Department of Educational Foundations
College of Education |
School of Educational Studies |
Department: Educational Foundations |
Associate Professor
Tel: |
012 429 4065
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- Decoloniality
- Philosophy of Education
- Political and power in education
- Research theories
- PhD (UP, 2009)
- MEd (Wits, 1995)
- MA (NWU, 1994)
- H Dip Ed (Wits (1995)
Currently teaching
- Philosophy in Education
- Research theories
Fields of academic interests
- Critical education studies
- Posthumanism in education
- Decoloniality in education
Field of Specialisation
- Critical education studies
- Posthumanism in education
- Decoloniality in education
- 2014. Education as sociomaterial critique. In T. Fenwick & P. Landri (eds.), Materialities, textures and pedagogies. Routledge. ( 978-1-13-801304-9.
- 2011. Towards critical medical practice: nursing practice and an EMR system. Soliman, K.S. (Ed.) Creating Global Competitive Economies. A 360-degree Approach. Milan.
- 2010. The politics of technological design and implementation. In: I. Brown (ed.), The Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ICIME), 25-26 March 2010. Reading: Academic Publishing Limited. ISBN: 978-1-906638-57-3, pp 330-337.
- 2010. Being critical of technology: An ANT perspective. In: T. Alexander, M. Turpin & J.P. van Deventer (eds.), IT to empower. Pretoria: University of Pretoria. ISBN: 978-0-620-47172-5.
Journal articles
- 2016. The ethics of becoming in a pedagogy for social justice. A posthumanist perspectives. South African Journal of Higher Education, 30(3):310-328.
- 2015. Critical agency in education: a Foucauldian perspective. Journal of Education, 61:31-52.
- 2013. The politics of performative ontology in Information Systems. TD the Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 9(2):206-224.
- 2012. Education as sociomaterial critique. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 20(1): 137 – 156.
- 2012. Educational change, the agency of the educator and heterogeneous assemblages. Journal of Education, 53:55-74.
- 2011. Who is laughing last in the South African classroom? A critical reflection on language in education. SALALS, 29(1):43 – 54. (co-author: M. Postma)
Professional positions, fellowships & awards
- Chief Editor, Education as Change
- A posthumanist understanding of critical agency in education
- Distance education and decoloniality