modified: 2024/07/31