Institute for Corporate Citizenship

Prof N Eccles

College of Economic and Management Sciences
Corporate Citizenship
Acting Head
Tel: (012) 4334651


  • BSc (Wits)
  • BSc (Hons) (Wits)
  • MSc (Wits)
  • PhD (UCT)

NRF Rating


Currently teaching

  • SUS150 – Sustainability and Greed

Fields of academic interests

  • Business ethics
  • Critical management studies

Field of Specialisation

  • Socially responsible investment


  • Eccles, N.S. & Holtzhausen, N. 2012. “Part 1: Issues and provocations” In: Melinde Coetzee; Jo-Anne Botha; Neil Eccles; Hester
  • Nienaber; Natasja Holtzhausen (Eds) Developing student graduateness and employability: Issues, provocations, theory and practical guidelines. Knowres Publishers, Randburg.
  • Eccles, N.S. 2012. “The subversion of graduateness by an obsession with employability?” In: Melinde Coetzee; Jo-Anne Botha; Neil Eccles; Hester Nienaber; Natasja Holtzhausen (Eds) Developing student graduateness and employability: Issues, provocations, theory and practical guidelines. Knowres Publishers, Randburg.
  • Eccles, N.S. 2011 “Chapter 2: New values in responsible investment” In: Wim Vandekerckhove, Jos Leys, Kristian Alm, Bert Scholtens, Silvana Signori & Henry Schafer (Eds) Responsible Investment in Times of Turmoil. Springer
  • Eccles, N.S., Hamann, R. and De Jongh, D. 2008. Chapter 6: Corporate Accountability in South Africa: An evaluation of sectoral differences. In: Corporate Accountability and Sustainable Development. Ed. P Utting & J Clapp. Oxford University Press – India.
  • Eccles, N.S., Nicholls, S.J. and De Jongh, D. 2007. Corporate Citizenship. In: Business Management - a contemporary approach. Juta – South Africa.

Journal articles

  • Eccles, N.S. 2018. Overcoming constraints imposed by fiduciary duties in terms of justice as a “Leadership Challenge that Matters”. African Journal of Business Ethics, 12(2): 18-35.
  • Eccles, N.S. 2018. Remarks on Lydenberg's "Reason, Rationality, and Fiduciary Duty". Journal of Business Ethics, 151(1): 55-68
  • Eccles, N.S. 2015. Aiding and abetting an escape from disciplinary parochialism: A case study. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 60: 41-57
  • Ackers, B. & Eccles, N.S. 2015. Mandatory corporate social responsibility assurance practices: the case of King III in South Africa. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 28(4): 515-550.
  • Eccles, N.S. 2013. Sustainable Investment, Dickens, Malthus and Marx. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment. 3(4): 287-302.
  • Viviers, S. & Eccles, N.S. 2012. 35 years of SRI research - general trends over time. SA Journal of Business Management. 43(4); 1-16
  • Eccles, N.S. & Viviers, S. 2011. The origins and meanings of names describing investment practices that integrate a consideration of ESG issues in the academic literature. Journal of Business Ethics. 104; 389-402.
  • Eccles, N.S. 2010. UN Principles for Responsible Investment Signatories and the Anti-Apartheid SRI Movement: A Thought Experiment. Journal of Business Ethics. 95 (3); 415-424.
  • Eccles, N.S., Pillay, V., De Jongh, D. 2009. Correlates of corporate accountability amongst South Africa’s largest listed companies. Southern African Business Review. 13(1); 21-38.
  • Eccles, N.S., De Jongh, D., Nicholls, S.J., Sinclair, G. and Walker, P. 2007. The State of Responsible Investment in South Africa: A Survey of the Approaches and Perceptions of the South African Investment Community to Environmental, Social and Governance Issues. Unisa Press – Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Eccles, N.S. 2007. Responsible Investment – Why? Collective Insight. Summer 2007. 5–6.
  • Viviers, S., Eccles, N.S., De Jongh, D., Bosch,J.K., Smit E.vdM. & Buijs, A. 2008. Responsible investing in South Africa – drivers, barriers and enablers. South African Journal of Business Management. 39(4), 15-28.
  • Esler, K.J., Cowling, R.M. and  Eccles, N.S. 2002. The horizontal distribution of root biomass in a South African winter-rainfall desert community. South African Journal of Botany. 68: 443–446.
  • Eccles, N.S., Lamont, B., Esler, K. and Lamont, H. 2001. Relative performance of clumped vs. experimentally isolated plants in a South African winter-rainfall desert community. Plant Ecology. 155(2). 219 – 227.
  • Little, K.M. and Eccles, N.S. 2000. Control of Eucalyptus grandis cut-stumps of single-stem origin. Southern African Forestry Journal. 187: 45 - 49
  • Eccles, N.S., Esler, K.J., and Cowling, R.M.. 1999. Spatial pattern analysis in Namaqualand desert plant communities: evidence for general positive interactions. Plant Ecology. 142: 71–85.
  • Eccles, N.S., Kritzinger, J.L. and Little, K.M. 1997. Appropriateness of non-destructive measures of young pine tree performance in weeding experiments. Southern African Forestry Journal
  • Schumann, A.W., Little, K.M. and Eccles, N.S. Suppression of seed germination and early seedling growth by plantation harvest residues. South African Journal of Plant and Soil. 12:170-172.

Paper presentations

  • Eccles, N.S. 2018. “Ethics, Governance & Leadership as Drivers for African Growth”: A critique of the conference theme.  17th Annual BEN-Africa Conference 8-9 November 2018 Maputo, Mozambique
  • Eccles, N.S. and Magagula, B. 2018. “Consider the following scenario: ‘A politically connected White male Western European offers to smooth the way for your company to sell in his country … for a fee.’” European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Research Conference. 6 – 8 September, Vienna, Austria.
  • Eccles, N.S., Delport, P.T. & Mataboge, M. 2017. “Fiduciary capitalism: Revisiting dialectics.” European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Research Conference. 6 – 8 September, Athens, Greece.
  • Eccles, N.S. 2017. “Overcoming constraints imposed by fiduciary duties in terms of tackling “Leadership challenges that matter”?” 4th International Conference on Responsible Leadership. 15 – 17 March 2017. The Gordon Institute of Business Science, South Africa
  • Eccles, N.S. 2014. ‘The Bridge over the River Kwai”: Reflection first and anti-solutionism, problem posing and infuriation as tools to nurture this. ’ 3rd International Conference on Responsible Leadership. 5 – 6 November 2014. Albert Luthuli Centre for Responsible Leadership, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Swart, R., Eccles, N.S. & van der Linde, K. 2009 ‘The fiduciary responsibility of asset consultants and its influence on the practice of responsible investment in the South African pension fund industry.’  2nd Annual PRI Academic Network Conference. 1-3 October 2009. Ottawa, Canada.
  • Eccles, N.S. 2008. ‘Some lessons from South Africa’s past’. ECCE & UNPRI Responsible Investing Academic Conference. 17 – 19 Sep 2008. Maastricht, The Netherlands.
  • Eccles, N.S. 2008. ‘Socially Responsible Investment as a Catalyst for Promoting Human Rights and Development: The Anti-apartheid Movement.’ National Human Rights and Business Conference. “Business, Development and Poverty.” 18 – 19 Mar 2008. Sandton, South Africa.
  • Eccles, N.S., Hamann, R. and De Jongh, D. 2006. ‘Drivers of corporate social accountability in South Africa.’ 2006. The Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics. "Ecological Sustainability and Human Well-being". 16 - 18 Dec 2006. New Delhi, India


  • Editorial board member: Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment