Department of Public Administration and Management
College of Economic and Management Sciences |
School of Public and Operations Management |
Department: Public Administration and Management |
Associate Professor
Tel: |
012 4293771
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- PGDip: Tertiary education (Unisa, 2019)
- Dlitt et Phill: Public Administration (Unisa, 2011)
- MA: Public Administration (University of Pretoria, 2003)
- BA (Honours): Public Administration (University of Pretoria, 1997)
- BA (University of Pretoria, 1996)
NRF Rating
Fields of academic interests
- Public Administration education
- ICT in and for education
- Curriculum development in Public Administration
- E-government
Field of Specialisation
- Public Administration Education
Research interests
- Knowledge and methods in Public Administration
- Reflective Public Administration
- Public Administration education and training
- ICT in and for education
- Curriculum development in Public Administration
Book chapter(s)
- Van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2016. Reflections on Learning Programmes. Human Resource Management in Government: A South African perspective on theories, politics and processes. Edited by: van der Westhuizen E.J. Juta Publishers. Cape town.
- Van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2017. Development of E-Government in South Africa. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance. Springer International Publishing. Germany.
Journal articles
- van Rooyen, E.J. & van Jaarsveldt L.C. 2003. A South African developmental perspective on e-government, Journal of Public Administration, volume 38. September 2003.
- Wessels, J.S. & van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2007. The role of higher education in developing and retaining the best for the public service – a South African perspective, POLITEIA – Journal for Political Science and Public Administration, volume 26 (2). 2007.
- van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2008. The need for public administration education to improve service delivery in the Information Society. Journal of Public Administration, volume 43 (2.1) 2008.
- van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2009. Human capacity building through Public Administration Education at UNISA. Journal of Public Administration, volume 44 (1.1) April 2009.
- Van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2010. An evaluation of a developmental programme for young academics at the University of South Africa. Commonwealth Youth and Development, volume 8(1) July 2010.
- Van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2010. Information technology skills for the South African Public Service. Administratio Publica, volume 18 issue 4.
- Van Jaarsveldt, L.C. & Wessels, J.S 2011. ‘n Besinning oor tegnologie in Publieke Administrasie. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, Jaargang 51, nommer 3
- Van Jaarsveldt, L.C. & Wessels, J.S. 2011. The application of Web 2.0 technologies by the South African Government. Administratio Publica, volume 19 issue 4.
- Sadler, E. & van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2012. An evaluation of a young academic development programme at the University of South Africa. Commonwealth Youth and Development, volume 10 issue 2.
- Hassen, T.H. & van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2013. An overview of Public Administration education and training programmes to improve policy capacity in the Ethiopian civil service. Administratio Publica, volume 21 issue 4.
- Van Jaarsveldt L.C. & Wessels, J.S. 2015. Information Technology Competence in Undergradaute Public Administration Curricula at South African Universities. International Review of Administrative Science, Vol. 81 (2) 2015
- Mothepu, T.A., van Jaarsveldt, L.C. & Lekonyane, B.C. 2015. Citizen Participation in Policy and Planning Processes: The case of Qacha’s Nek, Lesotho. Journal of Public Administration Vol. 50 (4) 2015
- Brewis, A., van Jaarsveldt, L.C. & Wessels, J.S. 2018. A training programme to minimize culture shock among South African Diplomats. Administratio Publica, volume 26 issue 1.
- Van Jaarsveldt, L.C. Knowledge and skills required by public servants in fast changing world and work environment. Administratio Publica volume 26 issue 2.
- Van Jaarsveldt, L. C., de Vries, M. S., & Kroukamp, H. J. 2019. South African students call to decolonize science: Implications for international standards, curriculum development and Public Administration education. Teaching Public Administration, 37(1), 12–30.
Non-Accredited Publications And Published Conference Proceedings
- Naidoo, G. & van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2004. E-Government in South Africa: A perspective on initiatives, readiness and developmental issues, Towards E-Government: Management Challenges. Edited by: Gupta, M.P. TaTa McGraww-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, India.
- van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2008. Advances in ICT beneficial to government and education in a post-apartheid South Africa, Adopting E-Governance Edited by: Sahu, G.P. GIFT publishers, New Delhi, India.
- van Jaarsveldt, L.C. & Naidoo, G. 2009. The implications of the Information Society on Public Service Delivery in South Africa”. E-Governance in Practice. Edited by: Ojha, A. Gift Publishing, New Delhi.
- Van Jaarsveldt L.C. & Naidoo, G. 2013. An overview of the development and use of Web 2.0 by the South African government. International Journal of Advances in Computing and Information Technology, volume 2 issue 2.
- Naidoo, G. & van Jaarsveldt, L.C. 2013. The role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in service delivery in South Africa. Extropiaism: Towards Convergence of Human Values and Technology. Edited by: Kushwaha, A.K., Kaur, P. & Bhushan, J. Excellent Publishing House. New Delhi, India.
Professional positions, fellowships & awards
- 2007: Young Researcher of the Year – School of Management Sciences.
- 2008: Young Academic Programme – UNISA
- 2008: Department of Public Administration and management - Researcher of the Year
- 2010: UNISA Principles Prize for Excellence in Research
- 2010: UNISA Woman in Research – Developing Researcher Award
- 2011: UNISA Woman in Research – Resilience in Research Award
- 2011: UNISA Woman in Research – Young PhD Award
- 2012: UNISA Woman of the Year – Courage in Adversity
- 2013: CEMS Tuition Award – outstanding contribution to Teaching and Learning objectives
- 2014: CEMS Tuition Award – student retention and throughput
- 2015: Guest Lecturer - School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow state University, Moscow - Russia
- 2016: CEMC Tuition Award – student support
- 2018: IASIA project manager working group VIII Human Resource Management
- 2018: ASSADPAM best conference paper award
- 2019: Guest Lecturer - School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow state University, Moscow - Russia